Diana Reiss, Peter Gabriel, Neil Gershenfeld and Vint Cerf: The interspecies internet? An idea in progress
Dajana Rajs (Diana Reiss), Piter Gejbrijel (Peter Gabriel), Nil Geršenfeld (Neil Gershenfeld), Vint Serf (Vint Cerf): Internet između vrsta? Ideja u toku…
Diana Reiss studies animal cognition, and has found that bottlenose dolphins (and Asian elephants) can recognize themselves in the mirror. Full bioPeter Gabriel - Musician, activist
Peter Gabriel writes incredible songs but, as the co-founder of WITNESS and TheElders.org, is also a powerful human rights advocate. Full bioNeil Gershenfeld - Physicist, personal fab pioneer
As Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, Neil Gershenfeld explores the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds. Full bioVint Cerf - Computer scientist
Vint Cerf, now the chief Internet evangelist at Google, helped lay the foundations for the internet as we know it more than 30 years ago. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Možda ćete misliti da gledate
u delfina koji se razdragano vrti,
u delfina
kako se razdragano vrti.
da razumem prirodu
zadnjih 30 godina.
kod ove životinje
je vrlo jednostavan istraživački alat,
i dobili smo sjajnu informaciju,
jedine "nehumane" životinje
isključivo ljudska sposobnost
naši najbliži rođaci,
sa delfinima i slonovima,
u fizičkoj evoluciji,
mnogo sporiji
u spoznaji,
One su svesne.
sa mnogim vrstama
izvrsne dokaze
kod drugih životinja,
prilično različite od nas po formi.
i to je jedan od mojih najvećih snova,
životinjskog sveta,
za svakoga
stvarno zainteresovati za ovu ideju.
da se vratim na delfine
više strano od delfina.
po obliku tela.
Dolaze iz radikalno drukčijeg okruženja.
da komuniciramo sa ovim životinjama.
podvodnu tastaturu.
koja reaguje na dodir.
je da dam delfinima izbor i kontrolu.
visoko društvene životinje
ako im damo izbor i kontrolu,
na ovoj tastaturi -
kablovima od optičkih vlakana
sa Epl II kompjuterom.
u tehnološkom pogledu.
da pritisnu dugme, znak,
i videćete Delfaja
kompjuterski zvižduk - (Zvižduk) -
mogu da traže stvari koje hoće.
da su sami istraživali tastaturu.
Igrali su se oko nje.
bilo je samoorganizujuće učenje
mogli da uradimo
sa tehnologijama koje postoje danas?
i onda, jednog dana
Ja živim od pravljenja buke.
onda je to muzika
pravljenja muzike koje sam ikada imao.
Odrastao sam okružen životinjama
i pitao se
kad sam počeo da čitam
sa Peni Paterson i Koko
bilo neverovatno
da su puno veštiji
u ovladavanju njihovim.
sa raznih strana sveta
nijedan zajednički jezik koji govorimo,
da se povežemo i izrazimo emocije.
i konačno došao
i bonobo majmuni
udaračkim instrumentima,
ali nikad ranije klavijaturama.
ono što rade bebe,
da proba samo s jednim prstom.
da odsviraš pesmu o čuvaru?
To je bilo vrlo dobro.
možda je najneverovatnija alatka
kad bismo nekako mogli
koji bi omogućili pristup
se zagrejala za to,
Stiva Vudrafa
sve vrste ljudi
ili inspirativan,
PG: Thank you.
PG: Hvala tebi.
kad sam video taj video klip.
da radi ove stvari
istorija interneta.
kad je rođen
pokazao sam ovo.
internet server za 1 dolar
poznato kao "Internet stvari",
sa ogromnim implikacijama
energetsku efikasnost.
mi je Piter to pokazao,
da nam nešto nedostaje,
interneta među vrstama.
i velike majmune i slonove
odvedemo do njih.
sa ovog kompjutera,
sa svesnim životinjama
da imamo i ovo gore, sjajno.
sa orangutanima.
Tamo je sada noć.
ja sam Teri Koks
u Vejkou u Teksasu
prelepo, veliko stanište na otvorenom,
"Aplikacije za majmune -
i koristimo iPad-ove
i obogatili životinje
o svim mogućnostima
tehnologije i interneta
i otvorimo njihov svet.
zbog mogućnosti
u konferenciji.
Kad smo probali sinoć
su delfini u Nacionalnom akvarijumu.
iz Naconalnog akvarijuma.
atlantskih kljunastih delfina:
naš prvi delfin koji je rođen ovde,
jedanaestogodišnja Maja.
odličnom negovanju životinja,
za ono što se ovde događa večeras.
naše životinje su uključene
na Tajlandu
Izvoli Džoš.
moje ime je Džoš Plotnik
"Razmišljajte o slonovima"
na Tajlandu
Zlatnog trougla.
na razvoj inteligencije slonova,
je fokusirana
širom sveta
i pokazivanje ljudima
do slona,
šta se dešava u njihovim ustima
ove životinje neverovatne.
Hvala Džoš.
izgrađujemo sjajne odnose
da se vratimo do drugog kompjutera,
kako da integrišemo
a to je Vint Serf
koji nam je dao internet. Vint?
ups, pogrešan scenario.
Internet za proizvodnju.
koristi IP verziju 6.
mogućih priključaka.
može da ceni.
da bismo povezali kompjutere.
za povezivanje ljudi.
da ograničimo ovu mrežu
senzibilne vrste
kuda bi saobraćaj
povezane međusobno.
različitih operativnih agencija
iste standardne TCP/IP protokole.
kojima upravlja kompjuter
što ovi ljudi rade
putem ovog sistema
odvijanje ovih eksperimenata.
da pričaju sa mašinama
i kako vreme prolazi
s kompjuterima
komuniciraju sa nama
svemirskoj stanici.
koja je u orbiti oko Sunca
na putu,
naprednih projekata
prvobitni ARPANET,
međuplanetarnu arhitekturu,
dizajniranja svemirske letelice
za 100 godina.
sa drugim vrstama,
u međusobnu komunikaciju sa vanzemaljcem.
da su četiri osobe
četiri puna dana,
četiri minuta svaka
koje bi publika možda htela da zna.
