Sofia Jawed-Wessel: The lies we tell pregnant women
Sofia Jawed-Wessel: Mentiras que lles contamos ás mulleres embarazadas.
Sofia Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a lot of secrets today, you and I,
vostedes e mais eu,
many of us feel about sex.
sentimos acerca do sexo.
catcalled by a stranger?
piropos dun estraño?
was a student of mine.
alumno meu.
what I already knew:
o que xa sabía:
I would never have said those things."
nunca lle diría esas cousas."
until I was his professor.
ata que me convertín na súa profesora.
through every aspect of our lives.
en cada aspecto das nosas vidas.
to sell an entirely unrelated product?
un produto que nada ten que ver?
as only love interests?
que só se interesan polo amor?
inconsequential and harmless,
intranscendentes e inofensivos,
that refuses to see women as people.
que evita ver as mulleres como persoas.
that sends home a 10-year-old girl
a unha nena de 10 anos
a distraction to boys trying to learn,
que intentaban aprender,
to punish men for raping women
por violar mulleres
grinding on her on the dance floor.
de pegarse a ela nunha pista de baile.
the objectification of women.
para perpetuar a obxectualización feminina
the classic romantic comedy.
to two kinds of women in these movies,
dous tipos de muller,
with the perfect body.
e cun corpo perfecto.
has no trouble identifying her
para identificala,
relacións sexuais con ela.
our leading man falls in love with
namora o protagonista masculino
nin se decataba dela,
of our leading man's future babies.
do noso protagonista.
that women have two roles,
existing within the same woman.
os dous nunha soa muller.
that I share with a new acquaintance
a alguén que acabo de coñecer
the conversation right then,
in studying the sexual behaviors
o comportamento sexual
e en posparto."
a different kind of response.
about studying sexual desire
o desexo sexual
que se vos ocorren
that come to mind
in a survey of over 500 adults,
a máis de 500 adultos,
"barriga" ou "redonda"
como adorable, pola contra,
da súa intelixencia,
partnered with is pregnant,
estaban era unha embarazada,
to imagine that they are pregnant,
que se imaxinasen embarazadas,
the first words that come to mind
palabras que pensaron
"Not worth the risk."
"Non paga a pena o risco."
pregnant women and moms from sexuality,
as embarazadas e as nais da sexualidade,
of sexual objectification.
da obxectualización sexual.
is a different kind of objectification.
é outro tipo de obxectualización.
de explicarlle isto a outros,
led to the Venus of Willendorf,
was a goddess of love and beauty,
considerada polos investigadores
the sculptor's obvious focus
a obvia fixación do escultor
considered ideal for nursing;
considerados ideais para aleitar;
e posiblemente embarazada;
alluding to menstruation or birth.
aludindo á menstruación ou ao parto.
meant to be held or placed lying down
ser collida ou depositala deitada
don't allow her to be freestanding.
non lle permitirían aguantarse de pé.
that she was a representation of fertility
a representación da fertilidade
of ideal beauty and love
de beleza e amor ideais
who have interpreted her purpose
o seu propósito
of the figurine herself.
of men's sexual desire
do desexo sexual masculino
and child-rearing role.
reprodutivo e de crianza.
but only because she's pregnant. Right?
só polo feito de estar embarazada. Si?
the Willendorf effect,
in many aspects of her life.
en moitos aspectos da vida da muller.
ever been visibly pregnant?
estivo visiblemente embarazada?
touch your belly during pregnancy,
tocándovos a barriga durante o embarazo,
your permission first?
que non era o voso médico,
your medical care provider?
vos dixo o que podedes comer ou non?
about your birth plan?
sobre o voso plan de plan de parto?
those choices are all wrong?
esas decisións están todas mal?
to bring you a glass of wine?
un vaso de viño?
I know, but stay with me.
mais escoitade.
in moderation during pregnancy.
