Paula Stone Williams and Jonathan Williams: The story of a parent's transition and a son's redemption
Paula Stone Williams and Jonathan Williams: Povestea tranziției unui părinte și eliberarea unui fiu
Paula Stone Williams is a pastor, counselor, speaker, LGBTQ ambassador and gender equity advocate. Full bioJonathan Williams - Religious leader, storyteller
Jonathan Williams likes to tell stories and throw parties, so he started a church that allowed him to do both. Full bio
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unei organizații religioase mari,
of a large, religious nonprofit,
în cele mai mari biserici din America,
churches in America,
din 70 de piețe diferite,
calea cea mai puțin umblată,
that was going to become.
cât de dificil avea să devină.
or four years of age
I would lose everything.
voi pierde totul.
not only sets you free,
nu numai că te eliberează,
cea mai mare parte a vieții
religious world,
is not all that great for your career.
nu este chiar grozav pentru cariera ta.
every single one of my jobs.
mi-am pierdut toate slujbele.
and coworkers had rejected me;
m-au respins;
"You really messed with me."
„Chiar ai încurcat-o cu mine.”
of an alpha male who was gentle."
de bărbat alfa care era blând.”
was it for my own son?
pentru propriul meu fiu?
was not an option.
Înstrăinarea nu era o opțiune.
brought me craft beer
mi-au adus bere de casă
which, in my estimation,
care, după părerea mea,
this spiral of denial,
această spirală a negării,
that everything had changed.
să recunosc că totul s-a schimbat.
and mourning and sadness,
în anii de durere, jale și tristețe,
însemna speranța de împăcare.
of 30 plus years decides to transition
unui fiu de peste 30 de ani decide
comes from choosing the narrow path.
vine întotdeauna alegând calea îngustă.
out and met me at a hotel in New York,
să ne întâlnim la un hotel în New York,
and this woman answered.
iar chelnerul a venit să ia comanda.
came to take our order.
soția mea,
at the table and it was my wife,
women at the table.
Nu-mi amintesc.
everything about me,
care știa totul despre mine,
dacă ne-am spus la revedere.
September in New York,
în New York,
after Labor Day in New York.
here I stand in my wrong jeans.
acolo în blugii mei neinspirați.
pe care-i iubesc așa mult
blue eyes I love so much,
back at me in disbelief.
going to be easy."
whether they want to or not.
indiferent dacă vrea sau nu.
ce încântător.”
"That's messed up, I'm out of here."
„E cam încurcat, am plecat de aici.”
was going to work.
extremele nu aveau să funcționeze.
on to the road of trials.
să fie aduse pe drumul încercărilor.
the Mets season tickets --
biletele la sezonul Mets -
through Heckscher Park
în parcul Heckscher
that I now know he wished weren't hers.
știu că și-ar fi dorit să nu fie ale ei.
me to be a Mets fan
pentru marile dezamăgiri ale vieții.
for life's really big disappointments.
în fiecare sâmbătă
sandwiches every Saturday
din Long Island.
pe care nu voia s-o trăiască,
he didn't want to live,
that I could have a dad.
if my dad had ever existed.
dacă tata a existat vreodată.
consciously, intentionally --
voit, conștient, intenționat -
and her transformation was complete,
și transformarea ei era completă,
another choice to heed my father's advice
o altă opțiune să iau aminte
și să continui pe calea aceea îngustă.
I believe there is a God.
cred că există un Dumnezeu.
pe Turnpike New Jersey.
on the New Jersey Turnpike.
when your soul is in the wrong body.
când sufletul tău este în trupul greșit.
it was nothing personal.
n-a fost nimic personal.
for the tribe to survive,
pentru ca tribul să supraviețuiască,
minoritățile sexuale sunt inamicul;
are the enemy;
left his job teaching in West Philadelphia
și-a părăsit slujba din West Philadelphia
to find an answer.
pentru a găsi un răspuns.
the bridge's construction began.
după ce a început construcția podului.
from decompression sickness.
executive engineer
inginerul executiv-surogat
of that Brooklyn Bridge.
stăteam la umbra Podului Brooklyn.
ca ale Roeblings-ilor -
that her friends in church
că prietenii ei din biserică
of a new church in Brooklyn.
unei noi biserici din Brooklyn.
of forward-thinking people,
cu gândire progresistă,
to really conservative churches.
de biserici cu adevărat conservatoare.
our own church's livelihood.
să periclitez viața bisericii noastre.
between these warring worlds.
aflate în război.
in your old world.
