Reed Hastings: How Netflix changed entertainment -- and where it's headed
Reed Hastings: Com Netflix ha transformat l'entreteniment i cap a on va.
As co-founder and CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings is revolutionizing the world of entertainment. Full bioChris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
so fascinated and amazed
des de fa molt temps
si em permet dir-ho.
I think about six years ago.
crec que fa sis anys.
was doing really well,
l’empresa anava bastant bé,
de reproducció en línia
i continguts de televisió.
that you were right
que teníeu raó
away from just sending people DVDs,
i deixar d'enviar DVD a la gent,
com la mala herba,
and healthy growth rates,
i taxes de creixement positives,
vàreu escollir aquell moment
really, a bet-the-company decision.
per al futur de l’empresa.
and what motivated it?
i què va motivar-la?
cable networks from all time
les cadenes per cable sempre
their own originals.
produccions originals.
for quite a while.
des de feia temps.
original content back in 2005,
l’any 2005,
and buying films at Sundance --
i compràvem pel·lícules a Sundance.
we published on DVD --
es va publicar en DVD,
because we were subscale.
perquè estàvem a una escala inferior.
who runs content,
que administra els continguts,
it was 100 million dollars,
eren 100 milions de dòlars,
that he picked right upfront.
que va decidir assumir.
of the revenue of the company
dels ingressos de la companyia
that that was actually worth doing?
devastating for the company.
I mean, that's the whole tension of it.
Aquesta és la qüestió.
I can't say that.
– no puc dir-ho això.
producing new content.
no tan sols calia produir nous continguts.
if I understand right,
i si ho he entès bé,
these episodes and build excitement" --
per crear expectació.
hadn't really been tested.
no s’havia provat abans.
we had grown up shipping DVDs.
vam créixer enviant DVD.
box sets, on DVD.
que estaven senceres en DVD.
watching some of the great HBO content
de veure grans produccions de HBO
next episode, next episode.
to make us think,
especially serialized,
especialment sèries,
all the episodes at once.
tots els capítols junts.
that linear TV can't do.
made it really positive.
semblaven molt positius.
pretty much straight away,
us vau adonar
"House of Cards," say,
mirant “House of Cards”
someone else's licensed content?
de contingut de tercers?
we don't have to track it at that level.
no cal un seguiment a aquest nivell.
making the brand stronger,
és enfortir la marca,
would talk about it
great show, AMC show --
que vam retransmetre,
all these other remarkable series,
moltes altres sèries de gran èxit com
"Orange is the New Black," "The Crown,"
"Orange is the New Black", "The Crown",
to make in new content
around the world.
per tot el món.
on other networks.
a altres canals.
content commissioner at this point?
qualsevol altre competidor?
they're even bigger.
encara seran més grans.
and others in the media business,
i altres del negoci mediàtic,
ha aparegut del no-res
really revolutionized the business.
was as big as Disney.
fossin un gegant com Disney.
have happened, and yet it did.
que mai havia de passar i ha passat.
it moves fast, you know?
avança ràpidament, saps?
es mou molt de pressa.
unusual about Netflix's culture
inusual de la cultura de Netflix
bold -- I won't say "reckless" --
tan atrevides, no diré temeràries,
which is we were born on DVD,
que és que vàrem nàixer en DVD
was going to be temporary.
mailing discs for 100 years.
durant 100 anys.
about what's coming next,
sobre el que vindrà després,
about what's coming next.
a continuació.
and responsibility.
i responsabilitat.
as possible in a quarter.
el mínim de decisions en un trimestre.
and better at that.
en aquest aspecte.
