Matt Kenyon: A secret memorial for civilian casualties
Matt Kenyon: Hogyan csempésztem be egy emlékművet az iraki civilekről az USA kormányához
From a plant that lives or dies based on stock prices to an oilcan that flows backward, Matt Kenyon creates art that startles, amuses and challenges assumptions. Full bio
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rock musician Jello Biafra that I love.
egy mondása, amit nagyon szeretek
Be the media."
because A, I'm familiar with them
dolgozni, mert először is,
of the power they hold.
és félek a hatalmuktól.
between Fox News host Tony Snow
házigazdája, Tony Snow
Donald Rumsfeld.
miniszter, Donald Rumsfeld
about the recent invasion of Iraq,
on other people."
mások veszteségeit."
to one million Iraqis, civilians,
között van az iraki civilek száma,
of the US-led invasion in 2003.
Egyesül Államok vezette megszállásban.
the 4,486 US service members who died
az ugyanabban az időben
awareness to this terrifying number.
a figyelmet erre a szörnyű számra.
for the individual civilians
mindazoknak a civileknek,
such as Maya Lin's Vietnam Memorial,
Maya Lin Vietnam Emlékműve,
in the world, and to circulate.
és mozogjon a világban.
this classic civics assignment
állampolgári ismeretekből,
and you write a member of your government.
a kormány egyik tagjának.
if we wrote a really good letter,
a simple formed letter as a reply.
többet kapunk válaszként.
yellow legal tablet of paper
sárga vonalas jegyzetfüzet.
to the individual Iraqi civilians
az iraki civileknek,
során meghaltak.
and an act of commemoration
és megemlékezés,
the dates and locations
iraki civilek nevét,
pads of this paper, tons of this stuff,
jegyzetfüzeteket tonnaszámra
into the stationery supplies
koalíciós kormányok
and the Coalition governments.
the place to discuss how I did that.
ahol a módszerről beszélek.
with members and former members
az úgynevezett Akarás Koalíció
who assisted in the invasion.
akik részt vettek a megszállásban.
I meet with one of them,
közülük valakivel,
and Torture Memo author, Alberto Gonzales.
szerzőjével, Alberto Gonzales-szel.
May I give this to you?
Odaadhatom ezt önnek?
of an ongoing art project.
művészeti projekt része.
This is a special legal pad?
Ez egy különös jegyzetfüzet?
of Modern Art; I'm an artist.
kollekciójának. Művész vagyok.
of the paper are actually --
of individual Iraqi civilians
elesett iraki civilek
MK: Köszönöm.
really creeps me out.
to look under your chairs.
ha benéznének a székük alá.
that died as result of the invasion.
iraki civilek neveit.
and write a member of government.
hogy levelet írjanak egy kormánytagnak.
this civilian body count
civil névsort
that's sent in to the government,
the world, of course --
is archived, filed and recorded.
rögzítenek és megőriznek.
and under the noses of people in power.
hatalmon levő emberek postaládájába.
archive of our government,
részévé válik,
come into your head, of "Notepad"?
egy projektet
the US Coalition side of the war
the "Improvised Empathetic Device"
a "Rögtönzött Empatikus Eszköz",
cause of death and location
és helyét
who had died overseas,
or CENTCOM released their data,
vagy a CENTCOM kiadta az adatokat,
that there was a spectacle
hogy egyfajta látványra
who were dying overseas,
a tengerentúlon elesnek,
amount of casualties
aránytalanul nagy volt
Matt Kenyon - New media artistFrom a plant that lives or dies based on stock prices to an oilcan that flows backward, Matt Kenyon creates art that startles, amuses and challenges assumptions.
Why you should listen
Matt Kenyon works at the intersection of art and technology, creating pieces that question society’s large, complex systems — from our reliance on global corporations and oil, to the military-industrial complex. His works include: “SPORE 1.1,” a self-sustaining ecosystem for a rubber tree, purchased from The Home Depot and watered in conjunction with Home Depot stock prices; “Supermajor,” a collection of vintage oilcans with droplets of oil that defy gravity and flow back into a punctured hole; and ”Notepad,” a commemoration of the Iraqi civilians who died as a result of the US-led invasion, printed in the lines of what appear to be your average, everyday legal pads.
Kenyon creates these projects through SWAMP, or Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production. He teaches art at the University of Michigan's Stamps School of Art & Design.
Matt Kenyon | Speaker |