Roy Gould + Curtis Wong: A preview of the WorldWide Telescope
Roj Guld i Kertis Vong (Roy Gould i Curtis Wong): Pogled na „Svetski teleskop"
Curtis Wong is manager of Next Media Research for Microsoft, whose focus "spans the linear and interactive media spectrum from television, broadband and gaming to emerging media forms." He's a leader on the WorldWide Telescope project. Full bioRoy Gould - Astronomer
A researcher at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics, Roy Gould gives the first public demo of the World Wide Telescope, a powerful new web-based tool for exploring the universe, developed by TEDster Curtis Wong and his team at Microsoft. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Intenacionalnu godinu astronomije,
kroz teleskop.
svet će takođe proslaviti
Majkrosoftovog odeljenja za istraživanje,
kako ga je Galileo video pre 4 veka.
što su mi dozvolili
kad budete imali priliku,
u TED-ovoj laboratoriji.
na Zemlji i u svemiru,
na svemir.
na koji vidimo sebe u svemiru.
u vreme naših deka i baka,
nije vam bilo dozvoljeno da pijete,
Mlečnog puta tokom letnje večeri,
celokupni univerzum.
laboratorije je
uočljivog univerzuma,
celokupni spektar svetlosti,
koji su ranije bili nevidljivi.
da su broj i veličina
za začetak života.
nepoznate Sunčeve sisteme -
u središtu naše galaksije,
na univerzum bio je
od veličanstvenih priča
propale kroz pukotine.
u astronomiji i obrazovanju,
donosi promenu.
vrsta magičnog ćilima
gde god želeli da idete.
sa astronomima kao vodičima.
koji vam govore šta vidite,
oko svemirskih kutaka i pukotina
gostoljubivim mestom.
sopstvene obilaske -
kreirate sa prijateljima -
najviše uzbuđen
svi mi pripovedači.
na svoj način.
kako se razvija i pojavljuje.
odgovornu za „Svetski teleskop",
„Kako noćno nebo čini da se osećate?",
„Svetskog teleskopa",
razgovor sa svemirom.
„Svetski teleskop" ubediti
veličanstveno značajni.
iz Majkrosofta. (Aplauz)
kreiran ranije.
pa ako želim da idem negde...
i pauzirati bilo gde tokom toga,
Džimu Greju,
a veliki deo posla koji je odradio
kao što smo mi.
ovog proleća.
- hvala Kregu Mandiju -,
što se tamo nalazi
po imenu Bendžamin
Curtis Wong - ResearcherCurtis Wong is manager of Next Media Research for Microsoft, whose focus "spans the linear and interactive media spectrum from television, broadband and gaming to emerging media forms." He's a leader on the WorldWide Telescope project.
Why you should listen
Curtis Wong is manager of Next Media Research for Microsoft. He studies the future of digital media and interactive entertainment -- from TV to broadband to whatever is coming next. As he says, "I think a lot about how different kinds of technology can be used to deliver information and entertainment that people want."
His work on the WorldWide Telescope is dedicated to Microsoft researcher Jim Gray.
Curtis Wong | Speaker |
Roy Gould - Astronomer
A researcher at the Harvard Center for Astrophysics, Roy Gould gives the first public demo of the World Wide Telescope, a powerful new web-based tool for exploring the universe, developed by TEDster Curtis Wong and his team at Microsoft.
Why you should listen
Roy Gould works in the Science Education Department at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. At the Center for Astrophysics, he has worked on collaborations with science museums and other institutions to capture the power of shared information, on projects such as the MicroObservatory, a network of five automated telescopes that can be controlled over the Internet.
Before this, Gould spent 10 years at the Boston Museum of Science, working as a senior exhibition planner. He's also been a producer on Nova, for WGBH in Boston.
Roy Gould | Speaker |