I can go a whole quarter
surprising things about your people.
sobre la teva gent.
compared to your peers',
en comparació a la competència,
for equivalent jobs.
en feines equivalents.
the Netflix culture deck,
sobre la cultura de Netflix,
admonitions to your employees.
prou sorprenents als seus treballadors.
we were very process obsessed.
estàvem molt obsessionats amb el procés.
didn't happen again --
no es repetís,
to dummy-proof the system.
fer-lo a prova de ximples.
only dummies wanted to work there.
hi volien treballar.
in that case, it was C++ to Java.
va passar de C++ a Java.
by our largest competitor.
pel nostre competidor més gran.
on how to run with no process
en no treballar amb processos,
all these mechanisms,
molts mecanismes:
at how much information --
de la gran quantitat d’informació,
you know how they compartmentalize?
on compartimenten.
everybody gets all the information.
tothom té accés a tota la informació.
a sense of responsibility in people
crear un sentit de responsabilitat
that are made all the time,
que es fan contínuament
which is great.
cosa que és genial.
and read them on the internet.
i les llegeixes a Internet.
their own vacation time, and ...
que escullin les vacances.
symbolic one, vacation,
do that, anyway.
of that freedom.
as a fundamental value.
és un valor fonamental.
to speak the truth.
digui la veritat.
silently is disloyal."
discrepar en silenci és deslleial.
go through without saying your piece,
sense donar l'opinió
on trying to get to good decisions
prendre bones decisions
like yelling at each other --
sense crits.
drawing people out.
la que fa parlar a la gent.
secret weapon at Netflix, it seems,
aquesta altra arma secreta amb Netflix
a certain amount about this week.
aquesta setmana.
really surprising stances
algorithms at Netflix.
a Netflix.
your algorithm to the world
treies a la llum el teu algoritme
than this recommendation we've got?
aquestes recomanacions que tenim?
et paguem un milió de dòlars”.
better than yours.
Would you do that again?
Ho faries un altre cop?
at the time; this was about 2007.
per allà el 2007.
a lucky break of good timing,
en el moment oportú
on the algorithms,
to the right people
a les persones,
and easy to explore.
i divertit a l’hora d’explorar.
like a really interesting shift,
"Here are 10 movies. What do you think?
Què en penses?
are your best movies?"
with recommendations for what was coming.
amb les recomanacions.
"Schindler's List" five stars,
a la "Llista de Schindler"
"The Do-Over" three stars.
"The Do-Over".
at what they watched,
en el que es mira més
and we're metacognitive about quality,
i som metacognitius sobre la qualitat
to please people
complaure a les persones
that they make,
by how much they enjoy simple pleasures.
for a couple of minutes about this,
durant un parell de minuts,
not just for Netflix,
no només amb Netflix,
als quals s’aspiren
attention to what people said,
gaire atenció al que la gent deia,
and then found the stuff that,
i després trobaves coses com
a show about making horrible recipes,
un programa de receptes horribles
have even thought of that.
Mai se m’hauria ocorregut.
approach is taken too far?
els valors revelats fins a l’extrem?
from making people happy,
and watch a show like "Nailed It!"
i mirar un programa com “Nailed it!”.
to watch very intensive film.
una pel·lícula més intensa.
20 million hours of viewing on "Mudbound,"
en reproduccions de la pel·lícula,
than it would have been in the theaters
de les que hauria tingut als cinemes
but we have lots of broccoli.
tenim tants caramels com bròquil.
you get to a healthy diet.
pots aconseguir una dieta sana.
tend to point you away from the broccoli
menys cap als bròquils
on YouTube, somehow algorithms
a Youtube, els algoritmes,
more radical or specific content.
més radical o específic.
that Netflix algorithms,
amb els algoritmes de Netflix,
would gradually --
violent pornography or something.
pornografia violenta o quelcom similar.
