Esta Soler: How we turned the tide on domestic violence (Hint: the Polaroid helped)
Esta Soler: Kako smo spremenili smer družinskega nasilja (Namig: pomagal nam je Polaroid)
In 1994, Esta Soler was among the key advocates for a US law to combat the devastating effects of violence against women. Today, her mission is global. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
"ljubezenskega prepirčka",
smo vzeli polaroidni fotoaparat,
na čase nepriljubljeno,
nad odraslimi ženskami
so bile ženske tepene,
ki ljudem rešujejo življenja.
in moje življenje je imelo pomen
da bi takrat imela Twitter.
O nasilju nad ženskami,
so šli v lokalne skupnosti.
Zbrali smo podatke.
podatki so moja strast.
veliko podatkovnih piflarjev.
tega potovanja:
keep making this progress,
to the Advertising Council,
do sveta oglaševalcev
javne kampanje ozaveščanja.
Ni izgovora za družinsko nasilje.
Woman: If you had just called me,
I would have known—
Ženska: Če bi poklical, bi vedela-
Woman: Honey, please don't be so loud.
Ženska: Dragi, ne bodi glasen.
Woman: No! Help!
Ženska: Ne! Na pomoč!
(Breaking glass)
(Lomljenje stekla)
What's your excuse?"]
Kaj pa je vaš izgovor?]
morale smo vključiti moške.
na stranskem tiru.
da sem podatkovni piflar.
da se moški počutijo obtožene
govorili o nasilju
Moški ne govorijo."
kot svetovalci.
have healthy relationships.
za zdrava razmerja.
at the back of the room,
malo je bila sramežljiva,
a se o njih redko poroča.
in Google in YouTube
nam pomagajo organizirati
na učinkovit način.
narediti te aplikacije
zdaj bolj kot kadarkoli,
lok človeške zgodovine
in moške in fante vsepovsod.
Esta Soler - Violence and abuse prevention expertIn 1994, Esta Soler was among the key advocates for a US law to combat the devastating effects of violence against women. Today, her mission is global.
Why you should listen
Esta Soler has guided Futures Without Violence to become one of the world’s most effective advocacy organizations in the effort to recognize and prevent gender-based violence. The agency she founded 30 years ago provides education, policy development and training to reduce the prevalence of violence against women and children, and to care for its victims. "When we started, there wasn't even the language for this," says Soler.
Futures Without Violence -- then called the Family Violence Prevention Fund -- lobbied for a decade to get the Violence Against Women Act passed in 1994. Congress upheld and expanded the law in 2000, 2005 and most recently in 2013. Today, Futures Without Violence has offices in San Francisco, Boston and Washington, D.C. -- but their vision is for a worldwide moment to end gender-based violence. Today, Soler is committed working with anti-violence activists around the world to pass the International Violence Against Women Act.
Esta Soler | Speaker |