Gian Giudice: Why our universe might exist on a knife-edge
Gian Giudice: Zašto naš svemir možda visi o niti
Gian Giudice is a theoretical physicist who has contributed greatly to our present understanding of particle physics and cosmology. Full bio
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hadronskom sudaraču (LHC)
iznenađenje toga dana
dobivaju masu,
prilično nezadovoljavajuće
postojanje novih čestica
svijeta čestica
odvesti ta hipoteza.
i intrigantnog zaključka
Ali kako bih to bolje objasnio,
što je zapravo Higgs,
milijarditog dijela sekunde
nešto dramatično
fazni prijelaz.
faznom prijelazu
voda pretvara u led
prazni prostor
u ovoj prostoriji.
postojanje spomenute tvari
u tekućem ili čvrstom stanju,
ispunjava prostor-vrijeme,
u kojemu je Higgsovo polje
iznenada pojaviti
u određeno vrijeme.
kad prokuhavate vodu.
pretvarajući tekućinu u plin.
ultragustog Higgsova stanja
brzinom svjetlosti,
i pretvarajući Higgsovo polje
u svakodnevnom životu,
nekoliko puta jače,
neutroni propadali
jezgre bi se raspadale,
Higgsovu stanju
od trenutačnog,
bilo ispunjeno tim Higgsovim stanjem,
kao i života, bilo bi nemoguće.
koja je sudbina
jest masa Higgsova bozona.
u poznatim jedinicama
ovdje u CERN-u,
kvantnim tuneliranjem
mase Higgsova bozona
kvantno tuneliranje
stabilnu vladu.
već odavno neće biti.
dalje od svojih nogu
urušavanju Higgsova polja.
tako posebna.
vrijednosti Higgsove mase.
ključ za rješavanje misterija
koji zbog gravitacije pada.
velika većina pješčanih dina
oko kritične vrijednosti,
kako će sve završiti.
potrebno je još podataka
uskoro otkriti nove detalje
da su dosad poznate čestice
spremno za kozmički kolaps
Gian Giudice - Theoretical physicistGian Giudice is a theoretical physicist who has contributed greatly to our present understanding of particle physics and cosmology.
Why you should listen
Gian Giudice is a permanent member of CERN's group for theoretical physics. He has researched topics like supersymmetry, extra dimensions and dark matter, and has formulated theories that describe the earliest stages of the universe and that apply our knowledge of the particle world to smaller distances.
As author of the popular book, A Zeptospace Odyssey, Giudice is active in communicating the complex work of the Large Hadron Collider to the public. Meant for the lay reader, the book shares both the innovations needed to build the LHC and the theories it was created to prove. After the Higgs boson discovery, Giudice found the surprising result that, if the Standard Model continues to hold up at very small distances, the universe must be in a critical state, near to a phase transition that could lead to the collapse of all atomic matter. Luckily, in his TED Talk, he shares that this would happen very, very, very far in the future.
Gian Giudice | Speaker |