I don't even think about these things.
mai penso en aquestes coses.
that you can't just rely on algorithms.
no es pot confiar en algoritmes.
like Facebook and YouTube,
films and series that we acquire?
que adquirim?
the algorithm is a tool.
es converteix en una eina.
about measuring what matters.
el que importa.
augmentar els subscriptors.
l'únic avantatge.
the more time they spend watching Netflix,
quan més temps passen mirant Netflix,
of "Nailed It!" or whatever?
de "Nailed It!", per exemple?
they just think,
només pensen:
that was extraordinary,
that with my family."
amb la família".
of the business model
but more awesome content,
però més impressionant,
encara més inspirador?
that uplifting content.
el contingut inspirador.
when people talk about Netflix,
quan la gent parla de Netflix,
and positive impact,
molt desproporcionat i positiu,
that you talked about
que has dit,
every night, as much as you like it;
per molt que t'agradi;
violent pornography kind of examples.
tipus la pornografia violenta.
across a whole range --
molta visualització amb molt abast:
we're filming season five now.
la cinquena temporada ara.
when it was only in the BBC.
quan estava a la BBC.
humans can get addicted
poden ser addictes
com pels seus dimonis.
not to think about it in addiction terms,
en termes d'addicció.
with your time and when you want to relax?
o quan et vulguis relaxar?
video games, you can do YouTube,
jugar a videojocs, mirar YouTube
and we have a variety of moods,
i podem aconseguir molts estats d'ànim,
in the organization
at the actual impacts
that you've created.
que heu creat.
is the direction we want to go?"
és la direcció que volem?".
"Look, there's no perfect tool."
"No hi ha cap eina perfecta".
the way we commission the content,
la forma en què encarreguem el contingut,
that we have to look at it.
des de molts punts de vista.
"Let's just increase viewing"
en augmentar la visualització
and be the great company you want to be.
i ser la gran empresa que volem ser.
multiple measures of success.
múltiples mesures d'èxit.
that have raised questions:
que han donat lloc a preguntes:
you've done some mentoring for him.
heu fet alguna assessoria amb ell.
that people don't know?
que la gent no sap?
or have seen him.
whether that's YouTube or Facebook,
ja sigui YouTube o Facebook,
créixer ràpidament.
amb les noves tecnologies.
about printed DNA,
or could be horrific.
totes les noves tecnologies...
in the 1960s in the US,
als anys seixanta als EUA,
the minds of everybody.
or, I think of it as --
o, jo considero que...
i inconvenients.
we're just figuring that out.
is it for the board of Facebook
la junta de Facebook
unfairly criticized?
on fixing Facebook.
d'arreglar Facebook.
at another passion of yours.
per una altra passió teva.
with Netflix, you're a billionaire,
ets multimilionari,
and indeed, money, on education.
de fet, diners, en educació.
and what are you doing about it?
i què n'estàs fent al respecte?
I was a high school math teacher.
de matemàtiques de secundària.
and became a philanthropist,
em vaig convertir en filàntrop.
with other great educators
amb grans educadors
unique environments for kids.
variety in the system
en el sistema,
educator-centric organizations.
centrades en l'educació.
right now in the US,
ara mateix als Estats Units
by a local school board.
per una junta escolar local.
in the community,
de la comunitat
is a lot more variety.
és molta més varietat.
of public school
un tipus d'escola pública,
that are run by nonprofits.
organitzacions sense ànim de lucre.
run by nonprofits,
organitzacions sense ànim de lucre,
they support the educators well.
donen suport als educadors.
subvencionades KIPP,
getting very stimulating education.
una educació molt estimulant.
a school should look like.
de com hauria de ser una escola.
kids, there's all different needs
hi ha moltes necessitats diferents
and what you think they need.
i del que creus que necessita.
and curious and stimulating
promoure la curiositat i l’estimulació
of 30 kids in fifth grade,
at the same time,
an industrial throwback.
a l'era industrial.
the current government structure,
amb l'estructura governamental actual,
schools are doing is pushing the bounds,
sense ànim de lucre és portar-ho al límit,
the governance reform,
that charter schools,
que les escoles subvencionades,
from the public school system.
del sistema escolar públic.
of public schools.
en el seu conjunt,
amb baixos recursos.
get in trouble,
tenen problemes,
to a private school
a una escola privada
don't have those choices.
no tenen aquestes opcions.
low-income kids, free and reduced lunch.
i dinar gratuït o reduït.
for KIPP is fantastic.
