Adam Alter: Why our screens make us less happy
Адам Алтер: Яагаад дэлгэц биднийг аз жаргалгүй болгодог вэ?
What makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions. Full bio
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an interesting rumor.
сонирхолтой цуурхал сонссон юм.
of a large pet food company
нэгэн компанийн захирал
shareholder's meeting
авч ирдэг байж.
that if it was good enough for him,
тэжээвэр амьтад ч мөн муу нөлөөгүй
as "dogfooding,"
танигдсан бөгөөд
in the business world.
стратеги гэж нэрлэдэг.
goes in and eats dog food,
иднэ гэсэн үг биш л дээ.
will use their own products
is when you find exceptions
онцгой тохиолдол гардаг нь
or people in businesses
өөрсдийнхөө бүтээгдэхүүнийг
where this happens in a common way,
tech industry.
when he was releasing the iPad,
анх танилцуулж байх үед
that was "extraordinary."
хэмээн тайлбарлаж байв.
you've ever had;
way better than a smartphone.
гар утаснаас хувь илүү.
he was approached by a journalist
сонины нэгэн сурвалжлагч
that seemed like a sort of softball.
нэгэн асуулт тавьжээ.
must love the iPad."
дуртай биз?" гэжээ.
really staggered the journalist.
хариулт гайхшруулсан гэдэг.
our kids use at home."
хэрэглээг аль болох хязгаарладаг."
in the tech world.
энэ бол ердийн үзэгдэл болсон.
quite near Silicon Valley
of the Peninsula,
until the eighth grade.
ашигласан хичээл ордоггүй байна.
of the kids who go there
Silicon Valley tech execs.
албан тушаал хашдаг гэнэ.
it was interesting and surprising,
бас гайхалтай байсан бөгөөд
what screens were doing to me
миний гэр бүлд, дотны хүмүүс ба
of screens on our lives.
хэрхэн нөлөөлж буйг судаллаа.
on how much time they take from us,
хугацааг үрж байдгаас эхэлье гэж бодлоо.
what that time looks like.
юунд үрээд байдгийг харъя.
is the average 24-hour workday
түүхийн 3 өөр цаг үеийн
actually, only last week.
цуглуулсан тоон мэдээ байна.
to eight hours a day;
but it hasn't changed much.
энэ үзүүлэлт бага зэрэг буурсан байх.
to nine hours a day.
and bathing and looking after kids --
that make us individuals.
төлөвших зүйлсийг хийж байдаг.
where we have close relationships,
хийж, харилцаагаа бэхжүүлж,
where we get creative,
бүтээлч сэтгэлгээгээ хөгжүүлж,
that happen in that white personal space.
хийсэн зүйлээ дурсдаг.
чухал зүйл юм.
is taken up by screens across time.
хэр их үрдгийг харуулъя.
introduced the first iPhone.
of that free time in front of our screens.
бид дэлгэцийн өмнө үрдэг байна.
is where the magic happens.
ид шид тохиодог.
them to him is with screens.
хамаатнуудтай нь танилцуулсан.
15 or 20 years ago
that comes from them.
that we're using?
хэр ашиг тустай вэ?
they're using them and say,
about these apps --
цаг агаарын мэдээ харах,
exercise, weather, reading,
зориулалттай эдгээр програмуудыг
minutes a day on each of these.
9 минут зарцуулдаг байна.
аз жаргалгүй болгодог.
them and say, "How do you feel?"
ямар байгааг асуухад 2 хүний 1 нь
on each of these.
27 минут үрж байдаг байна.
on the apps that don't make us happy.
програмд бид 3 дахин их цаг үрж байна.
биш байгаа биз?
so much time on these apps
болгодог програмд бид
дохио байдаггүй.
in the 20th century.
хаа сайгүй л байсан.
that it's time to move on,
тухайн ажлаа завсарлаад
to do something different.
сануулж байдаг.
eventually you get to the end,
you put it aside.
you get to the end of a chapter,
нэг бүлгийг уншиж дуусаад
whether you want to continue.
та заавал бодож үздэг.
eventually the show would end,
дуусахад дараагийн дугаар
until the next one came.
өөр аргагүй болно.
is such that there are no stopping cues.
зогсох дохио гэж байдаггүй.
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
цахим шуудан, мессеж,
all sorts of other sources,
from Western Europe,
of pretty good ideas in the workplace.
ёстой талаар сайхан санаа олсон.
This is a Dutch design firm.
компани дээр жишээ авъя.
is rigged the desks to the ceiling.
таазнаас дүүжилж тогтоосон аж.
or what you're doing,
ширээнүүд нь тааз руу
turns into a yoga studio,
иогийн студи болон хувирч,
you stick around for.
сонголт хэдий ч энэ нь
ажил хийх боломжгүй болно.
they've got another great strategy.
компани өөр нэг гайхалтай бодлоготой.
"This person's on vacation,
удахгүй тантай
so we've deleted your email.
бид таны захиаг устгах болно.
the email you just sent."
очихгүй" гэж бичдэг.
эсвэл өөр ажилтанд
and you're actually on vacation.
at home in our own lives,
чадахгүй болохоор
I'm going to not use my phone.
ашиглахгүй" гэж хэлэх нь амархан л даа.
looks different on different days.
байдагт асуудал байгаа юм.
that happen every day,
I will never use my phone at the table.
хэзээ ч утсаар оролдохгүй байх.
at resisting temptation.
that, every time dinner begins,
зогсох дохио болдог тул би
the same way you would from a drug,
донтолтоос гарахтай адил.
more colorful, richer,
баялаг болж,
who are there with you.
улам дотносох болно.
because when people do this --
гэдгийг нь би сайн мэднэ.
who have tried this --
хүмүүс хүрээгээ тэлж
hour of the day in the morning.
on airplane mode on the weekend.
сүлжээг хаачихдаг.
but it's no longer a phone.
аппаратыг ашигладаг байна.
about their lives when they do this.
хавьгүй дээрддэг гэдгийг бид мэднэ.
I've already said that,
би өмнө нь хэлсэн.
driving down a really fast, long road,
хурдны замаар хаазыг нь тултал нь гишгэн,
is mashed to the floor,
to reach the brake pedal.
say, the beautiful ocean scenes
үзэсгэлэнт далайн зургийг явдал дундаа
that's the easy thing to do --
to move the car to the side of the road,
машины замын хажуу руу
under your feet,
зөөлөн цохихыг мэдрэх үү.
and more meaningful
илүү утга учиртай болно.
your phone in the car.
Adam Alter - PsychologistWhat makes us incessantly check our phones? Adam Alter dives into the fascinating psychology that drives our tech addictions.
Why you should listen
Adam Alter's academic research focuses on judgment, decision-making and social psychology, with a particular interest in the sometimes surprising effects of subtle cues in the environment on human cognition and behavior.
He is the bestselling author of two books: Irresistible, which considers why so many people today are addicted to so many behaviors, from incessant smart phone and internet use to video game playing and online shopping, and Drunk Tank Pink, which investigates how hidden forces in the world around us shape our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Adam Alter | Speaker |