Anthony D. Romero: This is what democracy looks like
Ентони Д. Ромеро: Еве како изгледа демократијата
Anthony D. Romero is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Full bio
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is obsessed with disruption,
се соочува со разнишувања,
didn't come out of Silicon Valley.
не доаѓа од Силиконската Долина.
became activists overnight,
станаа активисти преку ноќ,
to family holiday dinners
to New York City's taxi system.
на такси возилата во Њујорк.
and marriages disrupted.
и бракови се разнишаја.
is doing to my private life
приватниот живот тоа
is on the front lines 24/7,
права е нон-стоп на должност,
for a couple of miles on the treadmill,
некое време во теретана,
is instantly obliterated
on the headline scroll.
твит на екранот.
гонам старите мајстори.
with a necessary break
in San Francisco
"This is what democracy looks like."
„Вака изгледа демократијата.“
and my umbrella in the rain,
the different pieces
was taunting me.
мајстор ми се потсмева.
what democracy looks like?
finished a monumental commission
го завршил монументалното дело
of Siena's Palazzo Pubblico.
градското собрание во Сиена.
even screams to us, today.
ни зборува, дури и ни вика.
realize truth,"
да ја сфатиме вистината“,
about government,
in our collective mind's eye.
во нашата колективна свест.
of Italian city-states
италијанските градови-држави
leading up to the commission.
who would literally govern
кои буквално владееле
of these allegorical figures,
studying these frescoes.
проучувате овие фрески.
на граѓаните на Сиена
must rule themselves.
треба да владеат меѓусебе.
her scales of justice.
off the scales of justice
compatriots in the republic.
во републиката.
the effects of good government
од доброто владеење
of ordinary people
the hills are landscaped and farmed.
се култивирани.
hoed, reaped, milled, plowed,
копаат, жнеат, ораат
are being brought to market.
се носат на пазарите.
a TED Talk of the 14th century.
ТЕД говор во 14-ти век.
танцуваат со радост.
is the winged figure Security,
ја чува републиката.
freely without fear."
about these images from 800 years ago
of good government in our lives,
владеење во нашите животи
во неговиот живот.
на лошто владеење
since November 9.
is not the Commune
a lot of time on that hair.
за таа своја коса.
to the Tyrant,
на Тиранијата
the vices that animate bad government.
пороците на лошата власт.
clutching the strongbox
која држи ковчеже
against narcissistic leaders
за самобендисани лидери
by their own ego and vanity.
его и суета.
е Суровоста.
ќе ја видите Поделбата.
to chop her body in half.
си го расече телото на два дела.
Lorenzetti shows us
Лоренцети ни ги покажува
elsewhere in this room have failed us,
на други места, пропаднаа
has fallen to pieces,
is not the winged figure Security,
фигурата на Безбедноста,
the most important one, really,
for Lorenzetti's frescoes
in front of his allegories
неговите алегории
that we must recognize the shadows
да ги препознаваме сенките
Поделба дури и Тиранија
across our political landscape,
на политичката сцена,
to be the voice of good government
дека се гласот на доброто владеење
Америка повторно голема.
the right to assemble freely,
на слободно собирање,
Fraud and Division,
нашите вредности.
of Lorenzetti's bad government,
лоша власт на Лоренцети
passionately here.
by 63 million people.
од 63 милиони луѓе.
what he was elected to do.
она за што е избран.
I think we have to recognize
како претседател
на неговата политика.
are contrary to fundamental values,
се спротивни на основните вредности,
of our skin or the religion we worship,
на кожата или религијата,
who is championing those values.
кој не е во склад со овие вредности.
this force on the left, right?
everyone off at one point.
to be able to speak at Berkeley,
овозможи да зборува на Беркли,
на слобода на говор.
among some of our members,
неколку наши членови,
when we talked about the fact
has free speech rights as president,
на говор како претседател,
at his marches or his rallies
неговите маршеви и митинзи
и не-американски.
to fight Donald Trump,
да се борите против Доналд Трамп
"Wait, these rights are for everybody,
„Чекај, овие права се за секого, дури
to so many of us so powerfully.
Anthony D. Romero - Attorney, public-interest activistAnthony D. Romero is the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Why you should listen
The ACLU is dedicated to defending liberty and individual freedom in the US -- which is an interesting mandate to have right now. Anthony Romero has headed the organization since 2001, focusing on building capacity in order to defend the laws that protect Americans' freedoms.
Under Romero's watch, the ACLU launched its national "Keep America Safe and Free" campaign to protect basic freedoms during a time of crisis; launched its unique legal challenge to the patents held by a private company on the human genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer; launched litigation and lobbying efforts to win the freedom to marry for same-sex couples; and filed the first lawsuit against President Trump’s Muslim Ban.
Anthony D. Romero | Speaker |