Cosmin Mihaiu: Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead
Kozmin Mihaju (Cosmin Mihaiu): Fizikalna terapija je dosadna - umesto toga, igrajte igru
Cosmin Mihaiu is the CEO and co-founder of MIRA Rehab, which develops software that engages patients in interactive and therapeutic games, making physical rehabilitation fun. Full bio
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liked playing hide-and-seek a lot.
drveta sjajno mesto za skrivanje,
a tree would lead to a great hiding spot,
sa gipsom preko celih grudi.
with a big cast all over my torso.
ali i dalje nisam mogao da pomeram lakat,
but even then, I couldn't extend my elbow,
da ispravljam i savijam lakat,
to flex and extend it,
7 dana u nedelji.
I found it boring and painful,
mi je trebalo još 6 nedelja da ozdravim.
another six weeks to get better.
moja majka je dobila adhezivni kapsulitis,
developed frozen shoulder,
and stiffness in the shoulder.
i ukrućeno rame.
da ima super moći,
to have superpowers
ni da spremi hranu.
to get dressed or to cut food.
na fizikalnu terapiju ali, kao i ja,
but just like me,
over five months to feel better.
da ozdravi.
required physical therapy,
of repetitive exercises
izgubljenu usled nesreće ili povrede.
lost due to an accident or injury.
works with patients,
to do their exercises at home.
da izvodi vežbe kod kuće.
nervira ih, i dugo traje.
boring, frustrating, confusing
can be as high as 70 percent.
ne ispoštuje terapiju.
ne radi vežbe,
don't do their exercises
a lot longer to get better.
mora da prođe do poboljšanja.
smanjuju vreme oporavka.
that special exercises
the motivation to do them.
svi smo kompjuterski štreberi -
all of us software geeks,
mogli da se igraju do oporavka?
could play their way to recovery?
softverom za PC,
A P.C. software platform
kameru koja snima pokret,
a motion capture camera,
into video games.
u video igrice.
a schedule for my particular therapy.
termin za terapiju.
to fly a bee up and down
gore i dole,
dok izbegavamo druge bube.
savijajući i ispravljajući lakat,
elbow extension and flexion,
after the cast was taken off.
posle skidanja gipsa.
we speak to physical therapists at first
pričali smo sa terapeutima,
patients need to do.
koje pokrete pacijenti prave.
pacijentima proste i motivišuće zadatke.
motivating objectives to follow.
sopstvene vežbe.
create their own exercises.
izvodeći vežbe bočnog dizanja ruku,
a shoulder abduction,
my mom had to do
koje je moja majka morala da radi.
on the left side of the screen,
na levoj strani ekrana,
doing the recommended movement.
kako izvodim pokrete.
dok radim sa terapeutom,
da su najbolje za mene.
thinks are best for me.
for physical therapists
programa za terapeute,
they think are best.
za koje oni misle da su najbolje.
za prevenciju padova.
for preventing falls,
and improve balance.
i poboljša ravnotežu.
sit and stand movements,
ustajanja i sedanja,
za predmet koji želim da kupim.
will be 82 years old,
moja baka će napuniti 82 godine,
for people over 80
postoji 50% šanse
dovede do lomljenja kuka ili nečeg goreg.
or even worse.
are the number one cause of falls,
su glavni uzrok padova.
through targeted exercise
kroz vežbanje će pomoći starijim ljudima
like my grandmother
da budu bezbedniji.
MIRA briefly shows me
izveštaj napretka mojih vežbi.
three different games
za decu, odrasle i penzionere.
i neuroloških pacijenata,
or neurologic patients,
kod dece sa autizmom,
for children with autism,
i problemima sa govorom.
can go back to my profile
during my sessions.
tokom mog vežbanja.
koliko sam poena sakupio,
how many points I scored,
da bi prilagodio tretman.
to adapt my treatment.
u preko 10 klinika širom Evrope i Amerike,
across Europe and the U.S.,
to prescribe this digital treatment
da mogu da prepišu ovaj tretman,
to recovery at home.
tokom oporavka kod kuće.
when we needed physical therapy,
kada nam je terapija bila potrebna,
following the treatment,
i pre se oporavili.
Hvala vam.
what hardware is this
hardver koji užurbano nose odavde?
and how much does it cost?
Surface Pro 3 demo, ali vam je dovoljan
a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 for the demo,
and a Kinect, which is 120 dollars.
koji je 120 dolara.
that people use for their Xboxes
uz X-Box za 3D igre?
treba ti samo kamera.
you only need a camera.
za manje od 1000 dolara.
than a $1,000 solution.
za 400 dolara ga možete koristiti.
you can definitely use it.
KM: Da.
clinical trials in clinics.
da ću moći da radim vežbe kod kuće,
so it's a home version
da vidi kako mi ide.
can see how I'm doing and stuff like that.
KM: Hvala tebi.
CM: Thank you.
Cosmin Mihaiu - Physical therapy entrepreneurCosmin Mihaiu is the CEO and co-founder of MIRA Rehab, which develops software that engages patients in interactive and therapeutic games, making physical rehabilitation fun.
Why you should listen
When Cosmin Mihaiu noticed that injured patients hated physical therapy — and often took longer to recover because of it — he dedicated himself to making the dreaded process more engaging, or even fun. In 2011 he and his colleagues founded MIRA Rehab, where they develop software that lets patients play interactive, therapeutic games.
As MIRA’s CEO, Mihaiu now focuses on building relationships with medical institutions around the US and the UK, showing them how video games can make recovery more effective for patients and physical therapists alike.
Cosmin Mihaiu | Speaker |