Moriba Jah: The world's first crowdsourced space traffic monitoring system
Moriba Jah: Sistem pemantauan lalu lintas luar angkasa urun daya pertama di dunia
TED Fellow Moriba Jah studies and predicts the motion of objects in space in an effort to make space safe, secure, and sustainable. Full bio
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pada film “The Martian”.
in the movie "The Martian."
pergerakan objek-objek di luar angkasa.
motion of objects in space.
1% objek-objek yang berbahaya di orbit --
of hazardous objects on orbit --
layanan seperti pencarian lokasi,
dari sekiranya hampir setengah juta objek
from, roughly, half a million objects
kecepatan yang tepat,
maka bisa membuatnya tidak berguna lagi.
objek-objek sekecil itu.
as small as a speck of paint.
sebesar smartphone.
as small as say, a smartphone.
yang membuat kami khawatir ini,
that we should be concerned about,
sekitar 26.000 objek saja.
about 26,000 of these objects.
hanya 2.000 yang masih berfungsi.
only 2,000 actually work.
luncurkan ke orbit tidak pernah kembali.
never comes back.
karena kehabisan bahan bakar,
dua di antaranya saling bertabrakan
will collide with each other
atau bahkan lebih parah,
salah satu satelitnya di orbit,
one of their satellites on orbit,
tidak pernah kembali.
tersebar secara acak di orbit.
just randomly scattered in orbit.
the curvature of space-time,
di mana kita menaruh satelit ini --
a maximum capacity of traffic
menampung kapasitas maksimum lalu lintas
operasi luar angkasa.
di luar angkasa.
seperti peta lalu lintas luar angkasa,
like a space traffic map,
yang bisa untuk mencari
saat ini di luar angkasa,
traffic conditions are in space,
Ke mana perginya?"
10 jawaban yang berbeda.
10 different answers.
tidak sembarangan dibagikan.
on orbit is not commonly shared either.
informasi lalu lintas
bisa diakses global
space traffic information system
of where everything is located
di mana semuanya berada
tetap aman dan berkelanjutan?
sistemnya bisa digunakan
norms of behavior --
urun daya pertama di dunia
space traffic monitoring system
sumber informasi dari seluruh dunia --
of information from around the globe --
yang hari ini bisa diakses siapa pun.
that anybody can access today.
objek yang mengorbit bumi,
orbiting the earth,
tentang peta lalu lintas luar angkasa:
of space traffic map:
informasi dari pemerintah AS?
from the US government?
lalu lintas luar angkasa nantinya.
your space traffic map would look like.
Siapa yang salah?
Siapa yang bisa saya percaya?
untuk memantau perilaku aktor antariksa,
to monitor space-actor behavior,
di luar angkasa --
ketidakkonsistenan ini
pengetahuan umum,
kehilangan kemampuan
demi kepentingan umat manusia.
Moriba Jah - Space environmentalistTED Fellow Moriba Jah studies and predicts the motion of objects in space in an effort to make space safe, secure, and sustainable.
Why you should listen
All kinds of junk are floating around in space -- old satellites, rockets, other man-made debris -- that pose an increasing danger to space missions. Astrodynamicist Moriba Jah monitors this orbital debris with ASTRIAGraph, a software that tracks the positions and speeds of objects in Earth’s orbit. Jah's vision is for AstriaGraph to become a crowd-sourced citizen-science platform that will make information about space traffic openly available to future generations. His ultimate goal is to make space safe, secure and sustainable.
Moriba Jah | Speaker |