Tiffany Watt Smith: The history of human emotions
Tiffany Watt Smith: A historia das emocións humanas
Tiffany Watt Smith investigates the hidden cultural forces which shape our emotions. Full bio
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with a little experiment.
por un pequeno experimento.
if you would close your eyes
pedireilles que pechen os ollos
to tell anyone or anything.
a ninguén, nin nada.
or perhaps hard you find it
ou difícil lles parece
10 seconds to do this.
a little bit under pressure,
un pouco presionados,
of the person next to you.
have their eyes closed?
strange, distant worry
que mandaron esta mañá,
you've got planned for this evening.
para esta tarde.
that comes when we get together
que nos embarga ao reunírmonos
as velas dun barco.
which wash the world in a single color,
tinxen o mundo dunha soa cor,
ao derrapar un coche,
crowd and jostle together
as nosas emocións mestúranse
to tell them apart.
se fai difícil distinguilas.
you'd hardly even notice them,
que nin reparamos nelas,
that will make you reach out
in the supermarket.
no supermercado.
that we hurry away from,
to search a loved one's pockets.
a remexer nos petos dun ser querido.
which are so peculiar,
hai emocions tan peculiares
nin como chamalas.
a little tingle of a desire
ese formigo de degoiro
French sociologist called "ilinx,"
un gran sociólogo francés chamou "ilinx"
with minor acts of chaos.
situacións menores de caos.
and emptied the contents of your bag
e baleirasen os seus bolsos,
untranslatable emotions
unha desas estrañas emocións intraducíbeis
English equivalent.
un equivalente claro en inglés.
the Dutch called "gezelligheid,"
o que os holandeses chaman "gezelligheid",
when it's cold and damp outside.
mentres fóra chove e vai frío.
is an extremely important commodity,
é un ben sumamente precioso,
to explain many things,
para explicar moitas cousas.
of being able to recognize and name
a habilidade para recoñecer e poñer nome
and those of other people,
is taught in our schools and businesses
que se ensina nos colexios e empresas
is becoming impoverished.
as emocións se está a empobrecer.
what an emotion even is.
temos tan claro o que é unha emoción.
can be boiled down
se pode reducir
about 2,000 years old,
have suggested that these six emotions --
suxiren que estas seis emocións
disgust, anger, surprise --
noxo, ira e sorpresa--
in exactly the same way,
exactamente do mesmo xeito
the building blocks
as emocións desta maneira
your heart rate quickens,
o seu pulso acelérase
you run very, very fast.
senten medo e corren moi, moi rápido.
what an emotion is.
o que é unha emoción.
is extremely important,
por suposto,
why we feel the way we do
o por que dunha emoción
that in the 12th century,
que no século XII
or boredom like we do today,
ou o aburrimento como cremos hoxe,
of the deepest love?
brave men -- knights --
afoutos homes --cabaleiros--
who lived in the desert
que vivían no deserto,
who mainly came out at lunchtime
que aparecían sobre todo á hora de xantar,
they called "accidie,"
que chamaban "accidie"?
that was sometimes so intense
ás veces tan intenso,
as we know and love it today,
o coñecemos e amamos a día de hoxe,
by the Victorians,
polos victorianos
about leisure time and self-improvement?
sobre o lecer e a superación persoal?
untranslatable words for emotions
que designan emocións
might feel an emotion more intensely
senten máis que outras unha emoción dada
to name and talk about it,
en nomeala e falar sobre ela?
de exasperante insatisfacción
in cognitive science show
nas ciencias cognitivas amosan
de enorme complexidade e elasticidade
that we've inherited
but by our thoughts,
e os nosos pensamentos,
has become very interested
amosou un grande interese
between words and emotions.
entre palabras e emocións.
a new word for an emotion,
unha nova palabra para unha emoción,
novos sentimentos.
that as language changes,
igual que cambian as linguas,
to see that emotions have changed,
vemos que as emocións foron mudando,
and religious beliefs,
e crenzas relixiosas,
and economic ideologies.
a novas ideoloxías políticas e económicas.
á historia dun xeito
starting to understand.
ata hai ben pouco.
to learn new words for emotions,
aprender palabras para emocións,
emotionally intelligent,
intelixentes emocionalmente,
where those words have come from,
cal é a orixe desas palabras
we ought to live and behave
en que debemos vivir e actuar
in the late 17th century,
living some 60 miles away from home.
a uns 100 km da casa.
and they find him dejected and feverish,
e encóntrano apesarado e febril,
que se empeza a rezar por el
that prayers are said for him
para devolver o doente á súa casa
to return this young man home
onto the stretcher,
to the gates of his hometown,
from a very powerful form of homesickness.
unha forma aguda de morriña.
that it might have killed him.
