Joshua Smith: New nanotech to detect cancer early
جاشوا سميث: تقنية النانو الجديدة لاكتشاف السرطان مبكرًا
Motivated by his wife's bout with cancer, IBM's Joshua Smith applies his engineering expertise to early diagnosis. Full bio
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those three words within our lifetime,
هذه الكلمات الثلاث في حياته،
of your closest friends and relatives
من أصدقائك المقربين وأقاربك
with some form of cancer,
of cancer survivors here in the US
في أمريكا
more likely to declare bankruptcy
بمعدل مرتين على الأقل
doesn't have to be a death sentence.
كعقوبة الإعدام.
to improving treatment options,
خيارات العلاج،
aims of my research --
of breast cancer for example,
لو نظرنا في حالة سرطان الثدي فقط،
and treated at stage one
في المرحلة الأولى
of nearly 100 percent --
تقريباً بنسبة 100% --
if treated at stage four.
في المرحلة الرابعة.
for colorectal and ovarian cancer.
من سرطان القولون والمستقيم والمبايض.
that an early diagnosis that is accurate
بأن التشخيص المبكر الدقيق
cancer diagnostic tools are invasive,
السرطان مجتاحة،
amount of time to get the results back.
على النتائج.
to some forms of cancer,
ببعض أشكال السرطان،
liver or pancreatic cancer,
until physical symptoms surface,
حتى تظهر الأعراض الجسدية،
indicators of late-stage progression.
على تفاقم الألم في مرحلة متأخرة.
without an early warning system,
دون وجود نظام للإنذار المبكر،
are greatly reduced.
ضئيلة للغاية.
of regular screening options
مريحة وسهلة الوصول إليها
and could provide results much sooner,
وتعطي نتائج في وقت أقرب بكثير،
weapon in the fight against cancer.
to get out ahead of the disease
قبل تفاقم المرض
following in its relentless wake.
I've been developing technologies
ظللت أقوم بتطوير التقنيات
cancer diagnostics.
by a deep scientific curiosity,
with breast cancer.
and unexpected emotional dimension
treatment can be,
بوجود علاجٍ مغيّرٍ للحياة،
of the emotional havoc
included our two young daughters.
during a routine mammogram,
فحص الثدي الشعاعي الروتيني،
primarily on treatment options
على خيارات العلاج
how important an early diagnosis is.
في مرحلة مبكرة.
screening option for breast cancer.
خيار فحص مبكر لسرطان الثدي.
for having a mammogram.
بعمل فحص ثدي شعاعي روتيني.
a lot of room for improvement,
that do have screening options,
خيارات للفحص،
for those that don't.
for cancer researchers
في مجال مرض السرطان
for many types of cancers
where during your regular checkup,
a simple, noninvasive urine sample,
غير مصابة،
before you even leave the doctor's office.
dramatically reduce the number of people
وعلى نحو كبير من عدد الناس
of an early-stage cancer diagnosis.
of engineers and biochemists
وعلماء الكيمياء الحيوية
activate an early-stage cancer alarm
للسرطان في مرحلة مبكرة
that would start when a person is healthy
التي ستبدأ عندما يكون الشخص في صحة جيدة
to stop cancer the moment it emerges,
في حالة ظهوره،
beyond its infancy.
are tiny vesicles,
هي الحويصلات الدقيقة،
by cells called exosomes.
عن طريق خلايا تدعى "الأكسوزومات".
for the development of cancer.
in just about every bodily fluid,
جسدي تقريبًا،
for noninvasive liquid biopsies.
غير الغازية.
these important biomarkers
لهذه المؤشرات الحيوية المهمة
that we call nano-DLD
"نانو-حتمية العزل الجانبي"
early-warning weapon, if you will,
إن صحّ التعبير،
nanometers in diameter.
of them into a single red blood cell.
في خلية دم حمراء واحدة.
between a golf ball
for unwanted cellular waste,
لنفايات الخلايا غير المرغوب فيها،
that cells actually communicate
collected from their cell of origin.
من خلاياها الأصلية.
into the receiving cell,
في الخلية المستقبلة،
fundamental changes in gene expression --
في التعبير الوراثي --
in the material of the mother cell,
of that cell's health and its origin.