a KIPP són fantàstiques.
the Giving Pledge a few years ago,
la campanya Giving Pledge,
more than half of your fortune
més de la meitat de la teva fortuna
you've invested in education
has invertit en educació
I don't know exactly how many hundreds,
de milions, no ho sé ben bé,
I tried to do politics full-time,
vaig intentar ser polític a temps complet,
I just didn't thrive on politics.
però no vaig prosperar en la política.
m'encanta competir.
increase Netflix's value,
el valor de Netflix,
more checks to schools.
en aquestes escoles.
you've changed all of our lives
has canviat totes les nostres vides
Reed Hastings - Entrepreneur, philanthropistAs co-founder and CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings is revolutionizing the world of entertainment.
Why you should listen
Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix in 1997. Today the company develops, licenses and delivers entertainment across a wide variety of genres and languages to hundreds of millions of people in 190 countries. In 1991, he founded Pure Software, which made tools for software developers. After a 1995 IPO and several acquisitions, Pure was acquired by Rational Software in 1997.
Hastings is an active educational philanthropist and served on the California State Board of Education from 2000 to 2004. He is on the board of several educational organizations including DreamBox Learning, KIPP and Pahara. He's also a board member of Facebook and was on the board of Microsoft from 2007 to 2012. He received a BA from Bowdoin College in 1983 and an MSCS in artificial intelligence from Stanford University in 1988. Between Bowdoin and Stanford, he served in the Peace Corps as a high school math teacher in Swaziland.
Reed Hastings | Speaker |
Chris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading.
Why you should listen
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of 'TED Talks' -- short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.
Chris was born in a remote village in Pakistan in 1957. He spent his early years in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents worked as medical missionaries, and he attended an American school in the Himalayas for his early education. After boarding school in Bath, England, he went on to Oxford University, graduating in 1978 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Chris then trained as a journalist, working in newspapers and radio, including two years producing a world news service in the Seychelles Islands.
Back in the UK in 1984, Chris was captivated by the personal computer revolution and became an editor at one of the UK's early computer magazines. A year later he founded Future Publishing with a $25,000 bank loan. The new company initially focused on specialist computer publications but eventually expanded into other areas such as cycling, music, video games, technology and design, doubling in size every year for seven years. In 1994, Chris moved to the United States where he built Imagine Media, publisher of Business 2.0 magazine and creator of the popular video game users website IGN. Chris eventually merged Imagine and Future, taking the combined entity public in London in 1999, under the Future name. At its peak, it published 150 magazines and websites and employed 2,000 people.
This success allowed Chris to create a private nonprofit organization, the Sapling Foundation, with the hope of finding new ways to tackle tough global issues through media, technology, entrepreneurship and, most of all, ideas. In 2001, the foundation acquired the TED Conference, then an annual meeting of luminaries in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Monterey, California, and Chris left Future to work full time on TED.
He expanded the conference's remit to cover all topics, including science, business and key global issues, while adding a Fellows program, which now has some 300 alumni, and the TED Prize, which grants its recipients "one wish to change the world." The TED stage has become a place for thinkers and doers from all fields to share their ideas and their work, capturing imaginations, sparking conversation and encouraging discovery along the way.
In 2006, TED experimented with posting some of its talks on the Internet. Their viral success encouraged Chris to begin positioning the organization as a global media initiative devoted to 'ideas worth spreading,' part of a new era of information dissemination using the power of online video. In June 2015, the organization posted its 2,000th talk online. The talks are free to view, and they have been translated into more than 100 languages with the help of volunteers from around the world. Viewership has grown to approximately one billion views per year.
Continuing a strategy of 'radical openness,' in 2009 Chris introduced the TEDx initiative, allowing free licenses to local organizers who wished to organize their own TED-like events. More than 8,000 such events have been held, generating an archive of 60,000 TEDx talks. And three years later, the TED-Ed program was launched, offering free educational videos and tools to students and teachers.
Chris Anderson | Speaker |