Kim Gorgens: The surprising connection between brain injuries and crime
Kim Gorgens: Hubungan mengejutkan antara cedera otak dan kriminal
Kim Gorgens studies the brain's response to injury -- and advocates that we mind our (gray) matter. Full bio
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caused by an external blow to the head.
karena pukulan eksternal ke otak.
and professional athletes,
olahraga dan atlet profesional
we're used to seeing on the playing field.
yang sering terjadi di lapangan hijau,
to define TBI in the public consciousness.
in retired and college athletes.
pensiunan dan kuliahan.
dari olahraga anak-anak.
who researches and treats these injuries,
dan merawat cedera ini,
to see the growing awareness of TBI
tumbuhnya kesadaran akan TBI,
and long-term risks to athletes.
pendek dan panjang pada atlet.
to a larger but no less controversial
sesuatu yang tak kalah kontroversial,
by traumatic brain injury,
cedera otak traumatis,
these inmates and probationers
dan yang dalam masa percobaan,
vulnerable members of society.
and I have been doing research
telah melakukan penelitian
we think about the criminal justice system
kita tentang sistem peradilan pidana
you think about those things, too.
berpikir Anda juga
yang mengejutkan:
in criminal justice
di peradilan pidana
in this room, for example,
getting your bell rung.
cedera di kepala Anda.
that require hospitalization.
of a physical assault,
disebabkan serangan fisik
are actually sustained in jail.
among the women in criminal justice.
wanita dalam peradilan pidana.
in the criminal justice system
dalam sistem peradilan pidana
violence and abuse.
dan pelecehan seksual.
been exposed to repeated brain injuries.
mengalami cedera otak berkelanjutan.
like the brains of retired NFL players,
otak pensiunan pemain NFL,
for dementing diseases as they age.
seiring bertambahnya usia.
and substance abuse and trauma,
kekerasan dan trauma,
poor judgment and poor impulse control,
penilaian dan kontrol impuls buruk,
criminal justice a revolving door.
keluar masuk peradilan pidana.
while they're in there.
ketika di sana.
They fall out of their bunk.
jatuh dari ranjangnya.
and do stupid things,
melakukan hal bodoh,
and they get rearrested.
mereka akan ditahan kembali.
to be rearrested than not.
ditangkap kembali.
a life sentence 30 days at a time."
seumur hidup 30 hari pada suatu waktu."
why this is so hard for them.
ini begitu berat bagi mereka.
dan frustasi.
of so many of these challenges,
dari banyak masalah,
has been to disrupt that cycle,
telah memusnahkan siklus itu,
siklus keluar masuk.
with my state and local partners,
nasional dan setempat,
to meet everyone's needs:
memenuhi kebutuhan setiap orang:
dalam masa percobaan,
how each person's brain works
setiap otak orang bekerja
basic modifications
modifikasi dasar
I mean safer not only for the inmates,
maksud saya tak hanya untuk para tahanan,
untuk tim penilai.
such a simple approach.
yang sederhana.
that gets people into all of this trouble
screening tests
neuropsikologis cepat
in the way an inmate thinks.
kelemahan cara berpikir para tahanan.
we write two reports.
berdasarkan informasi ini.
on how to manage that inmate.
bagaimana mengatur para tahanan itu.
for how to manage themselves.
mengatur diri mereka sendiri.
that a probationer has a hard time
para calon mengalami kesulitan
memori pendengaran.
to the court might suggest
pengadilan akan menyarankan
of important information.
informasi penting secara tertulis.
would say, among other things,
to record that information for themselves.
untuk mencatat informasi mereka sendiri.
to be really clear about one point.
menjelaskan satu hal.
minimize responsibility
tanggung jawab
perilaku siapa pun.
negative perceptions
yang sudah berlangsung lama
mengambil tanggung jawab.
an inmate's problematic behavior
perilaku bermasalah tahanan:
bisa mereka lakukan
rather than outright defiance --
pembangkangan --
tahanan seluruh dunia.
they want to know how to help themselves.
cara menolong diri mereka sendiri.
from Troy in Virginia,
dari Troy asal Virginia,
50 lembar halaman.
of all the head traumas I've dealt with?
semua trauma kepala yang saya hadapi?
Bisakah Anda menolong saya?"
thousands of stories like this,
memiliki ribuan kisah seperti ini,
that have a great outcome.
hasil yang luar biasa.
dia berusia 15 tahun,
spent more time in jail than in school.
banyak waktu di penjara daripada sekolah.
significant memory impairments,
memori yang cukup signifikan,
and reminder function on his iPhone
dan fungsi pengingat di iPhone-nya
to break larger tasks
membuat tugas
dan lebih mudah dikelola.
like that under his belt,
seperti di bawah sabuknya,
sejak 2 tahun,
off of court supervision
pengawasan pengadilan
15 tahun yang lalu.
dari siklus keluar masuk tadi.
"Saya bisa melakukan apapun.
a lot harder at it." (Laughs)
keras lagi" (Tertawa)
attention and behavior problems
dan perilaku yang cukup signifikan
for more than a month.
koma selama lebih dari sebulan.
cara berjalan,
where he wasn't in trouble.
tanpa masalah.
to avoid being held in contempt
untuk menghindari hukuman
into his day every day
istirahat setiap harinya
at the front of the courtroom.
di depan ruang sidang.
Judge Brian Bowen.
hakim Brian Bowen.
to make the system work for everyone,
sistem bekerja untuk semuanya,
he saw the perfect fit.
dia memandang ini sempurna.
with all of his prosecutors
semua jaksa penuntutnya
two categories of defendants
ada dua kategori terdakwa
oftentimes, rightfully so --
all of their scheduled appointments
janji yang sudah dijadwalkan
the best-laid probation plans.
masa percobaan paling baik.
with a little more support,
sedikit dukungan lebih,
in this latter category,
di kategori akhir ini,
angkatan laut Mike.
Mike's history of a massive 70-foot fall
Mike antara jatuh dari 70 kaki
of difficulty showing up on the right day
di tanggal yang tepat
therapy requirements, for example.
persyaratan terapi wajib, misalnya.
to more and more jail time,
dan semakin lama di penjara,
with maps and checklists and handouts
dengan peta, daftar periksa dan selebaran,
vocational rehabilitation
rehabilitasi kejuruan
for those therapies.
untuk terapi tersebut.
Mike's back to work
while he was in the service.
ketika dia dalam pelayanan
with his family,
dengan keluarganya
Judge Bowen's veteran's court.
hakim Bowen
the overwhelming prevalence
kita prevalensi luar biasa
and cognitive deficits
dan defisit kognitif
in the criminal justice system.
sistem peradilan pidana.
of resilience and responsibility.
dan tanggung jawab yang luar biasa.
by a change in perception
dengan mengubah sudut pandang
come to see themselves differently.
diri mereka sendiri secara berbeda.
I hope you see them differently, too.
saat melihat mereka di komunitas.
Kim Gorgens - NeuropsychologistKim Gorgens studies the brain's response to injury -- and advocates that we mind our (gray) matter.
Why you should listen
As a neuropsychologist working in the field of brain injuries, Kim Gorgens has seen firsthand the damage sports-related impacts can do. And as chair of the State of Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund Board and a member of the Brain Injury Legislative Collaborative, she’s working to shape Colorado law around youth sports injuries.
Gorgens, an assistant clinical professor in the University of Denver Graduate School of Professional Psychology, also is the president-elect of the Colorado Neuropsychological Society and has an appointment to the American Psychological Association’s Council on Disability in Psychology.
Kim Gorgens | Speaker |