Todd Coleman: A temporary tattoo that brings hospital care to the home
Todd Coleman: Ospitaleko zaintza etxera ekartzen duen aldi baterako tatuajea
UCSD bioengineering professor Todd Coleman integratively spans the disciplines of medical electronics, machine learning and public health. Full bio
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for her preterm contractions.
monitarizatuak izateko.
technicians and experts
to monitor her uterine contractions.
horiek jartzen dizkiotelako.
is because she's worried.
about what happens
on bed rest at the hospital.
it would be devastating.
suntsitzailea litzateke.
to have a premature birth
erditze goiztiarra edo
until she gives birth,
erditu arte
of her life paying for the bill;
and hope for the best.
eta dena ondo ateratzea espero.
seems appealing.
ez da oso erakargarria.
about stories like this
pentsatzen dudanean,
the benefits of high-fidelity monitoring
partners in the hospital
onurak izatea
living their daily life?
egiten dugun bitartean?
clever material scientists,
and brainstormed.
idea-jasa bat egin genuen.
you could wear like a piece of jewelry
bitxi baten modukoa, edo
to yourself like a Band-Aid.
jar daitekeena.
and years of endeavors,
beteriko urteen ostean,
with this flexible electronic patch
honetara heldu ginen.
using the same processes
erabiltzen den
baina, kasu honetan,
from a semiconductor wafer
giza gorputzarekin
that can interface with the human body.
malgu batera pasatzen dira.
the thickness of a human hair.
of information that we want,
transmission capabilities.
these types of systems,
hasi ginenean,
in our research group.
probatzen hasi ginen.
to some of our clinical partners
batzuekin ere kontaktatu genuen
in different clinical conditions,
zeuden gaixoekin probatu genituen,
in labor at our university hospital
erditzera doan emakume bat da,
contractions with the conventional belt.
baten bidez monitarizatzen ari zaizkie.
pertaining to the fetal heart rate,
taupaden uhinak ikus daitezke,
to what was acquired
and our algorithms.
erabiliz egindako estimazioek.
geure buruari.
were beginning to come to fruition,
fruituak ematen hasi ziren,
in a clinical context.
ari ginen ikusten.
arazo bat.
we manufactured these systems
of the nurses in the hospital,
with typical medical adhesives
ziren itsasgarri medikoekin
"Wait a minute.
"Itxaron une bat.
them work with adhesives,
our manufacturing problem."
arazoa konpontzera."
inside of a piece of Scotch tape
barneratzeko dugun gaitasuna
allows us to, in addition,
into the flexible adhesives
eta digitalizatzeko
and digitizing them,
ahalbideratzen digu,
into the same medical adhesives
as well as a usability perspective,
erabilgarritasunaren ingurukoak,
make it used practically.
eztabaida askotan
that we can simply digitize the data,
datuak digitaliza ditzakegula,
transmititu ditzakegula,
information for interpretation.
informazioa atera.
about some of the energy challenges.
uzten badugu.
and how much it would cost
zein datu tarifa duen,
a continuous stream of data.
datuak bidaltzearen kostua.
profession is comfortable talking about.
erosoa ez den bat.
does not have the most trust
erabateko konfidantza
have not had the best experiences
ez dituzte esperientzia atseginenak izan
of questions of privacy.
pentsatu behar dugu.
being processed into the cloud.
government can be hacked,
all the hackers in the world,
baino azkarragoak izango,
them a smaller target.
bat aurkez diezaiekegu.
that do data interpretation
algoritmo horiek
on those small integrated circuits
zirkuitu txikietan
these things together,
we can think about the future
dezakegula etorkizunean
go about living her normal daily life,
bizitza normal bat izaten jarraitu eta
she doesn't have to get another job
beste lan bat
some of her concerns about privacy.
ere kontuan izanez.
of these questions about privacy
hainbat gai konpondu ditugu
the chapter is closed now.
izan ziren, ezta?
as I mentioned earlier,
lehenago esan bezala, zera da,
in the medical establishment.
and widening health disparities,
handitzen ari direla,
of proper care management.
zaintza egokien inguruan.
is that this simple picture
being wirelessly transmitted to the cloud,
igortzearekin eroso egon arren,
eskuhartzea onartu arren,
trusted parties serve as intermediaries
Jane eta bere medikua bezalako pertsonen
and her health care providers.
eduki ahal izateko.
to partner with churches
that are church members,
to people like Jane.
aholkulari bihurtzen ditugu.
to pay one dollar now
eta osasun aholkulari batengatik,
intensive care unit --
unitatean amaitzean;
parts of a hospital.
garestienetako batean.
learning process for us.
luze bat izan da hau.
through and attacking one problem
prozesu errepikakor honek,
innovate with this technology
berrikuntzak egiteaz gain,
who perhaps need it the most.
erabili ahal izatea ziurtatuz.
we've taken from this process
beste ikasgaia, oso apalgarria,
and advances at an accelerating rate,
aurrera egiten duen honetan
are using this technology,
direla kontuan izan behar dugula,
they have a face,
Todd Coleman - Bioelectronics innovatorUCSD bioengineering professor Todd Coleman integratively spans the disciplines of medical electronics, machine learning and public health.
Why you should listen
Todd Coleman's research develops multi-functional, flexible bioelectronics and novel analytics methods to benefit patients and clinical decision-makers.
After a PhD in electrical engineering at MIT, Coleman did a neurosciences post-doc and became an assistant professor in electrical and computer engineering and neuroscience at University of Illinois before joining the faculty of UCSD. An avid public health advocate, Coleman understands the value of collaborating with community health programs to truly implement and deliver sustainable innovations to those who need it most.
Todd Coleman | Speaker |