é, en realidade, seguro.
pregnant women with this secret --
confiarlles este segredo ás embarazadas,
or a woman of color.
educativo ou son mulleres de cor.
it's also classist and racist.
clasista e racista.
the government reminds women
lles lembra ás mulleres
are not her own,
non é seu,
to have sex during pregnancy,
practicar sexo no embarazo,
and bodily autonomy
a súa autonomía corporal
to make her own decisions.
as súas propias decisións.
isn't worth the risk during pregnancy,
do sexo durante o embarazo non paga a pena
her sexual pleasure doesn't matter.
que o seu pracer sexual non importa.
is that she in fact doesn't matter,
are not at odds with her own needs.
non están en conflito coas súas propias.
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
e Obstetricia (ACOG)
about the safety of sex during pregnancy.
a seguridade do sexo durante o embarazo.
no public official statement
ningunha declaración oficial
is generally positive
en liñas xerais, positiva,
have sex throughout pregnancy,
pode practicar sexo sen problemas
to have sex during pregnancy,
practicar sexo durante o embarazo,
to have sex during pregnancy,
durante o embarazo,
is society telling women
de que a sociedade lles diga
with their bodies.
identity-less vessels of reproduction
de reprodución sen cara nin identidade,
their sexual pleasure doesn't matter.
que o seu pracer sexual non importa.
that women who have sex with women
que practican sexo con outras
want children even exist.
fillos existen.
to come along."
against society's insistence
her sexual needs is scary,
as súas necesidades sexuais pon medo,
her sexual needs prioritizes herself.
necesidades sexuais priorízase a si mesma.
that she be treated as an equal.
ser tratada coma unha igual.
at the table of power,
the extra space we hold.
o noso espazo extra.
dicir con frecuencia
to recognize women as equals
recoñezan as mulleres como iguais
to reinforce what happens in our home.
reforce o que pasa na nosa casa.
or a women's problem.
ou de mulleres.
in dismantling systems of inequality.
dos sistema de desigualdade.
to stop telling women
de dicirlles ás mulleres
with their bodies.
e o que non.
like community property.
como unha propiedade comunal.
don't even ask to touch her belly.
se lle poden tocar a barriga.
what she can and cannot eat.
about her medical decisions.
das súas decisións médicas.
personally against abortion,
en contra do aborto,
for a woman's right to choose.
polo dereito das mulleres a decidir.
the two need not oppose one another.
as dúas non poden entrar en conflito.
as early as possible,
axiña como sexa posible,
in the dictionary anymore.
no dicionario.
those conversations about sex,
por múltiples razóns,
because it feels good.
you have children or not,
de se teñen fillos ou non,
that doesn't shame our teenagers.
que non avergoñe aos nosos adolescentes
de avergoñar a un adolescente
e comportamentos sexuais,
and pregnancy tests.
e de enfermidades de transmisión sexual
we are all given the opportunity
that it's worth the trouble to do so.
en que paga a pena facelo.
Sofia Jawed-Wessel - Sex researcherSofia Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education.
Why you should listen
Dr. Sofia Jawed-Wessel teaches and generates new knowledge in the area of public health through scientific studies. Her research has focused on understanding and improving the sexual health of women and couples as they transition into parenthood by documenting sexual behaviors, sexual function, relationship adjustment and overall sexual changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. Jawed-Wessel's teachings utilize a sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approach to providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education to undergraduate students as well as in the local Omaha, Nebraska community. She teaches graduate level courses such as Research Methods, Health Behavior Theory, and Leadership and Advocacy. Jawed-Wessel also fights for women's rights and reproductive justice. She has provided expert testimony for the Nebraska Unicameral, the Nebraska School Board of Education and the Omaha Public School Board of Education. She has successfully argued in favor of comprehensive sex education in Omaha Public Schools and fought against restrictive anti-choice legislation in Nebraska.
Jawed-Wessel is an Assistant Professor in the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) and the Associate Director of the Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative. She also holds a joint appointment with the Women and Gender Studies program at UNO and a courtesy appointment in the College of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Jawed-Wessel holds both a Master of Science in Public Health (MPH) degree and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Health Behavior from the School of Public Health at Indiana University Bloomington.
Sofia Jawed-Wessel | Speaker |