Angel Hsu: How China is (and isn't) fighting pollution and climate change
Angel Hsu: Ako Čína (ne)bojuje so znečistením ovzdušia a klimatickými zmenami
Angel Hsu is a professor and data geek who applies data-driven methods to solve challenging environmental issues. Full bio
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sent me this photo from Ürümqi,
túto fotografiu z mesta Urumči,
province in northwest China.
na severozápade krajiny.
she couldn't believe her eyes.
using this app on her iPad,
cez aplikáciu na iPade videla,
the air quality was good,
she saw something much different.
videla niečo celkom iné.
in the background.
not telling the truth
failing to measure PM2.5,
went off the charts in 2012,
vystrelili nad grafy,
once described it in a tweet,
ako to nazvalo americké veľvyslanectvo,
that they were seeing this disconnect
že vidia nesúlad
and breathing for themselves.
of sorts in China,
environmentálnemu obrodeniu,
to tackle its pollution problems.
pustiť sa do riešenia znečistenia.
to become a global environmental leader.
stať sa svetovým environmentálnym lídrom.
that I'll paint for you today
ktorý vám dnes namaľujem,
that are very promising,
that are more troubling
to the story at hand.
of China's green evolution
čínskej zelenej evolúcie,
conducting fieldwork in China in 2011.
ako doktorandka pracovala v teréne.
seeking answers to the question
pri hľadaní odpovedí na otázky,
from the skeptical outsider:
something on the environment?
was considered too politically sensitive
predstavovali delikátnu tému,
was keeping it secret,
of its harmful human health effects,
o ich škodlivom vplyve na zdravie
greater transparency
väčšiu transparentnosť.
growing evolution and awareness myself
a zvyšujúceho sa povedomia
started to market these air purifiers
začali propagovať čističe vzduchu,
škodlivé častice PM2,5.
as the title of musical festivals.
ako názov hudobných festivalov.
in Shenzhen, which is in southern China,
do Šen-Čenu v južnej Číne,
they're advertising a retreat from PM2.5.
propagujú odklon od PM2,5.
breathe sub-par air.
ale nedýchajte mizerný vzduch.
Environmental Protection Bureau
životného prostredia v Šanghaji
named after the air quality index
nesúceho názov indexu kvality ovzdušia,
the air quality data to its people.
údaje o vzduchu občanom.
depending on the quality of air outside.
v závislosti na kvalite ovzdušia.
the mostly smiling face
a ešte stále sa väčšinou usmieva
called "Under the Dome."
s názvom „Pod kupolou“.
to Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring."
od Rachel Carsonovej.
that pesticides were harming human health,
že pesticídy ničia ľudské zdravie,
into the popular consciousness
do všeobecného povedomia fakt,
to one million premature deaths
takmer jeden milión životov každoročne,
views in a single weekend
len za jeden víkend predtým,
some type of social unrest,
about how it could tackle
environmental problems:
environmentálnymi problémami.
sa vyrábajú z uhlia.
electricity comes from coal.
than any other country in the world,
uhoľných elektrární na svete,
that China's government
sa čínska vláda rozhodla,
to wage a war on coal,
of coal-fired power plants.
koľko je v celej Austrálii.
enormous investments
and renewable energy,
of this transformation
to show you what I mean.
aby ste pochopili, čo mám na mysli.
when it comes to hydropower,
from hydropower alone.
a to len z vodnej energie.
of the Three Gorges Dam,
power station in the world,
leader by far.
China's also leading.
tak Čína vedie.
of solar power.
105 GW slnečnej energie.
already revised upwards
ako vláda tento cieľ
a whopping 35 gigawatts of solar power.
neuveriteľných 35 GW slnečnej energie.
of what the US has combined in total
čo USA majú dokopy,
in just seven months alone.
in solar power from space,
v tejto oblasti z vesmíru,
has done in this slide.
urobil start-up SpaceKnow.
