Rupal Patel: Synthetic voices, as unique as fingerprints
Rupal Patel: Sintetični glasovi, tako unikatni kot prstni odtisi
People relying on synthetic speech use the voice they’re given, not their own. Rupal Patel created the vocaliD project to change that. Full bio
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kaj sem mislil."
only a few options available.
je okrog 2,5 milijona Američanov
uporabljajo računalniške naprave
sintetičnega glasu
tehnologije za pomoč
da sem stopila v razstavno dvorano
in odrasel moški
z njihovimi telesi
Timom Bunnelom.
za sintezo govora,
da gotovo obstaja način,
from the National Science Foundation,
Nacionalne znanstvene fundacije,
narejene glasove, ki bi ujeli
ali vocal I.D.,
speech science lesson. Okay?
osnove znanosti glasu, v redu?
vaš glasovni aparat,
njihovi filtri poškodovani,
I've been documenting for years
in že leta dokumentiram,
teh posameznikov
smo si izposodili filter -
vse različne kombinacije
set podatkov ali podatkovno bazo.
bomo rekli glasovna banka.
and that's what we're using.
in to mi uporabljamo.
nadomestnega donorja,
da smo lahko pridobili
za risanje glasov.
svoj glas s svojimi prijatelji.
ki so kot Samantha, milijoni,
po celih Združenih državah Amerike,
personalizirane glasove.
cel svet nadomestnih darovalcev,
različne starosti,
kot darovalci glasov,
da bi ta načrt postal resničnost.
rešuje življenja.
lahko spremenite življenja.
smo zgradili naš prvi glas
da nosite glas nekoga drugega
Rupal Patel - Speech scientistPeople relying on synthetic speech use the voice they’re given, not their own. Rupal Patel created the vocaliD project to change that.
Why you should listen
Northeastern University computer science professor Rupal Patel looks for ways to give voice to the voiceless. As founder and director of the Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory (CadLab), she developed a technology that combines real human voices with the characteristics of individual speech patterns. The result is VocaliD, an innovation that gives people who can't speak the ability to communicate in a voice all their own.
"There's nothing better than seeing the person who's actually going to use it, seeing their reaction, seeing their smile," says Patel.
Rupal Patel | Speaker |