Mallory Freeman: Your company's data could help end world hunger
Mallory Soldner: Zure konpainiaren datuek munduko gosetea amaitzen lagun dezakete.
UPS's advanced analytics manager Mallory Freeman researches how to do the most good with data. Full bio
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in Rome, Italy.
Erroman, Italian.
developed back at my university,
tresna baten prototipo batekin,
the World Food Programme fix hunger.
laguntzera nindoan.
begiratu bat bota nion,
and when it needs to be there,
eta noizko,
the shortest, fastest, cheapest,
azkarrena eta merkeena
delays and disruptions,
ekidingo ditugu,
we're going to save lives.
bizitzak salbatuko ditugu.
izango zela uste nuen,
my French boss, he told me,
nire nagusiak esan zidan
for your algorithms is not there.
behar dituzun datuak ez daude hemen.
over the past six years,
zenbat aldatu den ikusten dut,
into the humanitarian world.
eta laguntza humanitarioarentzat.
and play the role that I know they can.
euren eginbeharra bete dezaten.
erakutsi zidaten
bizitzak salba zitezkeela.
planifikatu behar direla
breakfast, lunch and dinner
a certain budget to do it,
bat daukazuela,
Zein da kudeatzeko modu egokiena?
What's the best way to handle it?
olioa erosi beharko lirateke?
and you have to pick five of them.
bost aukeratu behar dituzue.
different combinations.
gehiago lirateke.
transportation routes as well.
beharko dira.
gehiago lirateke.
over 900 million options.
kontsideratuko bazenute,
for a single second,
over 28 years to get through.
that allowed decisionmakers
tresna sortu genuen
to feed an additional 80,000 people.
elikatzea suposatzen zuen.
and modeling complex systems.
eta sistema konplexuak modelatzeari esker.
they were unique.
paregabea zen.
in big problems like world hunger,
benetan aldaketak egin nahi baditugu,
from humanitarian organizations
datuak aztertzen dituzten pertsonen
just the right types of engagements
leveraged in the way that it should be.
jokatzen ari ez dena.
in fixing the big problems in our world.
konpontzen paper garrantzitsu bat dute.
for two years now.
sektore pribatuan nago.
and I've seen what companies aren't doing,
baita egiten ari ez direna ere,
that we can fill that gap:
hutsune hori betetzeko:
by donating decision scientists
erabaki hartzaile zientifikoak emanez
to gather new sources of data.
data iturri berriak bilatzeko.
social responsibility.
korporazioen ardura soziala da.
ere zentzua du.
they collect mountains of data,
handiak jasotzen dituzte,
is start donating that data.
datuak ematea da.
a major telecom company.
in Senegal and the Ivory Coast
euren datuak ireki zituzten
in the pings to the cell phone towers,
patroiak behatuz gero,
ikusi daitekeela.
and you can make predictions with it.
horrekin iragarpenak eginez.
an innovative satellite company.
konpainia berritzaile bat.
kontrolatu daiteke:
food production.
duten eragina.
aid funding before a crisis can happen.
laguntza martxan jar daiteke.
just locked away in company data.
konpainien datuetan giltzapetuta.
for example by anonymizing the data.
adibidez datuak anonimizatuz.
donated their data
datuak emango balituzte
to humanitarian organizations,
erakunde humanitarioek erabiltzeko,
to harness that full impact of data
datuen eragin osoa aprobetxatzeko
you need decision scientists.
erabaki hartzaileak behar dituzu.
ni bezalako pertsonak dira.
erabilgarrietan sartzen dituzte
into a useful algorithm
to address the business need at hand.
egin beharrekoa egiteko.
there are very few decision scientists.
erabaki hartzaile gutxi daude.
bigarren gauza.
that companies need to do.
their decision scientists.
our decision scientists from us.
kendu guri erabaki hartzaileak.
a block of a decision scientist's time,
denbora kopuru bat ematera badoa,
to spread out that block of time
hori barreiatzeak
say for example five years.
