Todd Coleman: A temporary tattoo that brings hospital care to the home
Todd Coleman: En midlertidig tatovering som bringer hospitalspleje til hjemmet
UCSD bioengineering professor Todd Coleman integratively spans the disciplines of medical electronics, machine learning and public health. Full bio
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risikabel graviditet.
for her preterm contractions.
præmature veer.
technicians and experts
det kræver teknikere og eksperter,
to monitor her uterine contractions.
som skal overvåge hendes livmoderveer.
is because she's worried.
er fordi hun er bekymret.
about what happens
hvad der sker
on bed rest at the hospital.
i hospitalssengen.
it would be devastating.
ville det være katastofalt.
to have a premature birth
at føde for tidligt
én ud af to muligheder:
until she gives birth,
indtil hun føder,
of her life paying for the bill;
at betale regningen;
and hope for the best.
10-dages ophold og håbe på det bedste.
seems appealing.
virker tiltalende.
about stories like this
at tænke på disse historier
at spørge mig selv og overveje:
the benefits of high-fidelity monitoring
udnytte fordelene ved overvågning i hi-fi,
partners in the hospital
pålidelige partnere på hospitalet,
living their daily life?
hvor de lever et hverdagsliv?
clever material scientists,
kloge videnskabsfolk,
and brainstormed.
you could wear like a piece of jewelry
kunne have på som et smykke
to yourself like a Band-Aid.
som et plaster.
and years of endeavors,
modgang og års anstrengelse,
with this flexible electronic patch
den her fleksible elektroniske lap,
using the same processes
from a semiconductor wafer
er overført fra en halvleder wafer
that can interface with the human body.
som bruger menneskekroppen som brugerflade.
the thickness of a human hair.
tynde som et menneskehår.
of information that we want,
informationer, vi ønsker,
integrere energikilder,
transmission capabilities.
trådløse overførelser.
these types of systems,
disse typer af systemer,
in our research group.
i vores forskningsgrupper.
to some of our clinical partners
nogle af vores kliniske partnere
in different clinical conditions,
under forskellige kliniske tilstande
in labor at our university hospital
fødselsveer på vores universitetshospital,
contractions with the conventional belt.
med det almindelige bælte.
lapper der.
pertaining to the fetal heart rate,
hos fosterets hjerterytme,
to what was acquired
til hvad der var opnået
til vores vurdering
and our algorithms.
elektroniske systemer og vores algoritmer.
were beginning to come to fruition,
var ved at blive virkelige,
in a clinical context.
i en klinisk sammenhæng.
we manufactured these systems
havde konstrueret disse systemer på
of the nurses in the hospital,
sygeplejersker på hospitalet,
with typical medical adhesives
de typiske medicinske klæbestoffer,
"Wait a minute.
"Vent et øjeblik.
them work with adhesives,
at virke med klæbestoffer,
ind i klæbestofferne,
our manufacturing problem."
vores produktionsproblem."
inside of a piece of Scotch tape
censorer ind i et stykke tape
allows us to, in addition,
forskergruppe gør det muligt for os,
into the flexible adhesives
kredsløb ind i de fleksible klæbestoffer
and digitizing them,
at forstærke signaler og digitalisere dem,
into the same medical adhesives
samme medicinske klæbestoffer,
as well as a usability perspective,
og anvendeligheds perspektiv,
make it used practically.
at produktet kunne bruges i praksis.
that we can simply digitize the data,
muligt at digitalisere dataet,
information for interpretation.
information til fortolkning.
about some of the energy challenges.
af energiudfordringerne.
and how much it would cost
data-plan og hvor meget det ville koste
a continuous stream of data.
profession is comfortable talking about.
branche nyder at tale om.
does not have the most trust
have not had the best experiences
har ikke haft de bedste opleveser
of questions of privacy.
opmærksomme på spørgsmålet om privatliv.
being processed into the cloud.
der bliver sendt ud i skyen.
government can be hacked,
regering kan blive hacket,
all the hackers in the world,
them a smaller target.
dem for et mindre mål.
that do data interpretation
som laver data-fortolkningen
on those small integrated circuits
i de små integrerede kredsløb
these things together,
de her ting sammen,
we can think about the future
at tænke på fremtiden,
go about living her normal daily life,
kan leve et normalt liv,
she doesn't have to get another job
ikke behøver at få et andet arbejde
hendes data-plan,
some of her concerns about privacy.
bekymringer omkring hendes privatliv.
of these questions about privacy
disse spørgsmål om privatliv,
the chapter is closed now.
egentligt er slut nu.
deres dages ende, ikke?
as I mentioned earlier,
og som jeg nævnte tidligere,
in the medical establishment.
de medicinske organisationer.
and widening health disparities,
of proper care management.
til ordentlig pleje og behandling.
is that this simple picture
at dette simple billede
being wirelessly transmitted to the cloud,
bliver overført trådsløst til skyen
hvis nødvendigt --
trusted parties serve as intermediaries
betroede parter som mellemmænd
and her health care providers.
to partner with churches
at samarbejde med kirker
that are church members,
som er kirkemedlemmer,
to people like Jane.
for folk som Jane.
to pay one dollar now
at betale én dollar nu
en sundhedscoach,
intensive care unit --
plejeafdeling --
parts of a hospital.
på et hospital.
learning process for us.
lærerig process for os.
through and attacking one problem
at bryde igennem og angribe et problem
innovate with this technology
med denne teknologi,
who perhaps need it the most.
at den bruges af dem, som behøver den.
we've taken from this process
vi har lært fra denne process,
and advances at an accelerating rate,
udvikler sig drastigt,
are using this technology,
som bruger denne teknologi,
they have a face,
de har et ansigt,
Todd Coleman - Bioelectronics innovatorUCSD bioengineering professor Todd Coleman integratively spans the disciplines of medical electronics, machine learning and public health.
Why you should listen
Todd Coleman's research develops multi-functional, flexible bioelectronics and novel analytics methods to benefit patients and clinical decision-makers.
After a PhD in electrical engineering at MIT, Coleman did a neurosciences post-doc and became an assistant professor in electrical and computer engineering and neuroscience at University of Illinois before joining the faculty of UCSD. An avid public health advocate, Coleman understands the value of collaborating with community health programs to truly implement and deliver sustainable innovations to those who need it most.
Todd Coleman | Speaker |