الصحية وأصلها.
make exosomes invaluable messengers
رسل ذات قيمة
at the cellular level.
intercept these messages
troublemakers within your body
في جسمك
screening is so critical
technologies to make this possible.
لجعل هذا ممكنًا.
emerged on the market just this year,
في الأسواق هذا العام فقط،
of mainstream healthcare options.
من خيارات الرعاية الصحية حتى الآن.
their widespread adoption
exosome isolation system exists
آلي للأكسوزوم
economically accessible.
من الناحية الاقتصادية.
for exosome isolation
expensive laboratory equipment,
to process a sample.
لمعالجة العينة.
for achieving automated exosome isolation
عزل الأكسوزوم الآلي
separation technique
للعزل المتدفق المستمر
so successfully for the past 50 years.
على مدى 50 عامًا الماضية.
of this technology
to the true nanoscale.
إلى مقياس النانو الحقيقي.
separated by nanoscopic gaps
عن طريق فجوات نانوية في منتهى الصغر
the fluid into streamlines,
nanoparticles being separated
علاقة أكبر بالسرطان
from the smaller, healthier ones,
الأصغر والأكثر صحة
in a zigzag-type motion
of these two particle populations.
لهاتين المجموعتين من الجزيئات.
that separates into two roads,
الذي ينقسمُ إلى شارعين،
a low-clearance tunnel under a mountain,
can go through the tunnel
خلال النفق
carrying potentially hazardous material,
بمواد يمكنُ أن تكون خطرة،
by size and contents
عن طريق الحجم والمحتويات
on a much, much smaller scale.
على مستوى أكثر صغرًا بكثير.
the separation process for screening
a sample of urine, blood or saliva,
أو دم، أو لعاب،
within the next few years.
في غضون السنوات القليلة القادمة.
to isolate and detect target exosomes
الأكسوزومات المستهدفة
a particular type of cancer,
their presence within minutes.
virtually painless.
ودون ألم تقريبًا.
and enrich biomarkers
in an automated way,
diseases such as cancer,
from sample preparation to diagnostics,
إلى التشخيص،
monitoring to therapeutics.
إلى العلاج الطبي.
the automation of this process --
made the automobile accessible
لجعل الحافلة في متناول
and a car in every garage,"
an early-warning cancer detection system
مبكر للسرطان
every man, woman and child
while they're still healthy,
بينما هُم في صحة جيدة.
avoid the high costs --
التكاليف العالية --
we caught my wife's cancer early,
أننا كشفنا سرطان زوجتي مبكرًا،
for everyone with a cancer diagnosis.
لكل شخص يشخصُ بالسرطان.
has already done
that within the next decade,
our family and future generations.
والأجيال القادمة.
as to be diagnosed with cancer,
بالإصابة بالسرطان،
will provide a strong beacon of hope.
من الأمل.
Joshua Smith - Cancer fighterMotivated by his wife's bout with cancer, IBM's Joshua Smith applies his engineering expertise to early diagnosis.
Why you should listen
As a research scientist and technical team lead for IBM's Nanobiotechnology Program, Dr. Joshua Smith researches innovative healthcare technologies at the intersection of engineering and biology to better understand disease progression.
Smith's team recently developed a chip-based solution that can rapidly isolate biomarkers as small as 20 nanometers to help identify cancer development even before symptoms occur. He is a sought-after speaker on the subject of lab-on-a-chip applications for healthcare and his work has been highlighted by Forbes, CNN Money, IEEE Spectrum and Pharma Technology Focus, among other media outlets. As a Research Staff Member and IBM Master Inventor, Smith has co-authored more than a dozen peer-reviewed scientific publications and is a co-inventor of more than 30 issued patents.
Currently, Smith is focusing on the development of a suite of core capabilities to manipulate, separate and detect individual macromolecules, providing a technological backbone for automation in sample preparation, diagnostics and therapeutics. When not with his colleagues in the lab, Smith enjoys teaching tomorrow's researchers and engineers at Columbia University.
Joshua Smith | Speaker |