esaterako 5 urtetan.
to a couple of hours per month,
ordu soilik lirateke,
long-term partnerships.
epe luzeko asoziazioak.
erlazioak sortzea ahalbideratzen dute,
allow you to build relationships,
to really understand it
benetan ulertzeko,
the needs and challenges
organization is facing.
luze jo zigun,
this took us five years to do,
that was just what we couldn't solve for.
hau ezin da murriztu.
of refining and implementing the tool,
tresna hobetu eta martxan jarri
operazioetan bezala.
and other countries.
errealista ez denik
an unrealistic timeline
to make operational changes.
aldaketak egitean.
that can be produced are undeniable.
ukaezinak dira.
to feed tens of thousands more people.
elikatzea izan zen.
we have donating decision scientists,
hartzaileak ematea,
3. modu bat ere badaukagu:
that companies can help:
to capture new sources of data.
teknologia ematea.
we just don't have data on.
zeinaren oraindik daturik ez dugun.
are flooding into Greece,
Greziara iristen ari dira,
they have their hands full.
esku bete lan du.
is paper and pencil,
arkatz eta paperezkoa da,
walk into the camp,
kanpamentura sartzean,
blind to this moment.
in the next few weeks,
aldatuko da,
kolaborazioari esker.
on donated package tracking technology
oinarritutako sistema berria egongo da
that I work for.
datuak jarraitu ahalko dira,
there will be a data trail,
walk into the camp.
noiz iritsi diren.
if she's going to have supplies
dituen jakingo dugu
to gather important data,
datu garrantzitsuak lortzeko
operational efficiency improvements.
ekarri ditu.
your favorite beverage company
were on the shelves.
jakin ezinean.
and not just idealistic,
"OK, this is all great, Mallory,
"Ok, hau ederki dago, Mallory,
publizitate onaz gain,
is a 24-billion-dollar sector,
24 bilioi dolar mugitzen ditu,
maybe your next customers,
agian etorkizuneko bezeroak,
bizi dira.
in data philanthropy,
ari diren konpainiak
locked away in their data.
gauza berriak aurkitzen ari dira.
for NGOs and governments,
egoitza bezala lan egiten duena,
in credit card swipes
datuak bilatzen dituzte
jakiteko Indiako etxeetan nola
about how households in India
eta gastatzen den.
this provides information
honek datuak ematen ditu
bring people out of poverty.
insights about your customers
ezagutza berria dakar bezero
exciting about data philanthropy --
liluragarriena iruditzen zaidana
eta teknologia ematea --
scientists and donating technology --
duen esanahia da,
for young professionals like me
the next generation of the workforce
izateagatik arduratzen direla.
make a bigger impact.
and retain their decision scientists.
batzuk manten ditzakete.
that's in high demand.
profesio batean.
makes good business sense,
revolutionize the humanitarian world.
lagundu dezake.
koordinatzen baditugu
the planning and logistics
of a humanitarian operation,
ezaugarri guztietan,
hundreds of thousands more people,
jantzi eta babestu genitzake,
and play the role that I know they can
joka dezaketen papera jokatu behar dute
"food for thought."
"jana pentsamenduen truk".
jana litzateke.
at the right time.
Mallory Freeman - Data activistUPS's advanced analytics manager Mallory Freeman researches how to do the most good with data.
Why you should listen
Dr. Mallory Freeman is the Lead Data Scientist in the UPS Advanced Technology Group, working on research and development projects for UPS’s smart logistics network. She serves on the advisory board of Neighborhood Nexus, supporting data-driven insights for the greater Atlanta region.
Freeman earned her Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2014. Her thesis explored how to measure and improve humanitarian operations in practical ways -- with a special focus on the use of algorithms. While she was in graduate school, she helped lead supply chain optimization projects for the UN World Food Programme.
Freeman earned her Master's in operations research from MIT and her Bachelor's in industrial and systems engineering from Virginia Tech. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, travelling and volunteering her data skills.
Mallory Freeman | Speaker |