Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa: Black life at the intersection of birth and death
Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa: Sortes liv i krydsningen mellem fødsel og død
Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa is a storyteller, a truth-teller, a builder and breaker trying to figure out what it means to be human in a world that removes so much of our humanity in order to survive. Full bio
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about Reproductive Justice.
was defined by Sister Song as:
forplantningsretfærdighed som:
if and when she will have a baby
hvornår, hun vil have et barn,
under which she will give birth.
to decide if she will not have a baby
beslutte ikke at få et barn,
or ending a pregnancy.
afværge eller afbryde en graviditet.
to parent the children she already has
de børn, hun allerede har,
all about the joys of motherhood.
alt om moderskabets glæder.
weave wonder into this world.
livmoder bringe et under til verden.
for something so big, so early.
så stor en ting i god tid.
to stomach motherhood in this country.
at være mor her i landet.
mere om at være forældre
has taught me more about parenting
give birth to babies
føder babyer,
that this body will birth kin
vil føde børn,
to be held in prison cells
opleve en fængselscelle
about being Black in America
opdrage mine børn
to raise my kids right
because it is wrong,
skal stjæle, fordi det er forkert -
to justify his death?
retfærdiggøre hans død?
for his Skittles and sweet tea
sit slik og sin isthe,
who will watch him
der holder øje med ham
and not wait for them to come.
at vente på, at de kommer.
at politiet kommer?
when I consider calling 911.
mit hoved, når jeg overvejer det.
that they will not come and kill my son.
at de ikke kommer og dræber min søn.
of the nooses,
when they murder Black boys
når de myrder sorte drenge
for four hours in the sun.
kroppe i solen i fire timer.
about being Black in America
kunne vågne en morgen
of last week's story.
af sidste uges historie.
vågne op og erkende,
wouldn't even be newsworthy.
engang har nyhedsværdi.
is the only Black woman
er den eneste sorte kvinde,
more than our silence.
fortjener mere end vores tavshed.
dark-skinned daughters in distress
mørklødede døtre, der lider,
between the lives of your genders?
mellem kønnenes opdeling?
nothing is a great protector
der ingen rigtig beskyttelse,
that looks like this.
der ser ud som denne.
about being Black in America
at være sort i Amerika,
I look forward to.
at jeg ser frem til.
about dead Black children to be naïve
om døde sorte børn til at overse,
be a poem written about my kids.
skrevet et digt om mine børn.
who gave birth to poems.
der gav liv til digte.
who doesn't fit into this world.
ikke passer ind i denne verden.
who will live forever
der lever evigt
about art and performance.
om kunst og optræden.
about Black Lives Matter.
"Black Lives Matter".
about Reproductive Justice.
my inability to separate the two.
manglende evne til at adskille de to.
when Trayvon Martin was murdered.
Trayvon Martin blev myrdet.
actually values Black life.
dette land egentlig tilskriver sorte liv.
and healthy communities
og sunde fællesskaber
or the state or government.
staten eller regeringen.
was not held responsible
blev holdt ansvarlig
at være mor i Amerika
in the United Stated of America
der ser ud som jeg,
the Reproductive Justice framework
om forplantningsretfærdighed
about Reproductive Justice
in the Movement for Black Lives,
Movement for Black Lives,
to see and feel these similarities.
opdage disse lighedspunkter.
virkelighedsopfattelser og mennesker?
dette foredrag og det digt
sagde hun.
folk forsøger at begrave
to remain silent.
at forblive stumme.
Lives Matter ud" af mit foredrag,
portion from my talk,"
igen nægtes adgang
our stories were being denied
they deserve to be told on.
hvor de bør fortælles.
the words I had just spoken.
som jeg netop havde sagt.
to remain silent.
vælge at forblive stumme.
Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa - Writer, youth worker, freedom fighterMwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa is a storyteller, a truth-teller, a builder and breaker trying to figure out what it means to be human in a world that removes so much of our humanity in order to survive.
Why you should listen
Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa is a Kenyan Queer Womyn speaker and performer. Katwiwa is an award-winning, internationally touring poet, author, host, youth worker, social-justice speaker, teaching artist and workshop leader who has spent her life at the intersection of arts, education and activism. Her work in Reproductive Justice, the Movement for Black Lives, LGBTQ+ advocacy and poetry have been featured on Upworthy, OkayAfrica, the New York Times, For Harriet, Everyday Feminism and more.
As a writer, Katwiwa has always centered storytelling as an avenue to create change and believes in "speaking things into existence." Her work is heavily influenced by her heritage and her pan-African upbringing, and centers "the other" and "the in between," places she has often found herself occupying as a black, queer immigrant and emigrant. Her experience of the power of words and stories to impact the lives of those sharing and receiving has pushed her to share and teach the craft as a tool of resistance and advocacy.
Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa | Speaker |