Nate Garvis - Civic thought leader
Nate Garvis focuses on how we can use our civic institutions for the common good. Founder of Naked Civics, he believes we must create the culture for the world we want to live in.

Why you should listen

Nate Garvis encourages communities to create a better future through all available institutional tools. He was the V.P. of government affairs and the senior public affairs officer for Target. In 2010 he founded Naked Civics, a website dedicated to civic design and working above politics to move our society forward.

More profile about the speaker
Nate Garvis | Speaker | TED.com

Nate Garvis: Change our culture, change our world


We don't just need better laws -- we need better culture. Nate Garvis asks: What can we do to create an environment in which powerful institutions are used for the common good?
- Civic thought leader
Nate Garvis focuses on how we can use our civic institutions for the common good. Founder of Naked Civics, he believes we must create the culture for the world we want to live in. Full bio

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Nate Garvis - Civic thought leader
Nate Garvis focuses on how we can use our civic institutions for the common good. Founder of Naked Civics, he believes we must create the culture for the world we want to live in.

Why you should listen

Nate Garvis encourages communities to create a better future through all available institutional tools. He was the V.P. of government affairs and the senior public affairs officer for Target. In 2010 he founded Naked Civics, a website dedicated to civic design and working above politics to move our society forward.

More profile about the speaker
Nate Garvis | Speaker | TED.com

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