Aomawa Shields: How we'll find life on other planets
Aomawa Shields: Hogyan keressük az élet nyomait idegen bolygókon?
Aomawa Shields studies the climate and habitability of planets outside of the Solar System. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in the universe where life exists.
with my naked eyes
ezeket a bolygókat,
that occur in nature
at just the right distance
amelyek a megfelelő távolságban
for stars of different temperatures,
csillagoktól a megfelelő távolságot.
for water to flow on their surfaces
cseppfolyós állapotban létezzen,
and energy on finding planets
hogy napjuktól éppen ilyen
climates of exoplanets.
besides distance from its star
a napjaiktól való távolságon kívül,
a planet can support life.
of love and beauty,
római istennőjéről kapta a nevét,
ethereal appearance in the sky.
légiesen jelenik meg az égen.
revealed a different story.
to 900 degrees Fahrenheit,
from the sun, is the reason.
nem a Naptól való távolsága miatt.
and scorching the planet's surface.
felperzseli a felszínt.
initial perceptions of this planet.
a korábbi elképzeléseknek.
from our own solar system,
and potential to host life.
ottani élet szempontjából.
of these planets are like
ezeknek a bolygóknak a légköre,
and dim compared to their stars
sötétebbek, mint a napjaik,
that could support surface water --
ahol víz lehet a felszínen --
nice phone number for a name --
mint egy telefonszám -
the atmospheric composition
in front of its host star is hard.
ahogy a napja előtt elhalad.
is 100 trillion miles away,
lámpa 160 trillió mérföldre van,
the precise color of that fly.
a planet would need
for water and life.
of the planet Kepler-62f,
Kepler-62f bolygó
could be warm enough for open water
számos légkörtípus és pályasík esetén
and orientations of its orbit.
a szabad víz megjelenéséhez.
to follow up on this planet
megfigyelnék ezt az égitestet
is also important for climate.
fontos a klíma szempontjából.
redder wavelengths of light,
nagyobb hullámhosszú részeit,
in this photo looks so blue.
is absorbed on its way through the ice.
makes it all the way to the bottom.
back to up to our eyes
orbiting cooler stars
körül keringő bolygók
than planets orbiting hotter stars.
a forróbb csillagok körül keringők.
wavelength light from cooler stars,
fényt a hűvösebb csillagoktól,
heats the ice.
felmelegíti a jeget.
can affect planetary climate
hogyan hatnak a bolygók klímájára,
that this is my specialty.
and read fashion magazines,
divatlapokat olvasni,
contradictions in nature --
ellentmondásait értékelni -
for the next planet where life exists.
to middle-school girls of color,
felső tagozatos lányoknak
science and art don't often go together,
a tudomány és művészet ritkán találkozik,
these girls bring their whole selves
a lányokat megérteni
the ranks of astronomers
egy szintre kerülnek,
to discover, once and for all,
in the universe.
Aomawa Shields - Astronomer, astrobiologist, actor, writerAomawa Shields studies the climate and habitability of planets outside of the Solar System.
Why you should listen
Dr. Aomawa Shields received her PhD in Astronomy and Astrobiology from the University of Washington in 2014. She also received an MFA in Acting from UCLA in 2001, and a Bachelor's degree in Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences from MIT in 1997. She is currently an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow, a UC President's Postdoctoral Program Fellow, and a 2015 TED Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Dr. Shields is the founder of Rising Stargirls, an organization dedicated to encouraging girls of all colors and backgrounds to explore and discover the universe using theater, writing, and visual art. She uses her theater and writing background to communicate science to the public in engaging, innovative ways.
Aomawa Shields | Speaker |