DeAndrea Salvador: How we can make energy more affordable for low-income families
데안드레아 살바도르(DeAndrea Salvador): 저소득층 가정을 위한 더 저렴한 에너지 창출 방법
DeAndrea Salvador reshapes the way we use and engage with energy. Full bio
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시간을 보내곤 했습니다.
at my great-grandmother's house.
I would dash across the floor
달려가 붙어있곤 했죠.
her only air conditioner.
that that simple experience,
특권이었다는 사실을
having to set up fake energy accounts
이웃의 이야기들은
but to bypass the meter
하루라도 더 편안케하기 위해
comfortable for one more day.
선택의 여지가 없었습니다.
incidents can take root
with impossible choices.
뿌리를 내릴 수 있습니다.
three percent of their income on energy.
수입의 3%를 에너지에 지출합니다.
and rural populations
지방에 거주하는 사람들은
of their income on energy.
에너지에 사용합니다.
25 million people to skip meals
식사를 거르기도 했습니다.
than just a number.
단순한 숫자 그 이상의 것입니다.
and perilous choices:
위험한 선택들을 합니다.
to get her flu medicine,
독감약을 먹이시겠습니까?
between medicine and energy.
사이에서 갈등하고 있습니다.
and systemic issue.
체계적인 문제를 드러냅니다.
are disproportionately people of color,
불균형적으로 유색인종입니다.
than their white counterparts.
백인보다 더 많습니다.
and even schoolteachers
심지어 선생님들이
of 37 million people a year
에너지를 공급할 수 없는,
for their most basic needs.
하나가 되기도 합니다.
high energy burdens
like heart disease and asthma.
있을 가능성이 더 높습니다.
and our pocket-sized AI,
주머니 크기의 AI를 보면,
these systemic inequities.
해결할 도구를 가지고 있습니다.
microgrids and smart home technology
및 스마트 홈 기술 비용이
접근하고 있음에도
earn much more than the average American.
평균 미국인보다 더 법니다.
I founded the nonprofit RETI.
이유가 바로 이것입니다.
by working with communities,
줄이는 것이었습니다.
to clean energy,
제공하기 위해 노력했습니다.
방법이 없었습니다.
of local communities,
of relationships.
with the communities
가장 큰 지역사회와
and events for communities
에너지 빈곤에 대해 배울 수 있도록
updates to their homes
위한 단열 개선과 같은
and water heaters
멀다는 점을 알게 되었습니다.
to community solar
절감을 돕기위해,
smart home research
태양열로 연결하고
their energy bills.
with elected officials,
직접 협력하고 있으며.
of energy equity and resilience succeed,
비전이 성공하는 것을 보기 위해,
함께 일해야 하기 때문입니다.
over three billion a year
지출하고 있습니다.
millions of people,
수백만명의 사람들을 도왔습니다.
a fraction of those in need.
극히 일부만이 도울 수 있었습니다.
home-energy affordability gap,
47억 달러의 격차가 있습니다.
지속가능하지 않습니다.
and resilience into our communities,
탄력성을 구축함으로써
reliable and affordable.
에너지를 이용하도록 할 수 있습니다.
clean technology and energy efficiency
청정 기술 및 에너지 효율은
20 percent of their income --
who's struggling to make ends meet.
for families to use their energy savings
그들의 미래를 후원하기 위해
사용할 수 있는 기회입니다.
and her neighbors,
that they had to make
on our whole community.
미쳤던 영향을 회상합니다.
대한 문제만은 아닙니다.
to make the same impossible choices today.
불가능한 선택을 하고있습니다.
are a tremendous barrier to overcome,
극복해야 할 큰 벽이라는 것을 압니다.
with communities and technology,
길을 가지고 있습니다
더 회복될 수 있을 것입니다.
DeAndrea Salvador - Environmental justice advocateDeAndrea Salvador reshapes the way we use and engage with energy.
Why you should listen
DeAndrea Newman Salvador is an energy expert with a background in economics, an entrepreneur and a founder of two groundbreaking organizations, Renewable Energy Transition Initiative (RETI) and JouleScout. She works to create seamless integration of low-income families into a world of energy abundance.
Witnessing neighbors in her home state of North Carolina struggle to keep up with energy expenses, Salvador took action in 2013 and founded RETI, a nonprofit focused on helping low-income families sustainably reduce energy costs and gain access to cutting-edge technology. Through RETI, Salvador is partnering with Duke Energy (one of the nation's largest utilities) to launch a low- to moderate-income shared solar program in South Carolina. RETI also worked with the City of Charlotte to create a Smart Home Kick Start for the city's residents.
Furthering her mission to create energy equity in the new energy economy, Salvador founded JouleScout in 2018. JouleScout is a social enterprise focused on helping energy providers incentivize customers to use less energy at key times without sacrificing comfort, thereby ensuring grid reliability, fewer blackouts and more renewables on the grid with a cost savings to customers.
As a social entrepreneur and advocate, Salvador has been featured by The Atlantic, Fast Company, the BBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Utility Drive and the Charlotte Observer. Her own articles are published in Pacific Standard Magazine, GOOD, The Development Set, BRIGHT Magazine and on
Salvador is a TED2018 Fellow, a recipient of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Young Alumna of the Year Award and was recognized as one of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Black Chamber of Commerce's 30 under 30. She is a member of the Mecklenburg County Air Quality Commission and sits on the Board of Directors for Youth Empowered Solutions (YES!).
DeAndrea Salvador | Speaker |