George Monbiot: The new political story that could change everything
George Monbiot: Nova politička priča koja bi mogla promijeniti sve
As George Monbiot puts it: "I spend my life looking for ways to untangle the terrible mess we’ve got ourselves into." Full bio
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of our descendants?
nezamislivo bogatima?
pobjednike i gubitnike,
for their misfortune?
za njihovu nesreću?
that never seems to die,
nikako da izumre,
that the financial crisis of 2008
financijska kriza 2008. godine
of neoliberalism.
its central features,
njegove glavne osobine,
business and finance,
biznisa i financiranja,
competition with each other,
međusobno natjecanje,
is that we have not yet produced
da još nismo proizveli
by which we navigate the world.
krećemo kroz svijet.
its complex and contradictory signals.
kompleksne i kontradiktorne znakove.
nije znanstveni smisao,
and the world to behave?
i svijet ponašaju?
however important facts and figures are --
koliko god činjenice i brojke bile važne,
I believe in facts and figures --
vjerujem u činjenice i brojke,
to displace a persuasive story.
nadomjeste uvjerljivu priču.
that we are attuned to,
ono na što smo navikli,
that we use again and again,
koje uvijek iznova koristimo,
tremendously powerful,
against this disorder,
protiv tog nereda,
političku i vjersku transformaciju
political and religious transformation
new restoration story,
ili vjerska transformacija
triggered the Great Depression,
dovela do Velike depresije,
sat down to write a new economics,
napisao novu ekonomiju,
a restoration story,
forces of the economic elite,
ekonomske elite,
by working class and middle class people,
radnička i srednja klasa,
by redistributing wealth,
preraspodjelom bogatstva,
public money on public goods
na javnu dobrobit
across the political spectrum.
labor and conservatives,
laburisti i konzervativci,
broadly, Keynesian.
postali Keynesijanci.
zapao u probleme
Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman,
Friedricha Hayeka i Miltona Friedmana,
their new restoration story,
novom pričom o obnovi,
and nefarious forces
crush freedom and individualism
slamaju slobodu, individualnost
the entrepreneur,
wealth and opportunity,
across the political spectrum.
diljem političkog spektra.
conservatives and labor,
konzervativci i laburisti,
was a watered-down neoliberalism
razvodnjeni neoliberalizam
that explains the present
objašnjava sadašnjost
to as wide a range of people as possible,
do što većeg broja ljudi,
with deep needs and desires.
duboke potrebe i čežnje.
like a bit of a tall order.
malo previše zahtjevno.
convergence of findings
gomilanja otkrića
and neuroscience and evolutionary biology,
u neuroznanosti i evolucijskoj biologiji,
something pretty amazing:
prilično zadivljujuće:
this massive capacity for altruism.
sposobnost za altruizam.
and greed inside us,
i pohlepe u sebi,
those are not our dominant values.
nisu prevladavajuće vrijednosti.
the supreme cooperators.
od predatora i većine našeg plijena,
than our predators and most of our prey,
to engage in mutual aid,
da se upustimo u međusobno pomaganje.
has been hardwired into our minds
ugrađena je u naše umove
crucial facts about humankind:
činjenice o ljudskoj vrsti:
by several forces,
različitim silama,
is the dominant political narrative
prevladavajući politički narativ
in extreme individualism
živjeti u ekstremnom individualizmu
to fear and mistrust each other.
da se bojimo i ne vjerujemo jedni drugima.
that make our lives worth living.
naš život vrijednim življenja.
for togetherness and belonging,
za zajedništvo i pripadanje,
components of our humanity:
osobine naše ljudskosti:
we can build a thriving civic life
možemo izgraditi bogat građanski život
between market and state,
između tržišta i države,
that respects both people and planet.
poštuje i ljude i planet.
around that great neglected sphere,
oko te velike zanemarene sfere,
capitalism nor communism,
niti država, ni kapitalizam niti komunizam,
that manages that resource;
koja upravlja tim resursom
the community develops to manage it.
donosi kako bi upravljala njime.
or community energy cooperatives
ili lokalnih energetskih zadruga,
for growing fruit and vegetables
za uzgoj voća i povrća
alokacije - dodijeljene parcele.
it can't be given away,
ne može se pokloniti,
among the members of the community.
dijele između članova zajednice.
from the people who have captured it.
od ljudi koji su je zarobili.
and methods of elections
i metode izbora
never trumps democratic power again.
više nikada ne nadjača demokratsku moć.
be tempered by participatory democracy
obogaćena participatornom demokracijom
our political choices,
naše političke izbore.
as much as possible at the local level.
više moguće na lokalnoj razini.
it shouldn't be determined nationally.
ne bi se smjelo određivati nacionalno.
the politics of belonging.
the potential to appeal
is that among the very few values
onim malobrojnim vrijednostima,
slightly different things by them,
pomalo različite stvari,
with some language in common.
od nekog zajedničkog jezika.
as being a search for belonging.
kao potragu za pripadnošću.
homogenous community
and wears the same uniform
nosi istu uniformu
is a community based on bridging networks,
na mrežama koje premošćuju,
people from a homogenous group,
okuplja ljude iz homogene skupine,
people from different groups.
okuplja ljude iz različitih skupina.
bridging communities,
zajednice koje premošćuju,
for people to burrow into the security
ukopavanja u sigurnost
something like this.
and nefarious forces
there's no such thing as society,
our highest purpose in life
svrha u životu
over a dustbin.
oko kante za smeće.
by building rich, engaging,
uključive i velikodušne zajednice,
you feel this is the right story,
da je ovo ona prava priča,
da nam je priča potrebna.
out of the mess we're in,
nereda u kojem se nalazimo,
and tells us how to get out of that mess.
i kako da se izvučemo iz njega.
ako je ispričamo na pravi način,
across the political spectrum.
cijelog političkog spektra.
that lights the path to a better world.
rasvjetljava put ka boljem svijetu.
George Monbiot - Rewilding campaignerAs George Monbiot puts it: "I spend my life looking for ways to untangle the terrible mess we’ve got ourselves into."
Why you should listen
As a young man, George Monbiot spent six years working as an investigative journalist in West Papua, Brazil and East Africa, during which time he was shot at, shipwrecked, beaten up, stung into a poisoned coma by hornets, became lost for days in a rainforest, where he ate rats and insects to avert starvation and was (incorrectly) pronounced clinically dead in a hospital in northern Kenya. Today, he leads a less adventurous life as an author, columnist for the Guardian newspaper and environmental campaigner. Among his books and projects are Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea and Human Life; The Age of Consent and Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning, as well as the concept album Breaking the Spell of Loneliness. His latest book is Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis. He has made a number of viral videos. One of them, How Wolves Change Rivers, has been watched 30m times on YouTube.
George Monbiot | Speaker |