Matt Goldman: The search for "aha!" moments
Matt Goldman: Pencarian Ide Brilian
Matt Goldman is a co-founder of the international theatrical sensation Blue Man Group and the NYC-based Blue School. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
with nothing but a piano and chairs.
berisikan piano dan kursi.
and he asks us to sing it.
dan meminta kami bernyanyi.
to go to the right of the room
ke kanan ruangan
which I was a part of,
and go back to home room.
dan kembali ke ruang kelas.
another music class again
mendapat pelajaran musik lagi
was established,
dan tidak pun didirikan.
what the gating test was in the moment.
apa maksudnya penyeleksian itu.
di pelajaran bahasa Inggris...
"Good as can be expected."
"Bagus, seperti yang sudah diperkirakan."
dengan nilai C+.
expected" comment ...
"Bagus, seperti yang sudah diperkirakan"
it didn't seem right.
aku masih sangat muda.
have had an experience similar to that,
yang punya pengalaman serupa,
would lead me to a career
yang akhirnya berkarir
for Blue Man Group
sekolah itu mimpi buruk buatku.
a natural proclivity for academics,
di bidang akademik,
to understand me,
what to do with me.
dengan murid sepertiku.
even back then,
didn't know what to do
tidak tahu bagaimana
a standard mold,
yang di luar standar?
safe and conducive conditions
kondisi yang mendukung dan aman
to evolve and thrive.
dan munculnya ide-ide inovatif.
are innately innovative,
that we were using 10,000 years ago.
yang dipakai 10.000 tahun lalu.
that I started to question is,
aku pertanyakan adalah,
momen brilian,
to happen randomly and occasionally,
secara tidak sengaja dan tiba-tiba itu,
intentionally and frequently?
dan sesuai keinginan?
Blue Man Group di tahun 1988,
an off-Broadway show before.
pertunjukan di Broadway.
that we had never seen onstage before,
kami lihat di panggung sebelumnya,
and technology and sociology
budaya kekinian, teknologi, sosiologi,
and comedy and following your bliss.
komedi, serta mengikuti kata hati.
if we had seen it before,
sesuatu yang pernah ditampilkan,
creativity and connectedness
kreativitas, serta keterhubungan
a little bit of social good,
where people treated each other
di mana orang
respect and consideration
and collaborate and find solutions
berkolaborasi, mencari solusi
yang belum pernah dilihat sebelumnya.
the optimal conditions
aku pun tahu kondisi terbaik
and innovative environments
yang kreatif dan inovatif, yaitu
dan semangat yang jelas, bahwa
bigger than ourselves.
dari diri kita sendiri.
in all interactions.
di semua interaksi kita.
and clear expectations,
dengan ekspektasi yang jelas,
yang mampu saling bekerja sama.
dan hormat yang tinggi.
sebagai satu tim,
until they're not.
sampai ada ketidaksepakatan.
all emotions matter.
dan perasaan anggota itu penting.
diperhatikan dan didengar.
dan rayakan kesalahan yang ada.
a learning organization,
dalam organisasi berkembang,
the innovation and learning curves.
dengan inovasi dan pembelajaran.
that holds all these conditions together.
perekat setiap perbedaan.
in the exact same manner
membicarakan seseorang
dengan cara yang sama
but it's an aspirational practice
tapi sebuah praktek penting untuk membantu
in a more respectful way.
dengan cara yang lebih santun.
a profound effect on raising the bar,
menimbulkan efek besar dalam
menghormati dan percaya,
in the office and the classroom,
di kantor dan di kelas,
in the way of the innovative process.
yang menghalangi proses inovasi.
was essential for our creative process.
sangat penting untuk proses kreatif.
the consumption / waste loop
pengulangan konsumsi/sampah
and surprising way for our audiences.
juga mengejutkan penonton.
trying to do the same endeavor,
untuk melakukan hal yang sama,
right here and now.
mempersingkat waktu sekarang.
agar-agarJell-O, Cream of Wheat,
Silly Putty and tomato paste
tepung kanji, Silly Putty dan pasta tomat
that's coiled up under your costumes
tabung tersembunyi dalam kostum kalian
an orifice in your chest
we finally happened upon bananas.
akhirnya berhasil dengan pisang.
would have the exact right properties
through a tube with forced air,
saat dipaksa keluar oleh tekanan udara,
the dramatic oozing effect
untuk memberikan efek pengeluaran dramatis
of the Blue Man show.
menjadi ciri khas Blue Man Show.
all the rules of theater altogether.
semua aturan khas teater.
