Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it?
Sam Harris: Možemo li napraviti umjetnu inteligenciju bez da izgubimo kontrolu nad njom?
Sam Harris's work focuses on how our growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live. Full bio
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about a failure of intuition
o neuspjehu intuicije
to detect a certain kind of danger.
uočavanja određene vrste opasnosti.
most of you will feel
većina će vas osjećati
is kind of cool.
nekako fora.
how the gains we make
dobici koje stvaramo
to see how they won't destroy us
vidjeti kako nas oni neće uništiti
to think about these things.
razmišljati o ovim stvarima.
ovim govorom
to suffer a global famine,
doživjeti globalnu glad,
or some other catastrophe,
ili neke druge katastrofe,
or their grandchildren,
ili njihovi unuci,
on the other hand, is fun,
s druge strane, jest zabavna,
about the development of AI at this point
oko razvoja AI u ovom trenutku
an appropriate emotional response
stvoriti prikladan emotivni odgovor
and I'm giving this talk.
a držim ovaj govor.
pred dvama vratima.
in building intelligent machines.
u izgradnji inteligentnih strojeva.
just stops getting better for some reason.
samo iz nekog razloga prestane poboljšavati.
to consider why this might happen.
razmislite zašto bi se to moglo dogoditi.
intelligence and automation are,
inteligencija i automatizacija,
if we are at all able to.
ako smo to ikako sposobni.
president of the United States?
predsjednik Sjedinjenih država?
destroy civilization as we know it.
uništiti civilizaciju kakvu znamo.
how bad it would have to be
kako bi loše to moralo biti
improvements in our technology
poboljšanja u našoj tehnologiji
this is the worst thing
to je najgora stvar
behind door number two,
iza vrata broj dva,
to improve our intelligent machines
naše inteligentne strojeve
machines that are smarter than we are,
strojeve koji su pametniji od nas,
that are smarter than we are,
koji su pametniji od nas,
the mathematician IJ Good called
matematičar I.J. Good nazvao
as I have here,
kako imam ovdje,
vojske zloćudnih robota
will become spontaneously malevolent.
spontano postati zloćudnim.
that we will build machines
kako ćemo izraditi strojeve
more competent than we are
sposobniji od nas
between their goals and our own
između njihovih i naših ciljeva
kako bismo im naudili.
we take pains not to harm them.
se baš i trudimo kako im ne bismo naudili.
a building like this one,
građevinu poput ove,
one day build machines
jednog dana sagraditi strojeve
sa sličnim nehajem.
far-fetched to many of you.
vam se ovo doima nategnutim.
that superintelligent AI is possible,
kako je superinteligentan AI moguć,
with one of the following assumptions.
s nekom od slijedeći pretpostavki.
processing in physical systems.
informacija u fizičkim sustavima.
than an assumption.
malo više od pretpostavke.
narrow intelligence into our machines,
usku inteligenciju u naše strojeve,
intelligence already.
inteligencije već sada.
"general intelligence,"
onog što nazivamo "opća inteligencija,"
across multiple domains,
rastezljivog na višestruka područja,
to build systems of atoms
graditi sustave atoma
intelligent behavior,
inteligentnog ponašanja
unless we are interrupted,
osim ako ne budemo ometeni,
build general intelligence
ugraditi opću inteligenciju
that the rate of progress doesn't matter,
kako stopa napretka nije bitna,
is enough to get us into the end zone.
napredak dovesti u krajnju zonu.
We don't need exponential progress.
Ne trebamo eksponencijalni rast.
is that we will keep going.
kako ćemo nastaviti napredovati.
our intelligent machines.
naše inteligentne strojeve.
the source of everything we value
izvor svega što držimo vrijednim
everything we value.
sve što smatramo vrijednim.
that we desperately need to solve.
koje očajnički trebamo riješiti.
like Alzheimer's and cancer.
poput Alzheimera ili raka.
We want to improve our climate science.
Želimo unaprijediti naše klimatske znanosti.
and there's no brake to pull.
a nema kočnice za povući.
on a peak of intelligence,
na vrhuncu inteligencije,
our situation so precarious,
našu situaciju tako neizvjesnom,
about risk so unreliable.
naše intuicije o riziku tako nepouzdanim.
who has ever lived.
koja je ikad živjela.
is John von Neumann.
ovdje je John von Neumann.
made on the people around him,
ostavljao na ljude oko sebe,
mathematicians and physicists of his time,
i fizičare njegovog doba,
about him are half true,
o njemu na pola istinito,
who has ever lived.
osoba koje su ikad živjele.
more depressing than it needs to be.
depresivnijem nego što mora biti.
that the spectrum of intelligence
međutim, kako se spektar inteligencije
than we currently conceive,
nego što trenutno poimamo,
that are more intelligent than we are,
koji su inteligentniji od nas,
explore this spectrum
istražiti ovaj spektar
that we can't imagine.
koje ne možemo zamisliti.
this is true by virtue of speed alone.
to istinito već po samom svojstvu brzine.
a superintelligent AI
upravo sagradili superinteligentan AI
than your average team of researchers
vašeg prosječnog tima istraživača
function about a million times faster
rade oko milijun puta brže
about a million times faster
razmišljati oko milijun puta brže
of human-level intellectual work,
intelektualnog rada ljudske razine,
much less constrain,
puno manje ograničiti,
zabrinjavajuća, iskreno,
of superintelligent AI
dizajn superinteligentne AI
the first time around.
iz prve.
the perfect labor-saving device.
savršena naprava za uštedu rada.
that can build the machine
koji može izraditi stroj
svaki fizički rad,
of raw materials.
sirovog materijala.
the end of human drudgery.
kraju ljudske tlake.
of most intellectual work.
većine intelektualnog rada.
do in this circumstance?
