G.T. Bynum: A Republican mayor's plan to replace partisanship with policy
G.T. Bynum: Le plan d'un maire Républicain pour remplacer l'esprit partisan par l'esprit politique
G.T. Bynum is using data-driven outcomes and trackable goals to break down historic lines of division. Full bio
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of my hometown, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
pour être maire de Tulsa, dans l'Oklahoma.
a two-term incumbent,
de deux mandats,
the classic partisan playbook.
le schéma partisan habituel.
of Donald Trump.
qu'il avait envoyée au Président Obama
that he sent to President Obama
were coming to Tulsa.
made me look like Voldemort,
le sosie de Voldemort, d'après mes gamins,
in the mail, like this.
les soutient]
labor union has endorsed]
le plus libéral d'Amérique »
most liberal labor union,"
le syndicat des pompiers de Tulsa,
the Tulsa Firefighters Union,
pour être un bastion du libéralisme.
dans la course présidentielle
running for president
in his final year in that office,
dans cette fonction,
never find the time to get together
jamais trouvé le temps
dans la course à la mairie de Tulsa.
the Tulsa mayor's race.
hits you in a campaign,
lors d'une campagne,
how you're going to respond,
with partisanship,
au lieu de répondre de façon partisane,
against someone,
behind a common vision?
derrière une vision commune ?
to respond not with a negative ad
non par une campagne négative
find even sexier --
que les gens vont trouver plus sexy...
increasing per capita income in our city,
dans notre ville,
throughout the campaign,
durant toute la campagne,
in a very transparent way,
apprécier, de façon très transparente,
when we did that.
populations actives jeunes ;
populations in the country,
don't just run companies,
à diriger des entreprises,
institutions and nonprofits,
philanthropiques à but non lucratif,
to sacrifice today
à faire des sacrifices aujourd'hui
puissent avoir un avenir meilleur,
can have a better future,
of a circus promoter ...
celui d'un directeur de cirque...
of a young Orville Redenbacher ...
d'un jeune Orville Redenbacher...
of Republicans and Democrats.
des Républicains et des Démocrates.
and that approach so novel?
est-elle si originale ?
philosophical disagreements
des scuds pour complaire aux supporters
the red meat out to the base
is that to win an election,
basest, divisive instincts.
et les plus discutables des électeurs.
wins an election like that,
about how can we change that dynamic.
à comment changer cette dynamique.
is replaced with policy?
plutôt que du combat partisan ?
bipartisan movement across this country
émerge un mouvement inter-parti
is a guy named Mitch Daniels.
c'est Mitch Daniels.
as George W. Bush's budget director,
de George W. Bush,
le Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART).
a broad range of federal programs
un large éventail de programmes fédéraux
and project results.
la gestion de projet et les résultats.
over a thousand federal programs.
plus d'un millier de programmes fédéraux.
had their funding reduced
leur financement revu à la baisse
demonstrate success.
faire la preuve de leur efficacité.
a well-publicized increase in funding
de battage sur le financement
that did demonstrate success,
avaient démontré leur efficacité,
was never really popular with Congress,
été vraiment apprécié par le Congrès,
to state programs,
aux programmes de l'État,
that could not demonstrate success,
des programmes peu efficaces,
increased funding for those programs
en le faisant savoir,
the number of state troopers
is the president of Purdue University,
président de l'Université de Purdue,
tuition levels for students there flat
le niveau des frais de scolarité
applied this at the federal level,
the code for cities
able to do in New York City
possible de faire à New York
Mayor of New York,
pour la première fois,
on a monthly, even an annual basis,
chaque mois voire annuellement,
allocated based on those statistics.
étaient alloués sur ces bases.
so that crime statistics
de telle manière que les statistiques
even hourly basis,
et même heure par heure ;
would be allocated
allaient être alloués rapidement
were occurring today
où les crimes se produisent tous les jours
they were occurring last quarter.
le trimestre d'avant.
and he applied it in Baltimore.
et il l'a adoptée pour Baltimore.
that were most problematic for Baltimore
les plus difficiles
when you apply data in real time
les données en temps réel
violent crime in Baltimore
ce que d'autres en train de faire.
what some other city was doing.
could be used to all of the problems
le faire pour toutes les questions
dossier par dossier,
to issue after issue in Baltimore,
by mayors across the country
l'utilisent dans tout le pays
les plus lourds.
of our greatest challenges.
is a very simple one --
très simple --
that you want to achieve;
by which you can track progress
avec quoi vous pouvez suivre vos progrès
cheaply and quickly;
et à moindre coût ces mesures ;
you think would work,
que vous imaginez voir fonctionner,
that don't work,
qui ne marchent pas,
into those strategies that do.
