Deepika Kurup: A young scientist's quest for clean water
Deepika Kurup: Căutarea unui tânăr om de știință pentru apă potabilă
Water is the basis of life, and too many people around the world suffer from waterborne illnesses. Deepika Kurup is working to change that. Full bio
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travel across the world,
călătorim în jurul lumii,
country of India.
adică în India.
for its scorching heat and humidity.
pentru căldura și umiditatea excesivă.
is to drink plenty of water.
de această căldură e să beau multă apă.
to only drink boiled or bottled water,
să beau doar apă fiartă sau îmbuteliată
and easily get clean, potable water,
și să fac rost de apă curată, potabilă,
in the busy streets of India,
pe străzile aglomerate ale Indiei,
from streams on the roadside.
de la marginea drumului.
prea murdară și să o atingi,
why these kids lacked water,
de ce acești copii nu aveau apă,
is covered in water,
e acoperită cu apă,
of that is freshwater,
of Earth's freshwater supply
de apă dulce a Pământului
and economic growth,
și creșterea economică,
are rapidly depleting.
World Health Organization,
is a leading cause of death
e o cauză principală de deces
in developing countries,
în țările în curs de dezvoltare,
a water-related disease.
asociate cu consumul de apă.
one summer in eighth grade,
într-o vară în clasa a opta,
to combine my passion
că cel mai bun lucru posibil
into a laboratory.
într-un laborator.
my kitchen into a laboratory,
and kicked me out.
și m-au dat afară.
on water-related research,
științifice despre cercetarea apei
in developing countries,
în țările în curs de dezvoltare
dezinfectarea solară, sau SODIS,
are filled with contaminated water
sunt umplute cu apă murdară
for six to eight hours.
pentru 6-8 ore.
of these harmful pathogens
and energy-efficient,
și eficient din punct de vedere energetic,
when it's cloudy.
când e înnorat.
the SODIS process faster,
that speeds up a reaction.
care accelerează o reacție.
this solar disinfection process.
de dezinfectare solară.
and strikes a photocatalyst,
și lovește un fotocatalizator,
really reactive oxygen species,
foarte reactive de oxigen,
and hydroxyl radicals.
și radicalii hidroxil.
bacteriile, organismele
from drinking water.
there are several disadvantages
is currently deployed.
SODIS e folosit.
the clear plastic bottles
se iau sticlele de plastic
with this photocatalytic coating.
cu un strat de fotocatalizator.
pentru protecția solară
on the inside of these bottles,
sunt acoperite pe interior,
some of the UV radiation
o parte din radiațiile UV,
of the process.
to the plastic bottle,
de sticla de plastic,
and people end up drinking the catalyst.
iar oamenii ajung să bea catalizatorul.
if you keep drinking the catalyst,
to continue to replenish it,
to overcome the disadvantages
cu mediul de purificare a apei.
method of purifying water.
science fair project
al unui copil de clasa a 8-a
for water purification.
pentru purificarea apei.
titanium dioxide with cement.
dioxidul de titan cu ciment.
into several different shapes,
poate lua forme diferite,
versatile range of deployment methods.
inside water bottles for individual use
în sticlele cu apă pentru uz individual
that can filter water for families.
care poate filtra apă pentru familii.
of an existing water tank
unui rezervor de apă
mai mari de apă
over a longer period of time.
pe o perioadă lungă de timp.
to a sophisticated laboratory.
la un laborator sofisticat.
in pursuing scientific research
cercetarea științifică
the global water crisis.
criza globală a apei.
just the universal solvent.
on this science fair project from 2012
proiect științific din 2012
into the real world.
în lumea reală.
I founded Catalyst for World Water,
for World Water,
solutions to the global water crisis.
soluțiile crizei mondiale a apei.
can't do much,
nu poate face multe,
come together to form oceans,
se unesc pentru a forma oceane,
Deepika Kurup - Inventor, student scientistWater is the basis of life, and too many people around the world suffer from waterborne illnesses. Deepika Kurup is working to change that.
Why you should listen
Deepika Kurup is a scientist, speaker, social entrepreneur and student at Harvard University. She has been passionate about solving the global water crisis ever since she was in middle school. After witnessing children in India drinking dirty water, Kurup developed a water purification system that harnesses solar energy to remove contaminants from water.
Recognized as "America’s Top Young Scientist" in 2012, Kurup won the grand prize in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. In 2014 she was honored with the "United States President's Environmental Youth Award" and represented the United States in Stockholm, Sweden at the international Stockholm Junior Water Prize. Most recently Kurup was named one of the Forbes' "30 Under 30: Energy" and was the National Geographic Explorer Award Winner in the 2015 Google Science Fair. She attended the 2016 (and 2013) White House Science Fair. Currently she is CEO and founder Catalyst for World Water, a social enterprise aimed at deploying the technology she developed in water-scarce areas.
Along with research, Kurup is passionate about STEM education, and she feels that STEM education has the power to revolutionize the world. In her free time, she enjoys giving talks and writing articles to encourage students all around the world to pursue science, technology, engineering and math, and to increase awareness of the global water crisis. She has been invited to speak at schools, international conferences and the United Nations.
Deepika Kurup | Speaker |