Michael Hendryx: The shocking danger of mountaintop removal -- and why it must end
Michael Hendryx: Bahaya mengejutkan penghancuran puncak gunung -- dan mengapa itu harus dihentikan
Michael Hendryx is focused on the impacts of uneven environmental exposures faced by socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. Full bio
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to conduct an experiment.
melakukan sebuah percobaan.
to live in blasting zones
untuk hidup di zona peledakan
going off over their heads.
di atas kepala mereka.
selama beberapa tahun
are used almost daily.
digunakan hampir setiap hari.
of water contaminated.
you could carefully study
Anda bisa mempelajari secara detail,
of living in these blasting communities
dari kehidupan di lingkungan peledakan
confounders and covariates.
dan kovariat menyebalkan.
powerful scientific inquiry
keras ilmiah yang kuat
environmental exposures.
could never be done.
ini tak bisa dilakukan.
the stomach for it.
tak akan menyetujuinya.
would never approve it;
pemeriksaan subjek manusia
it is happening right now.
ini memicu beberapa pertanyaan
populations are in danger?
bahwa populasi berada dalam bahaya?
to be confident of our conclusions?
kita yakin dalam simpulan kita?
scientific certainty and the need to act?
dan keperluan untuk bertindak?
that is happening right now
yang terjadi sekarang
penambangan batubara
here in the United States.
di Amerika Serikat.
West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Virginia Barat, Kentucky, dan Tennesee.
have been mined in this way.
ditambang dengan cara ini
and New Hampshire combined.
New Hampshire digabung.
ancient Appalachian forest,
hutan Appalachia yang tua,
biodiversity on the planet.
terkaya di planet.
or dumped into adjacent valleys.
dibuang ke lembah sekitar.
tambang batu bara yang terkubur,
up to 800 feet of mountain elevation.
sekitar 250 meter gunung.
in West Virginia alone.
batu bara di Virginia Barat saja.
is dumped over the valley sides
headwater streams.
have been destroyed.
gunung telah dihancurkan.
have been permanently buried.
dikubur selama-lamanya.
of the valley fills is highly contaminated
lembah sangat tercemar
chemically treated,
transported to power plants and burned.
dikirim ke pembangkit listrik dan dibakar.
of gallons of water with metals,
galon air dengan logam,
and other impurities.
dan pencemaran lainnya.
of US electricity demand --
tiga persen dari permintaan listrik AS --
of US electricity demand.
permintaan listrik AS.
all sorts of other questions.
banyak pertanyaan lain.
of mountaintop-removal mining?
pertambangan penghancuran gunung?
who live in counties where MTR takes place
yang hidup di daerah MTR
of industry and government
obligation of science
masalah mengerikan ini?
ini pada tahun 2006.
Universitas Virginia Barat.
at West Virginia University.
any research related to coal.
riset berkaitan dengan batu bara.
in these mining communities.
komunitas pertambangan ini.
they drank was not clean,
minum tidak bersih,
saya tentang penyakit mereka
about their own illnesses
cancer was in their neighborhoods.
sudah lazim dalam komunitas mereka.
di Virginia Barat selatan
in southern West Virginia
and hear their concerns.
dan keluhan mereka.
that nothing had been published
belum ada hal yang diterbitkan
of coal mining in the United States.
pertambangan batu bara di Amerika Serikat.
tentang efek kesehatan umum dari
on the public health effects
a new contribution,
kontribusi yang baru,
or to alleviate them."
atau untuk meringankannya."
or organizational agenda.
initially were skeptical
between public health and mining.
kesehatan umum dan pertambangan.
could be explained by poverty
dapat dijelaskan oleh kemiskinan
like smoking and obesity.
seperti merokok atau obesitas.
maybe they would be right.
bahwa mereka benar.
data yang sudah ada
population health to mining activity
populasi ke pertambangan
race, smoking, obesity, poverty,
ras, merokok, obesitas, kemiskinan
and others we could measure.
dan yang lain yang bisa kami ukur.
the concerns of the residents,
kekhawatiran para penduduk,
where mountaintop removal takes place
di mana penghancuran gunung terjadi,
of cardiovascular disease,
kardiovaskular lebih tinggi,
lung disease like COPD.
kronis, seperti PPOK.
are significantly elevated,
juga lebih tinggi,
pada lahir yang lebih tinggi
for higher rates of birth defects
dengan berat yang ringan.
equates to about 1,200 excess deaths
sekitar 1.200 kematian kelebihan
controlling for other risks.
belum termasuk risiko yang lain.
kematian setiap tahun.
saat level pertambangannya naik
as the levels of mining go up
community door-to-door health surveys.
kesehatan keliling.
living within a few miles of MTR
hidup dalam jangkauan MTR
communities without mining.
tanpa pertambangan.
of personal and family illness,
penyakit pribadi dan keluarga meningkat,
a broad spectrum are more common.
luas lebih lazim ditemukan.
does not prove causation.
tidak membenarkan kausalitas.
in mining communities.
komunitas pertambangan.
and report on that.
dan memberitahukan itu.
