Eve Ensler: The profound power of an authentic apology
Eve Ensler: A-ți cere scuze este un lucru extraordinar
Eve Ensler created the ground-breaking "Vagina Monologues," whose success propelled her to found V-Day -- a movement to end violence against women and girls everywhere. Full bio
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we've been calling men out.
public pe bărbați.
we need to do something even harder.
că trebuie să facem ceva mai mult.
Tony Porter says,
să-i tragem la răspundere.
when I was five years old.
de când aveam cinci ani.
in the middle of the night.
and shame all the time,
și rușine în tot acest timp
to treat me badly,
să se poarte urât cu mine,
taught me love was.
că asta este dragostea.
for my father to apologize to me.
ca tata să-și ceară scuze.
scandals of famous men,
despre bărbați celebri
or physical violence
deep apology be like?
began to come through me.
a început să treacă prin mine.
the way to move forward
pe care le-au abuzat.
self-interrogation and time.
profundă a sinelui.
I'd like to take you through them.
what, in detail, you did.
în detaliu, ce ai făcut.
in the middle of the night,
I was jealous of you
invidios pe tine
actually did occur.
s-au întâmplat cu adevărat.
is you have to ask yourself why.
to sexually abuse his eldest daughter?
să-și abuzeze fiica cea mare?
and smash it against a wall?
the other children.
după ceilalți copii.
that became "the miracle."
care a devenit „miracolul".
as the golden boy.
ca un copil minune.
to this impossible ideal,
să se ridice la acest ideal imposibil,
să fie el însuși.
all those feelings underground,
toate aceste sentimente,
later became Shadowman,
au devenit mai târziu Omul Umbră,
his torrent on me.
to open your heart
as you were abusing her.
atunci când o abuzai.
of your abuse on your victim.
al abuzului tău asupra victimei.
you have caused.
pe care ai provocat-o.
for what you have done
pentru ceea ce ai făcut
such a grueling and humbling process?
prin acest proces groaznic și umilitor?
that will set yourself free.
care te va elibera.
that will set your victim free.
violence on another person
from the effects themselves.
de pe urma efectelor.
and contaminating spirit,
de întunecată și murdară,
throughout your entire life.
we have to look through
din care trebuie să privim
of men's violence
problema violenței bărbaților
other women have survived.
eu și un miliard de alte femei.
sometimes is effective,
but it doesn't teach us.
dar nu ne educă.
that may involve punishment,
care poate implica pedeapsa,
something and someone else.
și pot deveni altcineva.
connected to my father's story.
de trecutul tatălui meu.
wasn't just for my father to be stopped.
nu era doar ca tata să fie oprit.
the victims that they have harmed,
victimele pe care le-au rănit,
and be part of this transformation.
și să facă parte din această schimbare.
calling men out,
umilindu-i pe bărbați,
Eve Ensler - Playwright, activistEve Ensler created the ground-breaking "Vagina Monologues," whose success propelled her to found V-Day -- a movement to end violence against women and girls everywhere.
Why you should listen
Inspired by intimate conversations with friends, Eve Ensler wrote The Vagina Monologues. The play recounts tender, funny, gripping and horrifying stories she gathered from hundreds of women about their bodies, their sexual experiences, and yes, their vaginas. Since its first staging in 1996, it has been translated into more than 45 languages, performed in more than 120 countries and re-created as an HBO film.
The Vagina Monologues' success allowed Ensler to create V-Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls, which has so far raised $85 million to prevent violence and protect abused women. In February 2011, Ensler received the Isabelle Stephenson Tony Award for her philanthropic work. Ensler has also drawn praise for The Good Body, a play that cuts to women's obsession with their appearance, and her film What I Want My Words to Do to You, which portrays a writing group she leads at a correctional facility for women. Today, she continues to find new projects and push the envelope. Her latest play, I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World, hit the New York Times bestseller list and just wrapped a workshop production in Johannesburg -- nest stop is Paris and then Berkeley in June 2012.
Eve Ensler | Speaker | TED.com