Renzo Vitale: What should electric cars sound like?
Renzo Vitale: Kaip turėtų skambėti elektrinės mašinos?
Renzo Vitale explores the narrative between music, science and human perception -- envisioning sonic spaces for music to evolve, for cities to sing, for people to transcend. Full bio
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precious conditions for humans,
the depth of our presence.
mūsų būties gylį.
why the advent of electric cars
kodėl elektrinių mašinų pasirodymas
of enthusiasm among people.
the concept of cars
mašinos sąvoką
when it comes to cars,
garso stygius
they can't even hear it.
jie negali jos išgirsti.
as we are walking around the city,
vaikščiojančius mieste,
and we detach from the surroundings.
ir nutolstame nuo to, kas yra aplink mus.
our precious companion.
mūsų brangiu pagalbininku.
wonderful gifts of our universe.
visatos dovanų.
sound is also information.
garsas taip pat yra informacija.
feedback to the drivers,
grįžtamąjį ryšį vairuotojams,
have introduced several regulations
sukūrė keletą nuostatų,
for electric vehicles.
skleisti garsus,
minimum sound levels
minimalų garso lygį
is considered as sufficient.
yra laikomas pakankamu.
have generated different reactions
sukėlė skirtingas reakcijas,
and those who fear the presence
ir bijantys per daug
as the noise of the car.
mašinos keliamą triukšmą.
and privileges, at the same time.
didžiausių mano iššūkių, ir privilegijų.
engine sounds like,
vidaus degimo variklis,
how an electric engine sounds like.
mašinos variklis.
high-frequency pitch sound,
aukšto dažnio garsą,
just amplify this sound,
šį garsą,
the legal requirements.
teisinių reikalavimų.
to compose new sound.
sukurti naują garsą.
is already very chaotic,
jau yra labai chaotiškas
are a great case study
yra puiki vieta tyrinėjimui.
cross purposes and disarray.
nesutarimas ir netvarka.
offers a great opportunity
on how to reduce this chaos.
chaoso mažinimui.
that tries to reduce the chaos
bando mažinti chaosą
how an electric car could sound like,
kokį garsą gali skleisti elektrinė mašina,
a new sound world,
naują garsų pasaulį,
to our previous experience
mūsų ankstesnei patirčiai,
we create lots of sonic textures
mes sukuriame daug akustinių struktūrų,
feelings and frequencies
jausmus ir dažnius
the legal requirements,
teisinius reikalavimus,
and the identity of the car.
pobūdį ir tapatybę.
first of all, an aesthetic space of sound,
apibūdinu estetinę garso erdvę
I search for new, innovative methods
aš ieškau naujų, inovatyvių metodų
that we don't know,
to envision abstract worlds,
įsivaizduoti abstrakčius pasaulius,
trimis žingsniais.
of a sonic organism,
of sonic variations,
is the composition of sound genes.
is based on a cluster of properties
paremtas keleta savybių,
that I compose should have.
kurį aš kuriu.
such as the sound of a car,
tokių, kaip automobilio garsas,
taip judėti.
of sound in the air.
trajektorijas ore.
the sound of a car.
automobilio garsu.
coming back home.
tėtis grįžta namo.
an unexpected sense of wonder,
netikėtą stebuklo pojūtį,
we define the sonic variations.
mes apibrėžiame akustines variacijas.
generate different voices,
kuria skirtingus balsus,
have a different acoustic behavior
turi skirtingas akustines savybes,
the geometry and the materials.
ir medžiagų.
how this car propagates the sound outside
mašina skleidžia garsą išorėje
to produce different tones and timbres,
skleisti skirtingus tonus ir tembrus,
different sonic variations
skirtingas akustines variacijas
of eight words that I defined.
aštuonių žodžių.
to me, really important,
of "dynamic," of "embracing."
these two aspects,
tapatybės prizme.
the sonic identity card of a car.
akustinę mašinos tapatybės kortelę.
we enter the world of the sound design,
į garso dizaino pasaulį,
a sound field into a melody.
smuikininkas scenoje.
which would propagate in this hall,
kuris pasklistų šioje salėje
would hit the side walls
atsimuštų į sienas,
several ways of sound to hit side walls.
keletą būdų kaip garsas atsimuša į sienas.
by the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Bavarijos radijo simfoninio orkestro
that they were going to play.
kurias jie galėtų pagroti.
to start from this sound field.
nuo garso lauko.
over the distribution
the blooming of the sound field
garso lauko sklidimą,
for each instrument,
instrumentų gradientus
the string section playing very softly,
grojančių labai švelniai
as the brasses, the woods will jump in,
variniai pučiami, tada mediniai pučiamieji
with a harp and a piano
arfa ir pianinu
actually, in the morning.
that I showed you.
kurį Jums pagrojau.
how a potential sound,
gali skambėti
for electric cars, could sound like.
paremtas garso genetika.
distance and journey,
ir kelionės metafora,
of intelligence and complexity,
proto bei sudėtingumo,
gyvus organizmus,
performative art installations.
veikiančią meno instaliaciją.
through sound genetics
per garso genetiką
to celebrate this complexity
džiaugtis šiuo sudėtingumu,
a more elegant and safe space.
elegantiškesne ir saugesne vieta.
Renzo Vitale - Sound geneticist, musician, acoustic engineerRenzo Vitale explores the narrative between music, science and human perception -- envisioning sonic spaces for music to evolve, for cities to sing, for people to transcend.
Why you should listen
Renzo Vitale is an Italian pianist, composer, sound designer, acoustic engineer and artist. His creative process involves an interrogation of the relation between music, science and human perception.
As a musician, Vitale has composed a wide spectrum of works ranging from dance theater to performative installation pieces and virtual reality experiences. His solo works focus on vulnerable states of human condition, such as the sublimity of emotional gravities and the irrational nature of disorders. As a scientist, his research encompasses architectural acoustics, psychoacoustics, vehicle acoustics and music communication.
Vitale holds a PhD in Acoustics from RWTH Aachen University, two master's degrees in electronic engineering and in piano performance as well as further studies in electronic music, composition and conducting. Previously he has been a research scholar at the Institute of Technical Acoustics in Aachen, Pratt Institute in New York and KTH in Stockholm.
In 2015, Vitale joined the Research and Innovation Center of BMW Group as a Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) engineer. Since 2017 he designs the sounds of electric vehicles. He conceived a new generation of sounds through a novel approach that he calls "sound genetics," which defines the aesthetic space of sounds in order to generate soundscapes to enable us to envision abstract worlds and make them tangible and audible.
Renzo Vitale | Speaker |