Nina Dølvik Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl: The virginity fraud
Nina Dølvik Brochmann, Ellen Støkken Dahl: A fraude da Virgindade
Nina Dølvik Brochmann, M.D. wants to empower women through good sexual education. Full bioEllen Støkken Dahl - Medical student, writer
Ellen Støkken Dahl is spreading medical expertise and enthusiasm for sexual health as a teacher for teenagers, sex workers and refugees. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
We grew up believing
Crescemos acreditando
about female virginity
sobre a virgindade na mulher
in medical communities for over 100 years,
pela comunidade médica há mais de 100 anos
continue to make life difficult
continuam dificultando a vida
The first myth is about blood.
O primeiro mito é sobre o sangue.
breaks and bleeds
tem relações sexuais vaginais.
on the sheets afterwards,
sangue nos lençóis após o ato,
consequence of the first.
lógica do primeiro.
to break and bleed,
that it actually disappears
que ele desaparece
during a woman's first intercourse.
durante a primeira relação sexual.
if a woman is a virgin or not
se a mulher é virgem ou não
like a minor issue to you.
pequeno para você.
on the female body?
obscura no corpo feminino?
this is about so much more
have lived on for centuries
a sexualidade feminina
religion and historical decade.
e períodos históricos.
subjected to honor killings
sujeitas a assassinatos de honra
on their wedding night.
through degrading virginity checks,
degradantes para checar a sua virgindade,
to enter military service.
para ingressar no serviço militar.
to undergo virginity checks
forçado a realizar testes de virgindade
the hymens of young girls
os himens de mulheres jovens
that their children are not ruined.
que suas filhas não estão arruinadas.
the myths about the hymen
às expectativas dos mitos sobre o hímen,
different virginity quick fixes
poured on the sheets after sex
derramados sobre os lençóis após o sexo,
dark secret goodbye."
esse segredo para todo o sempre.
that no deed can be kept secret,
não têm como guardar segredo
will reveal them no matter what,
não importa como,
ou atividade sexual.
e sua liberdade.
and their freedoms.
to the virginity fraud.
com a fraude da virgindade.
about the hymen
os mitos sobre o hímen
of "The Wonder Down Under."
a maravilha lá embaixo.
about the female genitals.
sobre a genitália feminina.
people seem to believe
as pessoas parecem acreditar
covering the vaginal opening.
cobrindo a entrada da vagina.
"the virgin membrane."
de "membrana virgem".
we picture something fragile,
why we brought a hula hoop onstage today.
um bambolê ao palco hoje?
to this hoop, right?
before and after I punched it.
on this hoop right here,
a virgindade deste bambolê,
is not a virgin anymore.
não é mais virgem.
is nothing like a piece of plastic
com um pedaço de plástico
at the outer opening of the vagina.
na abertura da vagina.
or a half-moon shape
formato de rosca ou meia-lua
naturally vary a lot in looks,
naturalmente, podem ter formatos variados
to do a virginity check.
realizar um teste de virgindade.
about the hymen's anatomy,
sobre a anatomia do hímen,
have to break at all.
in function as well as in looks.
tanto na função quanto na aparência.
to handle a vaginal intercourse
para aguentar a primeira relação sexual
to make room for the penis,
um pouco para dar espaço ao pênis.
a bit different from before.
diferente do que era antes.
that you can't examine the hymen
examinar um hímen
há mais de 100 anos, em 1906,
do sexo de meia-idade
were reminiscent of a teenage virgin.
com a de uma adolescente virgem.
was never damaged during sex,
danificado durante o sexo,
in every shape and form,
todo tipo de formato,
because of previous damage
está ali porque sofreu um dano prévio
anatomical variant.
normal de sua anatomia.
done on 36 pregnant teenagers.
em 36 adolescentes grávidas.
clear signs of penetration
sinais claros de penetração
in 34 cases of virgin births --
em 34 casos de virgens dando à luz...
has taken a vital blow.
between her legs
olhar entre as pernas de uma mulher
the myths about the hymen are untrue.
os mitos sobre hímen não são verdadeiros.
that magically disappears after sex,
que desaparece magicamente após o sexo,
can easily have sex without bleeding.
pode facilmente fazer sexo sem sangrar.
that by removing these myths,
que, ao remover esses mitos,
would all just disappear.
pela honra apenas desapareceriam.
comes from something much deeper
vem de algo muito mais profundo
about the properties of the hymen.
sobre as propriedades do hímen.
control of women's sexuality.
religioso sobre a sexualidade da mulher.
this is our contribution.
essa é a nossa contribuição.
and [future] husband to know
pais, mães e futuros maridos saibam
as a proof of virginity.
como prova de virgindade.
one of the most powerful tools
uma das ferramentas mais poderosas
jovens mulheres hoje.
as a proof of virginity for women,
como prova da virgindade da mulher,
if a woman is a virgin or not,
se uma mulher é virgem ou não,
that question is her choice.
a essa pergunta é uma escolha dela.
Nina Dølvik Brochmann - Doctor, writerNina Dølvik Brochmann, M.D. wants to empower women through good sexual education.
Why you should listen
Nina Dølvik Brochmann, M.D. is spreading medical expertise and enthusiasm for sexual health as a teacher for teenagers, sex workers and refugees. With her collaborator Ellen Støkken Dahl, she has built up one of Norway’s most popular health blogs, Underlivet (The Life Below/The Genitals). After being frustrated by the amount of medical misconceptions and shame that surrounded the female body, she and Dahl wrote the popular science book, The Wonder Down Under: The Insider's Guide to the Anatomy, Biology, and Reality of the Vagina. This humorous and non-judgmental medical guidebook to the female genitalia has taken the world by storm and is currently being translated into more than 30 languages. She has a B.A. in political science from Columbia University (CC '10), and she currently works as doctor and writer based in Oslo, Norway.
Nina Dølvik Brochmann | Speaker |
Ellen Støkken Dahl - Medical student, writer
Ellen Støkken Dahl is spreading medical expertise and enthusiasm for sexual health as a teacher for teenagers, sex workers and refugees.
Why you should listen
Ellen Støkken Dahl wishes to empower women through good sexual education. With her collaborator Nina Dølvik Brochmann, she has built up one of Norway’s most popular health blogs, Underlivet (The Life Below/The Genitals). After being frustrated by the amount of medical misconceptions and shame that surrounded the female body, she and Brochmann wrote the popular science book, The Wonder Down Under: The Insider's Guide to the Anatomy, Biology, and Reality of the Vagina. This humorous and non-judgmental medical guidebook to the female genitalia has taken the world by storm and is currently being translated into more than 30 languages. She currently works as doctor and writer based in Oslo, Norway.
Ellen Støkken Dahl | Speaker |