Mike Kinney: A pro wrestler's guide to confidence
مايك كيني: دليل مصارع محترف للثقة بالنفس
UPS's Mike Kinney plays a crucial role in helping customers reach their full potential. Full bio
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and is quickly body-slammed to the mat.
وسرعان ما يُضرب جسده بالأرض.
wanted for me?"
to the question, surprisingly,
all over our living room,
في كل مكان في غرفة المعيشة،
المفضلين لي من التلفاز.
wrestlers from TV.
a little bit of Hulk Hogan,
ب(هولك هوجان)،
وكان هو الخصم (أندريه العملاق).
and he was Andre the Giant.
and say things like, "Dad ...
وأقول أشياء مثل، "أبي...
world heavyweight champion."
and very calmly say,
to be my retirement fund."
الاعتماد عليك في الإنفاق عليّ بعد تقاعدي".
إلى بلدتي الصغيرة في ولاية (مينيسوتا).
to my little town in Minnesota.
come to my town before.
early in the morning the day of the show,
في صباح يوم العرض،
من رؤية بعض المصارعين
to see if I could spot some wrestlers
who the wrestlers were,
and intimidating,
and Zubaz and fanny packs.
وسراويلهم وحقائب الخصر.
was who are these people,
كان مَن هؤلاء الأشخاص،
set up the wrestling ring.
في إعداد حلبة المصارعة.
to show me some wrestling moves.
بعض حركات المصارعة.
and kick me -- hard!
every couple of months that year,
كل شهرين ذاك العام،
next day, they were gone.
wrestling training camp
في المدرسة الثانوية نهارًا
I was a high school senior by day
audiences by night.
hanging on my bedroom wall.
على جدار غرفة نومي.
a wrestling name at the last minute
اسم للمصارعة في اللحظات الأخيرة
كان مستخدمًا بالفعل
was already taken --
and camouflage pants
how to develop my own persona yet,
"Papa Gator" across the front.
"التمساح الأب".
for his retirement someday.
عليه بعد تقاعده يومًا ما.
time that can be.
even if it was for just a second,
حتى ولو كان ذلك لوقت قصير،
almost immediately.
and my dad, you know?
of my dad passing away.
I needed to be there.
الذين كانوا في الساحة منذ وقت طويل
on the scene a long time
how I was holding up.
what I'm doing."
for his own match,
direction of my life.
are just themselves, but "turned up."
هم أنفسهم ليس إلا، ولكن "مُحَسَّنون".
find the traits within themselves
هم من يجدون الخصلات في أنفسهم
of who they become in the ring.
who didn't know who he was
إلى بعض المصارعين الاخرين،
at some of the other wrestlers,
فكيف لي أن أكون مثلهم؟"
How can I ever be like them?"
أنه لم يكن عليّ أن أكون مثلهم.
I didn't have to be like them.
What did it mean to be me?
ما معنى أن أكون نفسي؟
مثل بعض هؤلاء الرجال،
like some of these guys,
أن أكون مرتاحًا في جسدي"؟
as: comfortable with my own body?"
wearing these little trunks
and camouflage pants,
في رسم الرسوم الكرتونية،
at drawing cartoons,
its own unique design and color,
ذا لون وتصميم مميزين،
who made his buddies laugh
الذي جعل رفاقه يضحكون
hundreds or thousands.
as scary as some of the others.
كشخصيات بعض الآخرين.
I walked into the arena.
and sing his entrance music
unforgettable to the fans.
غير قابل للنسيان بالنسبة للجماهير.
those things about me --
to be a man's man like my dad was.
أن تكون شخصية رجل حقيقي كما كان والدي.
of a man's man than a cowboy?"
رجولة من راعي البقر؟"
"Cowboy" ... Gator ...
"راعي البقر"...التمساح...
I couldn't come up with anything.
ولم أستطع تأليف شيء.
في ليلة ما، أقلب في القنوات،
flipping through the channels,
بجائزة العام الترفيهية.
an Entertainer of the Year award.
turning myself up
my dad was around to hear.
لو كان أبي موجودًا ليسمعه.
organization in the world,
of Monday Night Raw.
في عرض ( ليلة الاثنين راو).
on the road were finally paying off.
كانت تؤتي ثمارها أخيرًا.
entrance ramp on live television --
ل(الدبليو دبليو إي راو) على الهواء مباشرة
فأنا لم أتمكن من المصارعة.
I didn't get to wrestle,
أي نوع من المكالمات من (الدبليو دبليو إي).
any kind of call from the WWE.
is what got me there.
هو ما أوصلني هناك.
security guard I could.
الكاميرا منه على التلفاز تلك الليلة.
a close-up on TV that night.
طوال ذاك اليوم
pro wrestlers in the world,
of mine as a kid.
بالنسبة لي في طفولتي.
and learn from them,
with the WWE wasn't ideal.
مع (الدبليو دبليو إي) مثالية.
version of myself in the ring,
شهريًا في ولاية (مينيسوتا)
maybe once a month in Minnesota
all over the United States
في جميع أنحاء (الولايات المتحدة)
خلال الأعوام القليلة التالية،
الذي اكتشفت فيه أنا وزوجتي
my wife and I found out
أن هذين الحدثين غير مرتبطان البتة.
those two events are completely unrelated.
from professional wrestling
has been turned up,
of myself every day.
through this entire journey.
خلال هذه الرحلة كلها.
she does not like pro wrestling.
some part of Gator Magraw in here,
جزء ما من (التمساح مجراو) بداخلي،
to discover themselves
ابنتا وولدينا التوأم أنفسهم
وضربات كراسي حديدية أقل للرأس.
and steel chair shots to the head.
she's had to remind me
التي كان عليها أن تذكرني
at my kid's soccer games?
في مباريات كرة القدم لطفلتي؟
that my dad wanted something
أدرك أن أبي أراد شيئًا
to reach their fullest potential.
يصلون لأقصى قدراتهم.
perfect idea of how to be great,
فكرة مثالية لكي تصبح عظيمًا،
for what makes you different
for the world to see.
لكي يراه العالم.
don't like wrestling, either.
unique talents that can be turned up
مواهبه الفريدة التي يمكن تحسينها
makes him become the next Steve Jobs.
ستجعل منه (ستيف جوبز) القادم.
they're great at art,
(بابلو بيكاسو) القادم.
you have the ability to do
to put yourself out there.
in front of an audience,
"مهلًا، لقد صارعت مرتديًا أقل من ذلك".
I've wrestled in less."
to come to your town
لانتظار قدوم الأشياء إليك
to be the real you --
version of yourself.
come from our parents.
toward our true selves
تجاه نفسك الحقيقية
Mike Kinney - Business development supervisorUPS's Mike Kinney plays a crucial role in helping customers reach their full potential.
Why you should listen
Mike Kinney is a UPS Business Development Supervisor. As an independent professional wrestler and promoter for ten years, starting at the age of 17, Mike Kinney developed a process to create a fictional character for the wrestling world. He discovered more about himself than he bargained for as he translated those lessons into his everyday life after leaving the ring.
Kinney earned his BA in English from Minnesota State University, Mankato and his MBA with the University of Phoenix. He is a veteran of the Army National Guard and began his UPS career in 2007.
Mike Kinney | Speaker | TED.com