Shivani Siroya: A smart loan for people with no credit history (yet)
Шивани Сироја (Shivani Siroya): Паметан зајам за људе који (још увек) немају кредитну историју
Shivani Siroya created a tool that allows anyone with a cell phone to build a financial track record. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to know about a person
да јој дате зајам?
making a loan?
да позајмите 1 000 долара
about that person
in her late thirties.
у позним тридесетим годинама.
come to see her for health services,
да је посете због здравствених услуга,
да ли могу одмах да плате.
with her at the grocery store
сретале њене пацијенте у продавници
и платили јој на лицу места
and pay her right on the spot
and their health.
о породици и здрављу.
because she trusted them.
зато што им је веровала.
неко кога знамо
going to lend to a stranger
неће дати позајмицу странцу
something about them.
кредитним картицама
and other financial institutions
of our public consumer credit data.
наших јавних потрошачких података.
pretty much easy access
and services that we need,
around the world
public records on them --
званични јавни подаци;
to the credit or financial products
или финансијским производима
да изградимо поверење
for these 2.5 billion.
за ових 2,5 милијарде људи.
за мобилне телефоне
using mobile data.
са мобилних телефона.
smartphones in emerging markets.
паметних мобилних телефона
the same way that we do.
they're looking up directions,
траже упутства за кретање,
financial transactions.
captured on our phones,
ускладиште на нашим телефонима,
of a person's life.
о животу неке особе.
приступ овим подацима,
through our mobile application.
помоћу наше мобилне апликације.
the creditworthiness
кредитну способност
a small-business owner in Nairobi, Kenya.
мали посао у Најробију у Кенији.
has been running a food stall
и деценијама управља тезгом са храном
through vocational school,
које је уписала у струковне школе,
of her local chama,
to cover her expenses.
да покрије своје трошкове.
могао би да је примора да се задужи,
into growing her business.
her options are limited.
њене опције су ограничене.
that could help vouch for her credibility.
за помоћ при доказивању кредибилитета.
would be way too small
била би превише мала
that are well above 300 percent,
које иду знатно изнад 300 посто,
collateral or a credit history,
колатерал или кредитну историју,
and ask for a business loan.
и затражи пословни кредит.
to download our application
да преузме нашу апликацију
questions on her phone
на пар питања на свом телефону
key data points on her device.
на њеном уређају.
and no previous loan history.
и није имала претходну кредитну историју.
у традиционалној банци.
a red flag to a traditional bank.
у њеној историји која су нам показала
in her history that showed us
phone calls to her family in Uganda.
своју породицу у Уганди.
communicate with a few close contacts.
са пар блиских контаката.
around a lot throughout the day,
regular travel patterns,
обрасце путовања,
or at her food stall.
или код своје тезге.
a six percent increase in repayment
од шест посто у враћању новца
that she communicated a lot
и да је пуно комуницирала
throughout the day
with more than 58 different contacts
са више од 58 различитих контаката
to be good borrowers.
да ће бити бољи зајмопримаоци.
with 89 different individuals,
са 89 различитих појединаца,
increase in her repayment.
у враћању њеног дуга.
of different data points
различитих података
a person's creditworthiness.
of these different data points,
свих ових различитих података,
be found on a paper trail
као траг на папиру
финансијском запису,
на тржиштима у развоју
and unpredictable on the surface
и наизглед непредвидиво
the capacity to repay.
и имају капацитет за то.
over 200,000 loans in Kenya
да одобримо преко 200 000 кредита у Кенији
are above 90 percent --
with traditional bank repayment rates.
враћања дуга у традиционалним банкама.
as a credit score,
као што су кредитни бодови,
to build their own futures.
да граде сопствену будућност.
their loans for family expenses,
за породичне трошкове,
into growing their businesses.
economies and communities
of using our product,
коришћења нашег производа,
her savings by 60 percent.
своју штедњу за 60 посто.
two additional food stalls
додатне тезге са храном
for her own restaurant.
да покрене сопствени ресторан.
from a commercial bank,
малих бизниса комерцијалне банке,
to prove she deserves it.
да докаже да она то заслужује.
у Најробију прошле недеље
she was to get started.
због тог почетка.
I didn't think this was for me."
да могу ово да урадим.
of the world that was closed off to her.
који је за њу затворен.
the world to Jenipher
that deserve to be trusted.
који заслужују поверење.
Shivani Siroya - Mobile finance entrepreneurShivani Siroya created a tool that allows anyone with a cell phone to build a financial track record.
Why you should listen
Shivani Siroya is the CEO & Founder of Tala, a company that facilitates financial access to small businesses owners around the world by providing mobile financial tracking tools and direct flexible financing in order to help these businesses and their communities lift themselves out of poverty. She was selected as a TED Fellow in 2013.
Siroya has a wide array of professional experiences in global health, micro-finance and investment banking. Prior to Tala, she worked health costing at UNFPA and Mergers & Acquisitions at Health Net and Citigroup.
Siroya is a 2011 Echoing Green Fellow and 2011Unreasonable Institute Fellow. She is also a blogger for the Huffington Post and has written on Microfinance 2.0 as well as small business growth in the U.S. She is also on the board of ReWork and Young Women Social Entrepreneurs.
Siroya holds a M.P.H in Health Economics and International Policy from Columbia University and a B.A. in International Relations from Wesleyan University.
Shivani Siroya | Speaker |