We had lighting designs.
desain set dan pencahayaan.
yang mengatur.
we were one of the very first shows
kamilah pertunjukkan pertama
in a respectful way,
dengan penonton secara santun,
in 70 pounds of Jell-O,
ke dalam 32 kilogram agar-agar,
one of the heroes of the show.
bintang dari pertunjukannya.
what didn't need to be reinvented.
untuk membuat kembali sesuatu.
and we created a school --
pembelajaran ini dan mendirikan sekolah,
that we wish we had gone to,
ingin kita masuki,
between classes
even when you couldn't sing middle C.
ikut kelas musik meski tak paham nada.
and parents and students
orang tua dan siswanya
a lifelong, joyful passion for learning.
pengalaman belajar menyenangkan.
when it didn't need to be reinvented.
menciptakan sesuatu yang tidak perlu.
the more traditional methods
metode belajar tradisional seperti
when it's the best way into a lesson.
cara terbaik untuk belajar sesuatu.
learning across all subjects approach,
dengan pendekatan lain yang terintegrasi.
creative thinking,
kemahiran akademik dan berpikir kreatif,
like common sense,
seperti logika sederhana,
a lot of attention to Blue School
Blue School menjadi sorotan
yang sesungguhnya.
of the middle school.
pengembangan sekolah menengah.
siswa kelas enam untuk
of middle school values.
nilai-nilai di sekolah menengah.
to be happy and productive at school?
agar senang dan produktif di sekolah?
of individual work, collaborative work,
enam minggu, sendirian, bekerja sama,
is really extraordinary.
sungguh luar biasa.
dan terhubung satu sama lain.
what others need in order to learn.
dan mendukung kebutuhan belajar.
karena perbedaan yang ada,
cara berpikir atau sikapnya.
and awareness of others.
atas diri sendiri dan orang lain.
waktu untuk bersenang-senang.
saat melalui masa itu.
when they came up with this.
oleh anak berusia 11 tahun.
20 years to identify.
apa yang kita cari tahu selama 20 tahun.
of creating these vibrant communities
yang penuh semangat ini adalah
who want to prioritize these values.
yang memprioritaskan nilai-nilai ini.
like money and prestige and tradition.
dari hal seperti uang, gengsi dan tradisi.
in your own companies,
prioritizing children's voices
tentang mengutamakan suara anak-anak
a harmonious and sustainable world.
dunia yang harmoni dan mandiri.
untuk bergabung dalam
dan menyenangkan ini bersama.
Matt Goldman - EntrepreneurMatt Goldman is a co-founder of the international theatrical sensation Blue Man Group and the NYC-based Blue School.
Why you should listen
A few of Matt Goldman's titles include award-winning writer and performer, Grammy-nominated musician and composer, co-founder of the international theatrical sensation Blue Man Group, CEO of its parent organization Blue Man Productions, and co-founder of the NYC-based Blue School.
Goldman spent his boyhood in New York City, with parents who encouraged him to learn about a diverse range of interests. After earning an MBA degree, he began a career in software development, only to step away from the growing industry to follow where the Blue Man path would lead. His business knowledge assisted the friends early on, guiding them to make decisions in regard to the longevity and ownership of their creative work.
After nearly twenty years at the Blue Man helm with Chris Wink and Phil Stanton, Goldman made the decision to follow his passion for learning and education. The threesome teamed up with other artists and educators to form Blue School in New York City. With over 300 students enrolled in Pre-K through 8th grade, the school is designed to reimagine a more complete, balanced and exuberant approach to education. Goldman serves as Board Vice-Chair and co-Founder of the school.
Matt Goldman | Speaker |