Johannes Hofer,
Johannes Hofer
in medical circles around Europe.
nas esferas médicas europeas.
they were probably immune
que probablemente eran inmunes
in the empire and so on.
co Imperio e demais,
cropping up in Britain, too.
tamén en Gran Bretaña.
during the First World War in France.
combatendo en Francia na I Guerra Mundial.
that you could die from nostalgia
mean something different --
significa algo diferente
rather than a lost place --
máis ca dun lugar perdido.
concíbese como algo menos serio,
is seen as less serious,
de algo que te poida matar,
you could die from
podes temer que sufra o teu fillo
your kid might be suffering from
in the early 20th century.
a comezos do século XX.
or the expansion of the railways?
ou a expansión do ferrocarril?
and travel and progress
o movemento e o progreso
transformation in values,
ese enorme cambio de valores,
feel homesickness today
que non sintamos morriña
influence our emotions
inflúen nas nosas emocións
how we feel about how we feel.
a como nos sentimos sobre o que sentimos.
to make us better workers
nos fai mellores traballadores,
most of those things.
a que facía todo isto.
self-help books from that period
daquel período
to be disappointed.
de razóns para estar triste.
you could cultivate sadness as a skill,
se podía cultivar como unha habilidade,
would make you more resilient
as invariably it would.
como de feito acontecía.
disto a día de hoxe.
impatient, even a little ashamed.
ansiosos e ata un pouco avergoñados.
and you might feel a little bit smug.
e talvez poidades fachendear un pouco.
don't just change across time,
ao longo do tempo,
speak of "awumbuk,"
fala de "awumbuk",
when a houseguest finally leaves.
que sobrevén cando marcha un hóspede.
nos sintamos aliviados,
to shed a sort of heaviness
ao marchar unha sorte de carga
and causes this awumbuk.
e causa o chamado "awumbuk".
a bowl of water out overnight
un cunco de auga fóra pola noite
they wake up and have a ceremony
para celebrar unha cerimonia
and geographical realities combining
e realidades xeográficas
is a Japanese word, "amae."
a designada pola palabra xaponesa "amae".
hard to translate.
the pleasure that you get
hand over responsibility for your life
a responsabilidade sobre a súa propia vida
might have been named and celebrated
fose nomeada e enaltecida no Xapón
traditionally collectivist culture,
colectivista deste país;
amongst English speakers,
self-sufficiency and individualism.
a autosuficiencia e o individualismo.
un pouco simplista,
tell us not just about what we feel,
non só sobre o que sentimos
to pay attention to our well-being
de atender ao noso benestar
of naming our emotions.
de poñerlles nome ás nosas emocións.
non son etiquetas neutras.
values and expectations,
de valores e expectativas,
about who we think we are.
acerca do noso autoconcepto.
for emotions will help attune us
para designar emocións axudaranos
aspects of our inner lives.
máis moleculares da nosa vida íntima.
words are worth caring about,
darlles importancia
how powerful the connection is
o potente que é a conexión
requires that we understand
esixe que entendamos
the cultural forces
to believe about our emotions
sobre as nosas emocións
or hatred or love or anger
a ledicia, o odio, o amor ou a ira
en proceso de transformación agora.
as nosas emocións
tell us how important they are,
do importantes que son,
truly speak to us now.
that you feel in an unfamiliar place.
que un sente nun lugar descoñecido.
of being a historian
I've completely taken for granted,
que me é moi familiar
just a little glimpse of it right now.
un chisco del agora mesmo.
Tiffany Watt Smith - Cultural historianTiffany Watt Smith investigates the hidden cultural forces which shape our emotions.
Why you should listen
Tiffany Watt Smith is the author of The Book of Human Emotions, which tells the stories of 154 feelings from around the world. It has been published in 9 countries so far. She is currently a Wellcome Trust research fellow at the Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary University of London, and she was educated at the Universities of Cambridge and London. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, the BBC News Magazine and The New Scientist. In 2014, she was named a BBC New Generation Thinker. In her previous career, she was a theatre director.
Tiffany Watt Smith | Speaker |