Germany's entire electricity consumption
vyrábala toľko elektriny ako Nemecko,
largest carbon footprint.
we can see that China's coal consumption
vidíme, že spotreba uhlia v Číne
as early as 2013.
why China's government announced
prečo čínska vláda oznámila,
their 2020 carbon reduction pledge
dosiahli cieľ na rok 2020 už oveľa skôr.
improvements in air quality
kvality ovzdušia v celej krajine,
by as much as 30 percent.
is actually leading people
than they would have in 2013.
o dva a pol roka viac ako v roku 2013.
the cities that have experienced
s najvýraznejším zlepšením vzduchu.
at the beginning of this talk,
the data are still being determined.
lebo údaje sa ešte stále len vyhodnocujú.
of pretty steady global carbon emissions,
ustálených svetových emisií uhlíka,
may be on the rise again
in China's fossil fuel consumptions,
fosílnych palív v Číne,
that peak that I showed earlier.
ako som práve hovorila.
and the data are still murky
nie sú celkom jasné,
its coal statistics after the fact.
pravidelne upravuje post factum.
having a debate on Twitter
som debatovala cez Twitter
whether China's carbon emissions
šli nahor, nadol,
they're staying relatively stable.
alebo či ostávajú stabilné.
a rapidly developing country.
sa rozvíja veľmi rýchlo.
with a range of policies,
sustainable transport solution.
ako možné udržateľné dopravné riešenie.
of this bicycle graveyard
snímky pohrebiska bicyklov,
coal is still king in China,
what China is doing on the environment?
čo Čína robí pre svoje okolie?
on the environment
for the rest of us.
as far away as those in North America.
napríklad až v Severnej Amerike.
infrastructure, technology abroad.
a technológie.
Iniciatívu Jedno pásmo, jedna cesta,
the One Belt, One Road Initiative,
infrastructure investment project
v hodnote 3 biliónov dolárov
these infrastructure investments abroad,
a Chinese civil society group,
čínska občianska skupina,
than 240 coal-fired power plants
do viac ako 240 uhoľných elektrární
One Road Initiative.
jednej cesty.
own domestic coal-fired capacity
uhoľných elektrární v Číne,
China is cleaning up at home,
simply don't have a passport.
to evaluate this question
is actually leading,
very much an open debate.
and the outlook is not good.
a vyhliadky sú zlé.
between current policies
medzi súčasnými opatreniami
to avoid dangerous climate change.
nebezpečným klimatickým zmenám.
from the US, for example.
announced its intent
keď americké úrady oznámili,
the Paris Climate Agreement,
od Parížskej klimatickej dohody.
to fill that leadership void.
že sa kormidla chopí Čína.
environmental future.
is not just good for the environment,
nepomáha len životnému prostrediu,
by reducing air pollution.
for 30 percent of the global growth
ktorý som pre vás namaľovala,
foggy air quality statistics
of China's clean energy.
is headed in the right direction,
a very long road ahead.
Is seeing believing?
Verí ten, kto vidí?
air quality is coming down
is actually having an effect?
at some of the latest satellite images
very closely at this image.
Angel Hsu - Environmental data scientistAngel Hsu is a professor and data geek who applies data-driven methods to solve challenging environmental issues.
Why you should listen
Angel Hsu is a professor, researcher, writer and speaker who spends much of her time analyzing large datasets to develop policy solutions to the world's most pressing environmental problems, such as climate change and air pollution. As she writes: "I work between the push and pull of data science and public policy, and this passion drives me to explore how new technologies, analytical techniques and communication strategies can improve governance and lead to better environmental outcomes in rapidly developing countries like China."
Hsu is jointly appointed at Yale-NUS in Singapore at Yale's School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She founded and directed Data-Driven Yale, an international team of interdisciplinary researchers, scientists, programmers and visual designers. Under her direction, Data-Driven Yale works collaboratively with scholars and practitioners around the world to collect, transform and communicate information, creating new knowledge and policy tools designed to make the world greener and healthier. Her work has been published in scientific journals like Nature and Nature Climate Change and featured in media like The Economist and the New York Times.
Angel Hsu | Speaker |