Tomás Saraceno: Would you live in a floating city in the sky?
Томас Сарасено (Tomás Saraceno): Да ли бисте живели у граду који лебди у ваздуху?
Tomás Saraceno invites us to consider the impossible, like spiders that play music or cities in the sky. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in a thin layer of water,
as if you're floating among the clouds.
као да лебдите међу облацима.
when the horizon disappears;
I woke up from a dream,
were also reflected on the water.
among the stars.
the stars reverberated under my feet.
са сваким направљеним кораком.
among clouds of galaxies.
међу облацима галаксија.
are not just clouds of galaxies
нису само облаци галаксија
we're leaving on the planet.
is making a global impact
оставља глобалне последице
of toxic clouds that float in the air,
отровних гасова који лебде у ваздуху,
from carbon dioxide emissions
од емисија угљен-диоксида
oil, carbon, gas --
уља, угљеника, гаса -
among the clouds.
да плутам међу облацима.
да замислимо другачије врсте облака,
other types of clouds,
about that photo, I'll explain:
за ову фотографију, објаснићу -
or photomontage -- something weird.
или фотомонтажа; нешто чудно.
What is reality?
interested in reality.
of the human essence.
то је део људске суштине.
to any form of reality.
било каквом облику стварности.
from their desires."
да плутамо међу облацима?
to float among the clouds?
building a flying museum.
да бисмо могли кренути од летећих музеја.
With plastic bags?
„Са пластичним кесама?“
all over the world,
људи широм света,
искоришћене пластичне кесе;
"The Aero-Solar Museum."
на радикално нови начин,
in a radically new way,
between the interior and the exterior
између унутрашњости и спољашњости
or helium or hydrogen;
хелијум ни водоник;
clean and accessible to the whole world
чист и приступачан целом свету
with 120 engineers.
2009. године са 120 инжењера.
when you go up in a plane,
било је заиста сложено,
са пластичним кесама и рекао:
with the plastic bags, saying,
да разумеју тај концепт.
understanding the concept.
започели смо нову еру,
насиље антропоцена
the violence of the Anthropocene
live together in the air,
да заједно живимо у ваздуху
this backpack today.
that we also refer to as a sculpture.
који називамо и скулптуром.
можемо да изађемо и да га пустимо да лети,
we can go out and fly --
in Vancouver isn't --
you have to feel it,
of the atmosphere,
all over the world
заједницама широм света
the temperature and the environment,
температуром и животном средином,
species in the air;
towards the atmosphere,
на путу ка атмосфери нисмо сами.
12 сати, од Немачке до Пољске,
from Germany to Poland,
него што смо замишљали;
than what we imagined;
the heat of the sun
will be getting the permits
of each of the different countries
појединачних, различитих земаља
о климатским променама,
all over the world.
to arrive at our destination?
да бисмо стигли на наше одредиште?
the wind highways.
управљати „ветропутевима“.
to Berlin from Vancouver,
да се вратим у Берлин из Ванкувера,
is choose an altitude.
надморску висину.
постоје различити правци и брзине.
there are different directions
and the orange, the day after tomorrow.
а наранџаста важи за прекосутра.
да се вратите за Берлин -
to fly back to Berlin --
from the center of Berlin
до око 170 километара од центра Берлина
that we drew with the wind
путање ветра које смо исцртали
„Дан независности од фосилних горива“.
"Independence from Fossil Fuels Day."
are experiencing the air
на другачији начин.
да славимо и Дан ваздуха -
the sculptures are,
that's been heated by the sun.
топлог ваздуха који загрева Сунце.
to build gardens in the air.
баште у ваздуху.
the size of the earth?
у башти величине Земље?
floating among the clouds?
у екосистему који лебди међу облацима?
isn't just a technological challenge;
није само технолошки изазов;
the freedom of movement between countries,
слобода кретања између земаља
social, cultural and military restrictions
културолошка и војна ограничења
омогућава да направимо ова места.
that allows us to create these places.
of Art in New York.
spaces be like?
ови транснационални простори.
we need to learn how to move within them,
како да се крећемо у њима,
everyone else's movements;
на кретање друге особе;
between people
на висини од око 20 метара.
72 feet in the air.
get too close together,
сувише приближи,
that we build nets that connect us.
градимо мреже које нас повезују.
when we have to face the void,
да се суочимо са празнином,
about this exhibit
са овим новим „аерографиконима“.
for the first time.
disseminated all over the earth,
распршио се широм планете,
of the Anthropocene era.
8. новембра 2015. године,
само уз помоћ сунца,
using only the sun,
гравитација преокренула;
toward the center of the earth,
when he walked on the moon,
док је ходао по Месецу:
који треба да направимо.
but radically different;
али радикално другачији;
full of air and wishes,
са торбом пуном ваздуха и жеља,
to independence from fossil fuels
до независности од фосилних горива
трагове на другим планетама
on other planets
in the atmosphere of this one.
у атмосфери ове планете.
можемо направити.
much further than the moon,
могу водити много даље од Месеца,
with our feet on the ground.
док чврсто стојимо на земљи.
Tomás Saraceno - ArtistTomás Saraceno invites us to consider the impossible, like spiders that play music or cities in the sky.
Why you should listen
Tomás Saraceno’s oeuvre could be seen as an ongoing research informed by the worlds of art, architecture, natural sciences, astrophysics and engineering. His floating sculptures, community projects and interactive installations propose and explore new, sustainable ways of inhabiting and sensing the environment.
Aerocene, an open-source community project for artistic and scientific exploration initiated from Saraceno's vision, becomes buoyant only by the heat of the sun and infrared radiation from the surface of earth. In 2015, Saraceno achieved the world record for the first and longest certified fully-solar manned flight. During the past decade, he has initiated collaborations with renowned scientific institutions including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Max Planck Institute, the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, and institutions of the Exhibition Road Cultural Group, among them Imperial College and the Natural History Museum London.
Saraceno lectures in institutions worldwide and directed the Institute of Architecture-related Art (IAK) at Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany (2014–2016). He was the first person to scan, reconstruct and re-imagine spiders' weaved spatial habitats, and he possesses the only three-dimensional spider web collection to existence. He has held residencies at Centre National d’Études Spatiales (2014–2015), MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (2012–ongoing) and Atelier Calder (2010), among others. In 2009, Saraceno attended the International Space Studies Program at NASA Ames. The same year he presented a major installation at the 53rd Venice Biennale, and was later awarded the prestigious Calder Prize. Saraceno's work is included in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art, New York; SFMOMA, San Francisco; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin; among others.
Tomás Saraceno | Speaker |