standar air minum umum
of public drinking-water standards
in MTR areas versus non-mining areas.
dibanding wilayah tanpa MTR.
is elevated in mining communities,
meningkat dalam daerah pertambangan,
contains a complex mixture,
berisi dengan campuran rumit,
a known lung carcinogen,
karsinogen yang sudah dikenal,
dalam percobaan laboratorium
cardiovascular dysfunction in rats.
penyakit kardiovaskular dalam tikus.
in vitro lung cells.
dalam sel paru-paru vitro.
of some of our studies.
tentang kajian kami,
what we have to say.
dengan apa yang kami katakan.
in coal country.
negara batu bara.
paid for research
has tried to do the same
mencoba melakukan hal sama
claiming that MTR is safe.
yang mengatakan MTR itu aman.
under the Freedom of Information Act,
di bawah Akta Kebebasan Informasi,
at a Congressional hearing
pada pendengaran Kongres
with ties to the energy industry.
ikatan ke industri listrik.
that he refuses to read the research.
bahwa ia tidak akan membacanya.
with a member of Congress,
dengan anggota Kongres,
shared my research,
they knew nothing about it.
mengatakan bahwa ia tidak tahu apa-apa.
at the US Geological Survey
di Survei Geologis AS
for more than two years.
to publish their findings,
menerbitkan pencarian mereka
by their superiors
the National Academy of Sciences
Akademi Sains Nasional
by the federal government
of surface mining.
pada kesehatan umum.
motivated, in my view.
dalam pandangan saya.
from researchers, too.
they express skepticism.
mereka curiga.
as scientists, to be skeptical.
sebagai ilmuwan, untuk curiga.
this possible explanation?"
penjelasan memungkinkan ini?"
that alternative interpretation?"
penafsiran lain itu?"
some confounder that we missed.
lain yang kita lupa.
we haven't accounted for."
apa yang itu buktikan?"
effects would be found in people?"
dampak yang sama akan ada dalam manusia?"
that they could be right,
bahwa mereka bisa benar,
of some unmeasured confound.
from blowing up mountains
gunung dihancurkan
if doubt is what you seek.
jika keraguan adalah apa yang Anda cari.
defining experiment.
percobaan penjelas.
must always be associational.
harus selalu asosiasional
why I've started to wonder,
mengapa saya heran,
on this topic so far.
tentang topik ini.
have added to the evidence,
telah menambahkan bukti,
tidak mau mendengarkan,
it's only correlational.
bahwa ini hanya korelasional.
have lifestyle issues.
mempunyai masalah pola hdup.
or poverty or education
kemiskinan atau pendikan
where we don't need more research,
tidak perlu riset lebih lanjut,
untuk menjadi subjek riset yang tak mau
to be unwilling research subjects
riset selanjutnya.
data ke mana pun,
the data wherever it goes,
mengarahkan kita sedikit
as thinking, feeling human beings,
manusia yang berpikir, berperasa,
but for other situations
tetapi untuk situasi lain
and concerning but imperfect.
tapi kurang sempurnya.
means people's lives.
salah bisa mengorbankan nyawa.
kesehatan penghancuran gunung
that there is any controversy
of mountaintop-removal mining.
and political twilight zone
ilmiah dan politik
tahun yang lalu
smoking caused cancer.
merokok penyebab kanker.
seems to point to one conclusion.
mengarah pada satu simpulan.
or the prevailing public view
atau pandangan umum yang berlaku
dan Anda kira Anda mempunyai wawasan luas
and you think you have a valid insight
of entire populations is at stake
populasi dipertaruhkan
of denial and disbelief,
dan ketidakpercayaan ini,
for telling the truth as they see it,
menceritakan kebenarannya sesuai adanya,
to stand up for the data.
untuk membela datanya.
to wait around for public opinion
kesepakatan politis untuk mengejar
to the scientific understanding.
bisa membuat frustrasi.
and the more frustrating the debate,
dan semakin mengecewakan debatnya,
to preserve our objectivity
untuk mempertahankan objektivitas kami
is the most powerful tool that we have,
senjata kami yang terkuat,
daripada datanya sendiri.
on the part of scientists,
will ever convince people
yang sakit atau susah.
our reputation for integrity,
menjaga reputasi integritas kami,
and keep doing the studies
dan terus melakukan kajian
the results to the public,
mempunyai pengaruh terbesar.
does and will win out.
pernah dan akan habis.
saat kita menunggu?
Michael Hendryx - Research investigatorMichael Hendryx is focused on the impacts of uneven environmental exposures faced by socioeconomically disadvantaged groups.
Why you should listen
In 2006, Michael Hendryx started a research program on public health disparities for people in Appalachia who live in proximity to coal mining, with a focus on mountaintop removal. This research has shown that people who live close to mountaintop removal are at increased risk for a wide set of health problems including respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, birth defects, cancer and more. Hendryx has published more than peer-reviewed research papers and has been an investigator on numerous grants and contracts. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Environmental Health at Indiana University Bloomington’s School of Public Health.
Michael Hendryx | Speaker | TED.com