și lucrez în vechea ta lume.
an olive branch for my sake?"
o ramură de măslin de dragul meu?”
any idea what it feels like
to your true friends
prietenilor adevărați
down that narrow path through nights,
pe acea cale îngustă prin noapte,
other than her true self.
decât adevăratul lui sine.
his suffering, his grief, his confusion.
suferința, durerea, confuzia lui.
to that conversation,
în acea conversație,
redemptive going on,
s-a întâmplat ceva eliberator,
„Acest lucru va fi întotdeauna greu.
decât mine și mulți alții.
to meet their -- Paula.
s-o întâlnească pe ea - pe Paula.
at the dining room table,
colorau la masa din sufragerie,
a single, confident question.
a pus o singură întrebare, sigură pe ea.
and the laughter subsided,
și s-a terminat râsul,
back into their room
înapoi în camera lor,
of my granddaughters at my home,
toate cele cinci nepoate acasă,
of the Rocky Mountains.
in the cool waters of the river
în apele răcoroase ale râului
lui Jonathan mi-a spus:
girls said to me,
tubing on the river?"
să facem tubing pe râu?”
gets here for that.
să ajungă aici pentru asta.
that ought to be his call."
să fie decizia lui.”
decision you would.
pe care ai lua-o tu.
to find the narrow path
the long, dark night,
lungă și întunecată,
that a child who is secure,
că un copil care e în siguranță,
pe care numai ei o pot auzi.
that only they can hear.
who is safe and unharmed
care este în siguranță și nevătămat
s-au întâlnit cu BuniPaula,
met their GrandPaula,
down the street,
because you always do --
fiindcă așa faci întotdeauna -
luând o mușcătură din gogoașă,
take a bite of her doughnut,
of burdens and challenges.
de sarcini și provocări.
to see this through to redemption.
să ne eliberăm.
and eating their doughnuts,
care dansau și își mâncau gogoșile,
nimănui în mod special,
path of redemption,
Paula Stone Williams - Religious leader, counselor, advocatePaula Stone Williams is a pastor, counselor, speaker, LGBTQ ambassador and gender equity advocate.
Why you should listen
The Reverend Dr. Paula Stone Williams knows the truth will set you free, but only after it upends your carefully constructed narrative. Her devotion to authenticity caused her to leave her comfort zone as a nationally known religious leader and follow her heart to transition from Paul to Paula. She lost all of her jobs and most of her friends. Williams also discovered the massive differences between life as a male and as a female in America.
Williams is the pastor of preaching and worship at Left Hand Church in Longmont, Colorado, a pastoral counselor with RLT Pathways and a sought-after speaker to corporations, government agencies, universities and religious institutions on issues of gender equity and LGBTQ advocacy. She has been featured in the New York Times, the Denver Post, New Scientist, Radio New Zealand, Colorado Public Radio and The Huffington Post. Her TEDxMileHigh talk on gender equity has had more than one million views.
Paula Stone Williams | Speaker |
Jonathan Williams - Religious leader, storyteller
Jonathan Williams likes to tell stories and throw parties, so he started a church that allowed him to do both.
Why you should listen
After teaching fifth grade in West Philadelphia for seven years, Jonathan Williams decided to join the family business and become a pastor like his father. He started a church in Brooklyn, NY, and just three months later faced a religious and personal reckoning when his father announced her transition from male to female. Williams decided that his church would become an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, forever shifting the landscape in his personal and professional life.
Williams continues to lead Forefront Church in Brooklyn. In January 2019, he released his book, She's My Dad: A Father’s Transition and a Son's Redemption, published by Westminster John Knox Press. Williams has told his story to the New York Times, Huffington Post, Christian Standard Magazine, Faithfully Magazine and Rebel Storytellers.
Jonathan Williams | Speaker |