Richard Bona - Musician
For the last 30 years, Richard Bona has toured the world and become one of the rare African artists to have achieved global recognition.

Why you should listen

"His playing will astound you, but his voice ... his voice will haunt you," says Quincy Jones about Grammy-winning musician Richard Bona. Bona's seemingly effortless voice, fierce skills on the bass, unique songwriting/arranging expertise and ability to learn just about any instrument simply from watching have made him a commonly used secret weapon by legends and stars alike.

More profile about the speaker
Richard Bona | Speaker | TED.com

Richard Bona: "Tumba La Nyama" / "Mulema"


In a mesmerizing performance, multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Richard Bona weaves beautiful vocal loops into a mesh of sound, powered by his "magic voodoo machine."
- Musician
For the last 30 years, Richard Bona has toured the world and become one of the rare African artists to have achieved global recognition. Full bio

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Richard Bona - Musician
For the last 30 years, Richard Bona has toured the world and become one of the rare African artists to have achieved global recognition.

Why you should listen

"His playing will astound you, but his voice ... his voice will haunt you," says Quincy Jones about Grammy-winning musician Richard Bona. Bona's seemingly effortless voice, fierce skills on the bass, unique songwriting/arranging expertise and ability to learn just about any instrument simply from watching have made him a commonly used secret weapon by legends and stars alike.

More profile about the speaker
Richard Bona | Speaker | TED.com