Anthony D. Romero: This is what democracy looks like
Ентони Д. Ромеро (Anthony D. Romero): Овако изгледа демократија
Anthony D. Romero is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Full bio
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is obsessed with disruption,
је опседнута потресима,
didn't come out of Silicon Valley.
није дошао из Силицијумске долине.
председнички избори
became activists overnight,
постали су активисти преко ноћи,
to family holiday dinners
за време празника
to New York City's taxi system.
урадио њујоршком систему таксија.
and marriages disrupted.
а бракови постали нестабилни.
is doing to my private life
за грађанске слободе
is on the front lines 24/7,
for a couple of miles on the treadmill,
на покретној траци,
is instantly obliterated
по моје срце се аутоматски изгуби
on the headline scroll.
председнички твит на листи наслова.
with a necessary break
да имам неопходну паузу
in San Francisco
"This is what democracy looks like."
„Овако изгледа демократија.“
and my umbrella in the rain,
и кишобран на киши
пре много година.
the different pieces
различитих делова
was taunting me.
као да ме стари мајстор провоцира.
what democracy looks like?
finished a monumental commission
је завршио монументалну наруџбину
of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico.
у градској скупштини у Сијени.
even screams to us, today.
па чак и виче на нас данас.
realize truth,"
која чини да схватимо истину“,
about government,
in our collective mind's eye.
из угла наше колективне перспективе.
of Italian city-states
италијанских градова-држава
leading up to the commission.
које су довеле до наруџбине дела.
who would literally govern
које су буквално владале
of these allegorical figures,
према онима којима владају.
studying these frescoes.
у проучавању ових фресака.
када је у питању уметност,
на велике ствари.
must rule themselves.
морају да владају.
her scales of justice.
off the scales of justice
compatriots in the republic.
the effects of good government
дејство добре владавине
of ordinary people
животе обичних људи
the hills are landscaped and farmed.
hoed, reaped, milled, plowed,
жању, мељу и ору,
are being brought to market.
и стока се одводи на пијацу.
a TED Talk of the 14th century.
TED-овом говору из 14. века.
is the winged figure Security,
крилати лик Сигурности
freely without fear."
слободно и без страха.“
about these images from 800 years ago
које су старе преко 800 година
of good government in our lives,
добре владавине у свом животу
since November 9.
is not the Commune
a lot of time on that hair.
троши на фризуру.
под његовим ногама,
to the Tyrant,
the vices that animate bad government.
који оживљавају лошу владавину.
clutching the strongbox
која чврсто држи касу
against narcissistic leaders
на нарцисоидне лидере
by their own ego and vanity.
to chop her body in half.
да пресече своје тело на пола,
Lorenzetti shows us
elsewhere in this room have failed us,
местима у овој просторији нас напуштају
has fallen to pieces,
is not the winged figure Security,
крилати лик Сигурности,
the most important one, really,
она стварно најважнија,
for Lorenzetti's frescoes
већ они којима се влада,
in front of his allegories
испред његових алегорија
that we must recognize the shadows
да морамо да препознамо сенке
across our political landscape,
to be the voice of good government
да је глас добре владавине
поново учинити великом.
да буде посматрачки спорт.
the right to assemble freely,
право на слободно окупљање,
Fraud and Division,
Преваром и Поделом,
of Lorenzetti's bad government,
Лоренцетијеве лоше владавине
passionately here.
је изабрало 63 милиона људи.
by 63 million people.
оно за шта је изабран.“
what he was elected to do.
I think we have to recognize
да морамо да препознамо
are contrary to fundamental values,
супротан основним вредностима,
of our skin or the religion we worship,
или према религији којој припадамо,
who is championing those values.
који промовише ове вредности.
this force on the left, right?
левичарска снага, зар не?
everyone off at one point.
to be able to speak at Berkeley,
да има могућност да говори на Берклију
among some of our members,
између неких наших чланова,
when we talked about the fact
has free speech rights as president,
на слободу говора као председник,
at his marches or his rallies
на њеновим окупљањима или митинзима
to fight Donald Trump,
што се борите против Доналда Трампа,
"Wait, these rights are for everybody,
„Чекајте, ова права важе за сваког,
који нам се не свиђа“,
међу нама врло снажно.
to so many of us so powerfully.
Anthony D. Romero - Attorney, public-interest activistAnthony D. Romero is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Why you should listen
The ACLU is dedicated to defending liberty and individual freedom in the US -- which is an interesting mandate to have right now. Anthony Romero has headed the organization since 2001, focusing on building capacity in order to defend the laws that protect Americans' freedoms.
Under Romero's watch, the ACLU launched its national "Keep America Safe and Free" campaign to protect basic freedoms during a time of crisis; launched its unique legal challenge to the patents held by a private company on the human genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer; launched litigation and lobbying efforts to win the freedom to marry for same-sex couples; and filed the first lawsuit against President Trump’s Muslim Ban.
Anthony D. Romero | Speaker |