Tommy McCall: The simple genius of a good graphic
Tommy McCall: Kehebatan sederhana dari grafik yang baik
Tommy McCall specializes in presenting complex and rich data sets. Full bio
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selama 25 tahun terakhir.
over the past 25 years.
pertama tentang sedikit sejarahnya.
but first: a little history.
transmission and decoding of information.
transmisi dan dekoding informasi.
turning points in human culture.
menandai titik balik budaya manusia.
were great developments in communication.
adalah kemajuan dalam bidang komunikasi,
ide menjadi kata-kata.
be stuck in the Stone Ages.
masih terjebak di zaman batu.
selama seperempat juta tahun,
for a quarter million years,
tulisan proto mulai muncul.
that proto-writings began to surface.
proper writing systems took shape.
sistem penulisan pertama terbentuk.
and diagrams for hundreds of years,
dan diagram selama ratusan tahun,
kuantitas melalui grafik
through graphics
invented the first bar chart,
menemukan diagram batang pertama,
of quantitative information.
informasi kuantitatif.
the first pie and area charts.
diagram lingkaran dan grafik area pertama.
commonly used chart forms today.
yang paling umum digunakan saat ini.
the coxcomb in 1857
bagan Coxcomb pada tahun 1857
on troop mortality.
kematian pasukan kepada Ratu Victoria.
kematian pasukan bisa dicegah.
could have been prevented.
Napoleon's march on Moscow,
memetakan pawai Napoleon di Moskow,
berkurang menjadi hanya 10.000.
dwindled to just 10,000
suhu yang membeku membunuh mereka.
temperatures took their toll.
dengan kartografi
with cartography
lots of data to play with,
banyak data untuk diolah,
bentuk grafik yang menarik.
an interesting chart form.
was the inspiration
pada ribuan subsidi energi federal,
of federal energy subsidies,
in renewables over fossil fuels.
dibanding bahan bakar fosil
the flow of energy through the US economy,
aliran energi melalui ekonomi AS,
of the energy used is lost as waste heat.
yang terpakai hilang sebagai limbah panas.
into beautiful shapes.
dapat diukir menjadi bentuk yang indah.
connections of the women of Silicon Valley
para wanita di Silicon Valley
birthing patents across the globe
yang melahirkan paten di seluruh dunia
jadi jarang menang Scrabble.
so I rarely win at Scrabble.
mengingat kata dengan dua dan tiga huruf
all the two- and three-letter words
tentu mengubah permainan saya.
certainly is a game changer.
to quickly generate graphics
untuk menghasilkan grafik dengan cepat
to produce interactive graphics.
menghasilkan grafik interaktif.
dengan ketentuan kita sendiri.
on our own terms.
mungkin yang Anda butuhkan
as a little dot may be all you need
redesigned their "Markets" section,
mendesain ulang rubrik Markets mereka,
delapan halaman daftar saham
of stock listings
of essential market data.
for the most common stocks,
untuk saham paling umum,
melihat bagaimana kinerja sahamnya.
see how the stocks are doing.
dengan harga satu tahunnya.
relative to its one-year range.
stocks trading near their lows
perdagangan saham dekat posisi terendahnya
yang mengarah ke kiri.
on an upward trajectory
saham yang sedang naik
copied the design.
mencontek desainnya.
for most graphics,
tujuan banyak grafik,
melibatkan kompleksitas
to embrace complexity
dalam kapasitas penuhnya.
in their full glory.
of the Gallup Organization,
Gallup Organization,
buku yang sangat tebal.
persetujuan presiden selama enam dekade.
of presidential approval data.
could be graphed on a single page.
dapat digambarkan dalam 1 halaman.
dengan peringkat persetujuan tinggi,
start with a high approval rating,
in the graphic but not in the book.
dalam grafik tetapi tidak di buku.
with incredible efficiency.
dengan efisiensi luar biasa.
dan dialek khusus akan berkembang.
and specialized dialects will evolve.
of information on a single page
pada satu halaman
to decode complex information
untuk memecahkan kode informasi yang rumit
untuk memanfaatkan GPU internal kita
to harness our built-in GPU
Tommy McCall - Information designerTommy McCall specializes in presenting complex and rich data sets.
Why you should listen
McCall founded and operates, a boutique data visualization agency that specializes in presenting complex and rich data sets. As an infographics designer, editor and producer, McCall brings together three realms of experience to present, visualize and understand complex data. As a designer, he aims to find the natural shape of the data and sculpt it into something captivating and beautiful. As a data editor, he finds the stories and shares the insights hidden within what is often a vast sea of information. As a producer, he oversees programmers, designers, data analysts, animators and illustrators to realize his vision.
McCall believes that graphicacy, the ability to communicate data through charts, diagrams and maps, is an emerging essential skill set, just as literacy and numeracy have been for past generations. He is excited by the opportunities to pioneer new chart forms to communicate specialized data sets as the collection and generation of data exponentially increase.
McCall was the infographics editor for Money Magazine and a graphics editor for the New York Times before launching his studio. He has explored over one hundred countries spanning all seven continents. Recently, he has taken a sabbatical to combine his a passion for travel with filmmaking to produce video "mediations" in ultra-high-definition intended for large-scale projection.
Tommy McCall | Speaker |