PG: Today.
PG: Danas.
kuda ćete dalje sa ovom idejom.
da uključimo što je više ljudi moguće
koji će učiniti sve ovo mogućim.
spremno da se uključi,
kao što internet funkcioniše
oko svih ovih inicijativa
da ih povežemo globalno.
internet adresu
JC: Shortly. We will come back to you on that.
Obavestićemo vas o tome.
video snimak koji ste pokazali
samo na trenutak
video infrastruktura,
nego od mnogih ka mnogima,
na simetrično deljenje video snimka
širom planete.
sa zadnjeg kraja,
nego za mnoge ka mnogima.
ključan deo ovoga.
ekran osetljiv na dodir za delfine.
nekih ranijih radova
za pokretanje toga,
DR: Yeah.
DR: Da.
što ste bili sa nama.
imati vas na bini.
VC: Thank you.
VS: Hvala.
Diana Reiss - Cognitive psychologistDiana Reiss studies animal cognition, and has found that bottlenose dolphins (and Asian elephants) can recognize themselves in the mirror.
Why you should listen
Diana Reiss’s research focuses on the cognition and communication of marine animals, with an emphasis on comparative animal cognition. Essentially, she studies the evolution of intelligence. Reiss pioneered the use of underwater keyboards with dolphins to investigate their communicative abilities and provide them with more degrees of choice and control. Reiss and her colleagues demonstrated that bottlenose dolphins and an Asian elephants possess the rare ability for mirror self-recognition previously thought to be restricted to humans and great apes. She wrote about this work in her recent book, The Dolphin in the Mirror.
Reiss' efforts also involve the rescue and rehabilitation of stranded marine mammals, including the successful rescue of Humphrey, the humpback whale, from San Francisco Bay waters. Her advocacy work in conservation and animal welfare includes the protection of dolphins in the tuna-fishing industry and efforts to bring an end to the killing of dolphins in the drive hunts in Japan.
Reiss is a cognitive psychologist and professor in the Department of Psychology at Hunter College and the Biopsychology and Behavioral Neuroscience subprogram at the Graduate Center, CUNY. She directs a dolphin cognitive research program at the National Aquarium in Baltimore and is a research associate at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in DC, where she investigates elephant cognition.
Diana Reiss | Speaker | TED.com
Peter Gabriel - Musician, activist
Peter Gabriel writes incredible songs but, as the co-founder of WITNESS and TheElders.org, is also a powerful human rights advocate.
Why you should listen
Peter Gabriel was a founding member of the extraordinarily successful progressive rock band Genesis. He left the band in 1975 to go solo and, in 1980, set up the international arts festival WOMAD (which stands for World of Music, Arts and Dance) and the record label Real World, both to champion music and artistic innovation from all over the world. Gabriel's stop motion video for "Sledgehammer" has been named the most-played music video in the history of MTV.
Gabriel is also very interested in human rights. In 1992, he co-founded WITNESS.org, an organization that helps human rights activists and citizen witnesses worldwide make change happen through the use of video. The organization not only distributes digital cameras to empower people to document human-rights abuses, but provides a platform for the spread of video that reveals what is really going on in places all over the globe.
In 2007, Gabriel also co-founded theElders.org with Richard Branson and Nelson Mandela, an independent group of global leaders working together for peace and human rights.
Peter Gabriel | Speaker | TED.com
Neil Gershenfeld - Physicist, personal fab pioneer
As Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, Neil Gershenfeld explores the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds.
Why you should listen
MIT's Neil Gershenfeld is redefining the boundaries between the digital and analog worlds. The digital revolution is over, Gershenfeld says. We won. What comes next? His Center for Bits and Atoms has developed quite a few answers, including Internet 0, a tiny web server that fits into lightbulbs and doorknobs, networking the physical world in previously unimaginable ways.
But Gershenfeld is best known as a pioneer in personal fabrication -- small-scale manufacturing enabled by digital technologies, which gives people the tools to build literally anything they can imagine. His famous Fab Lab is immensely popular among students at MIT, who crowd Gershenfeld's classes. But the concept is potentially life-altering in the developing world, where a Fab Lab with just $20,000 worth of laser cutters, milling machines and soldering irons can transform a community, helping people harness their creativity to build tools, replacement parts and essential products unavailable in the local market. Read more in Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop.
Neil Gershenfeld | Speaker | TED.com
Vint Cerf - Computer scientist
Vint Cerf, now the chief Internet evangelist at Google, helped lay the foundations for the internet as we know it more than 30 years ago.
Why you should listen
TCP/IP. You may not know what it stands for, but you probably use it every day -- it's the set of communications protocols that allows data to flow from computer to computer across the internet. More than 30 years ago, while working at DARPA, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn developed TCP/IP, and in so doing, they gave rise to the modern Internet. In 2004, Cerf was the recipient of the ACM Alan M. Turing award (sometimes called the “Nobel Prize of Computer Science”), and in 2005 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Cerf is a vice president and chief Internet evangelist at Google, and chairman of the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), an organization he helped form; he was also recently elected president of the ACM Council. He served as founding president of the Internet Society from 1992 to 1995. He's an advocate for a truly free internet, speaking out in the face of increasing government demands to limit free speech and connection.
Vint Cerf | Speaker | TED.com