Richard Browning: How I built a jet suit
Richard Browning: Nola sortu nuen Jet-jantzia
Richard Browning is the founder of human propulsion technology startup Gravity, which has invented, built and patented a personal flight system. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
as you can kind of sense
hortaz uler daiteke
1970s office-leaving present.
marrazki hori 1970ean erretiroa hartzean.
that inspired people for years,
urteetan inspiratu duenari,
to share with you now.
of the human mind and body,
hipotesiarekin hasiko gara,
for the last few days here,
that wonderful machine
hobetuko bagenu
in that kind of real way,
aztertzen bada
back in London, Denton,
nire entrenamendu kideak, Denton,
of that kind of stuff than me.
horrelako gauzetan.
proved really quite impressive,
izugarria zirudien
is, right in the background,
atzeko aldean ikus daiteke,
ez gaituenaren itxura eginez
of trying to ignore us for a while --
less happy is the grass,
ez dena belarra dela
huts eginez.
and somewhat fail.
uste geunen.
bide bakarra zegoen:
to go from there:
watching these back.
atsegin dut.
and spread the load a bit.
hobeto banatzen saiatu ginen.
diseinatuak daude,
apur bat banatu?
funtzionatu ez zuena,
about trying things --
bidai osoan zehar.
by failing at them most of the time.
ikasten kasu gehienetan.
five engines here --
bost motore genituen
one was in maintenance,
erabili egin genuen
We learned not to do that again.
some really quite convincing progress,
sinesgarri egiten hasi ginen,
believe that maybe --
and two on each arm,
beso bakoitzean bina,
I'm about to show you now,
dizuedana egin genuen,
reasonably coherent flight.
hegaldi nahiko jarraia
this endeavor went from:
this is going to work,"
hobetzen hasi ginen,
the best way to learn.
hoberenak dira.
really refining the layout of all of this.
that's stability and control --
eta kontrola
refining the technology,
teknologia hobetzeko,
on the back for the electronics
elektronika gordeaz
the balance and control.
kontrola hobetzen ikasiaz.
for the next short piece
salbuetsiko ditut
noise is a bit annoying.
gogaikarria da.
is really quite nice,
nahiko ona dela.
validates that starting hypothesis,
hipotesia indartzen duela,
if properly augmented in that way,
bezala erabiliz,
I'm moving my arms at that stage.
besoak nora mugitzen ari naizen.
of where I want to get to,
egiten ari dira.
to go down to Walmart
joateko edo
in any of this stuff for a while,
erabiliko duenik horrelako zerbait.
some awesome technology
teknologia izugarria sortzen ari dira
haur-jolas bihurtuko du.
this look like child's play.
lantzen gabiltza
this unusual experience of flight
and displays we're doing.
egiten ari garen saioez haratago.
pilotuen bila galbitza,
for pilots two and three,
but let's just stick it out there,
rise up above a beach,
hondartza gainean
gora eta behera,
of it, rise up a bit higher,
we're working on to make this achievable.
saiatzen ari gara.
a Hercules with the ramp down.
dator jaisten.
you start picking up speed
hartzen zoaz
that would be a mistake --
bat litzateke --
way off at the moment.
lan dago oraindik egiteko.
a big step back from this,
atzerapauso bat ematen badugu,
personal journey for me.
ere bada niretzat.
edo irudiaren marrazkira.
his own life when I was 15,
beste egin zuen 15 nituenean
of unfulfilled ambition.
asko utzirik.
kreatzaile inkorformista.
if it was possible,
posible izango balitz,
of the things we've done here,
egin ditugun gauzak direla eta.
I'm probably more nervous
Ziurrenik urduriago nago
to get done today.
we don't get a clean start.
garbi bat.
while I'm actually flying around.
hegan nabilen bitartean.
and fall on my rear, as I said.
eta bizkarrez erori, esan bezala.
Richard Browning - Founder, GravityRichard Browning is the founder of human propulsion technology startup Gravity, which has invented, built and patented a personal flight system.
Why you should listen
Richard Browning is an ultra-marathon runner, an ex-Royal Marine reservist, former City commodity trader and a pioneering inventor. He's the founder of Gravity, launched in March 2017 with a dream to reimagine an entirely new form of human flight, leaning on an elegant collaboration of mind and body augmented by leading-edge technology.
Gravity has to date been experienced by over a billion people globally with video views alone running at more than 60m within seven days of launch. Browning's vision is to build Gravity into a world-class aeronautical engineering business, challenge perceived boundaries in human aviation, and inspire a generation to dare ask ‘what if…’
Richard Browning | Speaker |