Mick Cornett: How an obese town lost a million pounds
Mick Cornett: Si arriti qyteti obez te humbte 450 mije kilogram
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a little bit of background.
t'ju tregoj pak nga historia.
can give you some ups and some downs,
te mirat e te keqiat e saj,
in Oklahoma City's history.
and New York and Tokyo,
New York e Tokio,
find a job that measured up
nje pune qe perputhej me
the good jobs just weren't there.
where businesses wanted to locate,
do te donin te vendoseshin,
positive lists and we were on there.
te isha pjese e asaj liste.
my lifelong struggle with obesity,
I'd drop 20 or 30 pounds.
vishja vetem nje te treten e rrobave,
pjese te dollapit mund te vishja.
I'd done it so many times before,
bere kete edhe me pare,
in Oklahoma City to speak of.
te flasesh per trafik te renduar.
1600 km katrore,
for a long, long time.
vendosnin trotuare ne zonat e reja.
virtually no level of walkability.
gone with it one of two ways.
perhapur ne shume vende.
to do something about it."
flisnin me femijet e tyre.
on issues like this,
beneficial to others.
qe une e quajta MAPS 3.
economic development tasks
lidheshin me zhvillimin ekonomik
nje qendre te re kongresesh,
te jetojne ne qender te qytetit
mireqenieje per te moshuarit
coming to Oklahoma City,
mberrijne evente te shkalles Olimpike,
types of recreational activities
tjeter qe u miratua se fundmi,
we had built neighborhoods,
kishim ndertuar lagje banimi,
te rehatshme per kalimtaret.
to allow you to walk across,
te jepte te drejten te kaloje,
more pedestrian-friendly,
te pershtatshme per kalimtaret,
I did a round of media in New York
nje sere intervistash ne New York
about obesity and the dangers of it.
obezitetin dhe rreziqet e tij.
waiting to talk to the reporter,
duke pritur te flisja me gazetarin,
A jeton ti ne njerin prej tyre?"
fittest city in the United States.
me ne forme ne Shtetet e Bashkuara.
prioritet shume me te madh.
kane zgjedhur Oklahoma City
in the United States,
dhe shume i vemendshem.
Mick Cornett - MayorMick Cornett is mayor of Oklahoma City, OK.
Why you should listen
The world is noticing Oklahoma City’s renaissance and its mayor, Mick Cornett. His list of awards includes nods for urban design, health, sports and the arts. Newsweek called him one of the five most innovative mayors in the country. London-based World Mayors listed him as the No. 2 mayor in the world, and Governing magazine named him the Public Official of the Year.
Best known for helping Oklahoma City attract an NBA franchise and putting Oklahoma City “on a diet,” Cornett also led the charge to pass MAPS 3, an innovative $800 million investment in parks, urban transit, wellness centers and infrastructure that will dramatically reshape Oklahoma City and enhance the quality of life of its residents.
Mick Cornett | Speaker | TED.com