to address housing issues
pour régler les problèmes d'hébergement
to reduce their crime rates
son taux de délinquance
depuis les années 60.
not just for their city
pour eux-mêmes
bringing resources together
pour fédérer les ressources
vacants ou laissés à l'abandon.
and abandoned properties.
de classe internationale,
if we aren't clear in what our goals are
si on n'est pas clair sur les objectifs,
and evaluation to accomplish them.
ni évaluation pour les atteindre.
et nous l'avons découvert en le réalisant,
and we've found in implementing this,
quand on parle de données,
as a contrast to creativity.
is actually quite the opposite.
for creative problem-solving,
créatrice de solutions,
different strategies quickly,
things that you can test out.
que vous pouvez examiner à fond.
that you can come up with
autant de stratégies possibles,
vous verrez, vous doublerez votre mise.
and then you double down on that.
that it lends itself to creativity
que cela se prête à la créativité,
those old silos of ownership
au sein de l'administration.
all the stakeholders in your community
à votre équipe municipale des acteurs
dans la lutte contre le crime,
or crime-fighting or education
to address your common goal.
à atteindre un but commun.
common city initiatives,
comme vous l'avez déjà bien entendu,
now repeatedly,
morale at the city --
unless you've got happy employees;
sans des collaborateurs heureux ;
throughout our community.
des rues de notre commune.
to things that are not so traditional
aussi dans des domaines inattendus
what cities are responsible for,
sont responsables,
des résultats de fin d'études secondaires,
graduation rates,
that we face as a city.
auquel la ville doit faire face.
African American community in the country.
la plus dynamique du pays.
was known as Black Wall Street.
comme le Wall Street noir.
in American history.
de l'histoire américaine.
was burned to the ground,
African American part of our city
than a kid that's born elsewhere in Tulsa.
qu'un gamin né dans un autre quartier.
of that awful event,
every tool that we can
d'espérance de vie,
party registration cards
à la Présidentielle
you voted for for president
the decade of life
cette décennie de vie
from these kids right now.
jusqu'à présent.
and black folks,
members of the city council,
des membres du Conseil municipal,
an equal shot at a good life in our city,
d'une vie agréable dans notre cité,
they happen to be born in.
done it before us.
they're willing to build,
to build a city
use evidence, data and evaluation
d'indices, de données et d'évaluations
les plus grands défis.
notre esprit partisan
where Barack Obama never carried
où Barack Obama n'a jamais gagné
le faire chez vous.
our philosophical disagreements
pour écarter nos désaccords idéologiques
that unite us.
sur les ambitions qui nous unissent.
that is presented by innovation
que l'esprit d'innovation nous offre
for our neighbors.
to a better future for us all.
pour nous tous.
G.T. Bynum - Mayor of Tulsa, OklahomaG.T. Bynum is using data-driven outcomes and trackable goals to break down historic lines of division.
Why you should listen
G.T. Bynum the 40th Mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Prior to his election as Mayor, Bynum served for eight years on the Tulsa City Council. During that time, he was elected as the youngest City Council Chairman in Tulsa history.
Throughout his time in Tulsa city government, Bynum has focused on fiscal restraint, public safety and infrastructure. He led the successful effort to enact the largest streets improvement package in the city's history, authored the first city sales tax cut in Tulsa history, doubled the number of police academies to increase manpower, authored legislation creating the first municipal rainy day fund in Oklahoma and coordinated efforts to establish the first municipal veterans treatment court in the United States.
In 2011, Bynum was selected as an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow, a program which seeks to bring together 24 of the nation's most promising young elected leaders on a bipartisan basis, explore the responsibilities of public leadership and assist them in achieving their fullest potential in public service.
In 2014, Bynum was selected as the only city councilor in the nation to participate in the Moneyball for Government Fellowship Program, which aims to assist local governments in achieving better results with limited budgets through increasing the use of data, evidence and evaluation when spending taxpayer money.
Bynum is a proud graduate of two institutions operated by the Augustinian Order of the Catholic Church: Cascia Hall Preparatory School in Tulsa and Villanova University, where he served as Student Body President. He previously worked as the managing partner of Capitol Ventures, and before that in the United States Senate for Senators Don Nickles and Tom Coburn.
Mayor Bynum comes from a family dedicated to public service and he and his wife, Susan, are the proud parents of Robert and Annabel --the sixth generation of Bynums to call Tulsa home.
G.T. Bynum | Speaker | TED.com