Arnav Kapur: How AI could become an extension of your mind
Arnav Kapur: Como a inteligência artificial pode se tornar uma extensão da sua mente
TED Fellow Arnav Kapur invents wearable AI devices that augment human cognition and give voice to those who have lost their ability to speak. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
smarter and more powerful.
mais inteligentes e poderosos.
do tamanho de um quarto,
até os computadores em nossos bolsos.
artificial intelligence to automate tasks
artificial para automatizar tarefas
como dispositivos externos
as external devices
computing, AI and internet as part of us.
e a internet como parte de nós.
com o mundo ao redor.
with the world around us.
humana e a da máquina
instead of diminishing us or replacing us.
em vez de nos diminuir ou substituir.
o melhor das pessoas,
such as creative and intuitive thinking,
com o melhor dos computadores,
and perfectly memorizing stuff?
e memorizar coisas?
than the sum of its parts?
que a soma das suas partes?
that could make that possible.
que pode tornar isso possível.
and it's a wearable device
e é um dispositivo usável
of a conversational AI
de uma IA conversacional
to talking to yourself internally.
a falar consigo mesmo internamente.
that we're showing here,
que mostraremos aqui,
and here's how it works.
e eis como ele funciona.
through the nerves
através dos nervos
to produce speech.
para produzir a fala.
e motoras mais complexas
cognitive and motor tasks
without moving your mouth,
those words internally.
as palavras internamente.
your internal speech systems,
os sistemas de fala internos,
and back of your palate.
to these internal speech systems.
para esses sistemas internos de fala.
flexible and transparent device
de plástico, flexível e transparente,
just like a sticker.
on these internal signals
what the user's trying to say.
uma resposta para o usuário
into the user's inner ear,
para o ouvido interno do usuário,
natural hearing of the environment,
natural do ambiente, sem bloqueá-la.
the input, the output and the AI,
a entrada, a saída e a IA,
of an interface inside your head
de uma interface dentro da nossa cabeça,
in likeness to talking to yourself.
does not record or read your thoughts.
o dispositivo não grava ou lê pensamentos,
that you want to communicate
dos sistemas internos de fala.
of your internal speech systems.
they want to write.
elas querem escrever.
from the peripheral nervous system.
a partir do sistema nervoso periférico.
in all situations resides with the user.
em todas as situações reside no usuário.
and show you a live demo.
uma demonstração ao vivo.
I'm going to ask Eric a question.
for that information
without moving his fingers,
essa pergunta internamente.
and feed it back to Eric,
e a devolverá ao Eric,
in front of him, he's not using it.
ele não o está usando.
to interface with the AI and the internet.
para interagir com a IA e a internet.
in Vancouver like, right now?
em Vancouver agora?
is speaking to himself right now.
falando para si mesmo agora.
and rainy here in Vancouver.
that the AI sent the answer
do dispositivo, para o Eric.
the device, back to Eric.
of something like this be?
as implicações de algo assim?
that you silently speak,
que falamos silenciosamente,
dos computadores,
speak in one language,
in your head in another.
around the world
Amiotrófica ou a doença de Lou Gehrig,
or Lou Gehrig's disease,
a painstakingly slow and tiring process.
extremamente lento e cansativo.
about 12 years ago
com ELA há cerca de 12 anos
using his head movements.
usando movimentos de cabeça.
to communicate a single sentence.
para transmitir uma única frase.
he'd like to use or say, using our system.
usaria ou diria, usando nosso sistema.
"Hello, how are you?"
"Olá, como vai você?"
help with something.
to use our system for
because that old system kept on crashing.
porque continuava travando.
using our system for the first time.
usando nosso sistema pela primeira vez.
in real time for the first time
em tempo real pela primeira vez
in real time like Doug,
em tempo real como Doug,
and with their families.
express their thoughts and ideas.
a expressar pensamentos e ideias.
as extensions of our cognition,
como extensões de nossa cognição,
entities or adversaries,
externas ou adversárias,
and unlocking our true potential.
e destravando nosso verdadeiro potencial.
to becoming better at being human.
tornarmos melhores como seres humanos.
they're going to clear the stage.
enquanto eles arrumam o palco.
it's innovative,
uncomfortable feelings around this.
desconfortáveis sobre isso.
what does it look like?
usada como uma arma, como é?
before we started working on this,
antes de começarmos a trabalhar,
as an afterthought.
a uma reflexão tardia.
right into the design.
a ética diretamente ao projeto.
lemos do sistema nervoso voluntário,
from the brain directly,
the voluntary nervous system
pra nos comunicarmos com o dispositivo,
to communicate with the device,
ou dispositivo de pensamento.
of a thinking or a thought device.
a lot more questions for you.
muito mais perguntas para você.
to disappear completely.
desapareça completamente.
eu não consigo ver.
I shouldn't be able to see it.
mas em segundo plano,
you want it in the background,
that conforms to the skin,
que se adapta à pele,
uma versão ainda menor,
an even smaller version
ele estará aqui a semana toda.
they want to ask Arnav,
Arnav Kapur - TechnologistTED Fellow Arnav Kapur invents wearable AI devices that augment human cognition and give voice to those who have lost their ability to speak.
Why you should listen
At the MIT Media Lab, Arnav Kapur is inventing a device called Alter Ego, which lets users converse with machines, AI assistants and other people by articulating words internally. Utilizing bone conduction to transmit and receive streams of information, the result is a totally discreet and completely internal method of communication.
As Kapur says: "This work is about enabling people and extending human intelligence. Can we weave artificial intelligence and computing into the human condition, as an extension of our cognition -- combining human creativity and intuition with the power of AI, computation and information? Can we build technology that enables us, not distracts us; that augments us, instead of replacing us; that disappears into the background of the human experience, raising us to new levels of curiosity and creativity?"
Arnav Kapur | Speaker |