činili u takvim okolnostima?
and give each other massages.
igrati frizbi i masirati se međusobno.
questionable wardrobe choices,
upitnih odluka oko odjeće,
could be like Burning Man.
biti poput Burning Mana.
and political order?
ekonomskim i političkim poretkom?
kako bismo svjedočili
and unemployment
te nezaposlenosti
to immediately put this new wealth
stavljanjem tog novog bogatstva
the covers of our business magazines
resiti naslovnice naših poslovni časopisa
would be free to starve.
bio slobodan gladovati.
or the Chinese do
ili Kinezi učinili
in Silicon Valley
neka kompanija u Silicijskoj dolini
superinteligentnu AI?
of waging war,
sposoban voditi rat,
of the competition here
konkurencije ovdje
of this kind of breakthrough
o ovakvoj vrsti probitka
zastrašujućih stvari,
that AI researchers say
we're told not to worry is time.
koji navode je vrijeme.
don't you know.
ne znaš li?
about overpopulation on Mars."
o prekomjernoj populaciji na Marsu."
pretty little head about it."
svoju lijepu malu glavu sa time."
of information processing,
procesiranja informacija,
unapređivati naše strojeve,
some form of superintelligence.
neki oblik superinteligencije.
how long it will take us
koliko će nam dugo trebati
to do that safely.
kako bismo to učinili sigurno.
koliko će nam dugo trebati
to do that safely.
kako bismo to učinili sigurno.
50 years is not what it used to be.
50 godina nije što je nekad bilo.
has been on television.
"Simpsoni" na televiziji.
our species will ever face.
najvećih izazova koje će naša vrsta ikad imati.
to have an appropriate emotional response
imati prikladan emotivni odgovor
to believe is coming.
svaki razlog vjerovati kako dolazi.
has a nice analogy here.
ovdje pravi zgodnu analogiju.
a message from an alien civilization,
poruku od vanzemaljske civilizacije,
the months until the mothership lands?
mjesece dok matični brod ne sleti?
more urgency than we do.
hitnost nego što osjećamo.
što nam govore da ne brinemo
can't help but share our values
ne mogu pomoći da ne dijele naše vrijednosti
extensions of ourselves.
produžeci nas samih.
become their limbic systems.
postati njihov limbički sustav.
and only prudent path forward,
i jedini razborit put naprijed,
directly into our brains.
izravno u naše mozgove.
and only prudent path forward,
i jedini razborit put nparijed,
about a technology
oko tehnologije
before you stick it inside your head.
prije nego ju zabijete u vlastitu glavu.
building superintelligent AI on its own
izgradnja superinteligentne AI
integrate our minds with it.
integriramo s našim umovima.
and governments doing this work
i vlade koje se bave ovim poslom
as being in a race against all others,
kako su u utrci protiv svih ostalih,
is to win the world,
isto što i osvojiti svijet,
in the next moment,
nećete uništiti u slijedećem trenutku,
that whatever is easier to do
kako će što god je lakše učiniti
I don't have a solution to this problem,
nemam rješenje za ovaj problem,
that more of us think about it.
trebalo razmišljati o njemu.
like a Manhattan Project
poput Manhattan Projecta
we'll inevitably do that,
ćemo to neizbježno napraviti,
how to avoid an arms race
kako izbjeći utrku u naoružanju
that is aligned with our interests.
koji se podudara s našim interesima.
about superintelligent AI
superinteligentnoj AI
to get the initial conditions right,
za posložiti ispravne početne uvjete,
consequences of getting them right.
posljedice slaganja takvih uvjeta.
is the source of intelligence,
izvor inteligencije,
is what the basis of intelligence is,
ono na čemu se inteligencija temelji,
these systems continuously,
trajno unaprijeđivati te sustave,
of cognition very likely far exceeds
spoznaje vrlo vjerojatno daleko premašuje
of building some sort of god.
izgradnje neke vrste boga.
s kakvim možemo živjeti.
Sam Harris - Neuroscientist, philosopherSam Harris's work focuses on how our growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
Why you should listen
Sam Harris is the author of five New York Times bestsellers. His books include The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up and Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. Harris's writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics -- neuroscience, moral philosophy, religion, spirituality, violence, human reasoning -- but generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
Harris's work has been published in more than 20 languages and has been discussed in the New York Times, Time, Scientific American, Nature, Newsweek, Rolling Stone and many other journals. He has written for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Economist, The Times (London), the Boston Globe, The Atlantic, The Annals of Neurology and elsewhere. Harris also regularly hosts a popular podcast.
Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA.
Sam Harris | Speaker |