Jennifer Wilcox: A new way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere
Jennifer Wilcox: Új módszer a CO₂ légkörből való kivonására
Jennifer Wilcox works on ways to test and measure methods of trace metal and carbon capture, to mitigate the effects of fossil fuels on our planet. Full bio
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of CO2 in the air today.
of oxygen and nitrogen.
és nitrogénmolekula társul.
there are about 1,800 of us.
was wearing a green shirt,
that single person.
when capturing CO2
about is going back;
a fordítottjával foglalkozni:
it's actually possible to do this.
where this technology is at
in the near future.
removes CO2 from the air
sőt még sziklák útján is.
are doing the invaluable work
értékű munkát végeznek
we have the technology today
CO₂-kivonás technológiája
as a synthetic forest.
to growing or building such a forest.
dissolved in water.
oldódó vegyi anyagok alkalmazása.
with CO2-grabbing chemicals.
vegyi anyagok alkalmazása.
they basically look the same.
is what a system might look like
really, really wide
a high enough surface area
just 400 molecules out of a million.
csak 400-at kell kivonnunk.
approach to do this,
packing material,
with the packing material,
across the packing material,
oszlatjuk el a töltőanyagban.
as you can see in the front,
a levegőt a folyadékon.
is separated from the liquid
a folyadék úgy választja le,
CO2 molecules in solution.
CO₂-molekulákkal reakcióba lép.
you make that contactor,
on bubbling all that air through.
a levegő átáramoltatására.
have this unique characteristic design,
egyedi és jellemző kialakításúak:
but a relatively thin thickness.
kis vastagságúak.
that material that you used to capture it,
fönntarthatónak kell lennie.
must be sustainable,
an enormous amount of heat,
hőenergiát igényel,
CO2 is so dilute in the air,
in order to recycle the material.
with that heat,
that you got from dilute CO2 in the air
a levegőben lévő ritka CO₂-ből;
is easier to liquify,
könnyebb cseppfolyósítani,
it's in a pipeline or a truck,
akár teherautón,
about that energy.
or recycle these materials
vagy újrahasznosításához kellő hő
and the subsequent cost of doing this.
mértékét és az ebből adódó költségeket.
of CO2 from the air
to capture CO2 directly from the air.
közvetlen kinyeréséhez a levegőből.
of 300 to 500 megawatts.
what kind of power plant you choose.
az erőműtípus megválasztásakor is.
than you capture.
mint amennyit kivonunk.
of this technology
as $1,000 a ton
CO2 and convert it to a liquid fuel,
it's not feasible.
a commercial-scale company,
as 600 dollars a ton.
that are developing technologies
approach for separation
technológiát használnak,
super-abundant, cheap natural gas
olcsó földgáz égetésével kombinálnak.
the CO2 from the air
from burning the natural gas.
and they reduce costs.
környezetszennyezést is.
and US-based Global Thermostat
és az USA-ban lévő Global Thermostat
from other industrial processes
és a környezetszennyezést.
takes a different approach.
through the material
sebességére koncentráltak,
and produce that CO2
és termelésének üteme
a more compact design
advantage over a real forest: size.
a természeteshez képest a mérete.
is a map of the Amazon rainforest.
az Amazonas esőerdeje látható.
1.6 billion tons of CO2 each year.
CO₂ kivonására képes.
of roughly 25 percent
for a synthetic forest
felállítandó üzem
with farmland or food,
az élelmiszer-termelés elől.
to have to cut down any real trees
of negative emissions again.
that the CO2 separated
hogy az elkülönített CO₂-t
from the atmosphere forever,
eltávolítsák a légkörből:
gets paid to do that today --
ma ezért senkinek sem fizetnek,
these technologies
out of it, a marketable product.
piacképes terméket gyártsanak.
these carbon markets are great.
to be disillusioned.
to solve our climate crisis,
megoldásához nem elég nagy.
is we need to actually think about
is positive about the carbon markets
capture plants to be built,
építését teszi lehetővé,
to bring costs down.
and technology in the world,
bölcs gondolatát és technológiáját,
to have a significant impact on climate.
absolutely be willing to pay more,
CO₂-kibocsátású termékeknek
carbon-negative paths
the majority of society
in research and development.
a half a percent of gross domestic product
fél százalékát fordította
is about 100 billion dollars.
kb. százmilliárd dollár.
against climate change,
küzdelmünk előterében áll,
20 percent, 20 billion dollars.
20 milliárd dollárt fordítanánk erre.
that we could get the costs down
100 dollárra szoríthatnánk.
but it's part of what makes my job fun.
részben ez teszi érdekessé.
200 synthetic forests,
kellene építenünk,
a million tons of CO2 per year.
egymillió tonna CO₂-t kötne le.
of US annual emissions.
associated with long-haul trucking
makes these emissions
vagyunk utalva,
kibocsátást elkerülni.
could absolutely be significant.
in terms of land area to do this,
about half the land area of Vancouver.
kb. felét vennék igénybe.
of natural gas -- it also emits CO2.
hogy az is CO₂-kibocsátó.
to do direct air capture,
about a third of what's intended,
csak kb. a harmadát fogjuk be,
clever approach of co-capture
about 15 times larger,
in my work and my research
where we should put these plants
optimális megoldása
the local resources available --
cheap and clean electricity --
you can use clean electricity
tiszta villamos energiát
replacement for natural gas,
again on negative emissions.
a negatív kibocsátásra!
considered a silver bullet,
if we continue to stall
pollution worldwide.
that it can even be risky,
hogy még kockázatos is lehet,
of total solution to our climate crisis.
megoldásaként ragaszkodhatnak hozzá.
to burn fossil fuels 24 hours a day,
tüzelőanyagokat egész évben
see negative emissions
hogy ne tekintsük a negatív kibocsátást
megállítása helyettesítésének,
portfolio that includes everything,
kiegészítésének tekintsük.
to net-zero emissions one day.
elérjük a nettó zéró CO₂-kibocsátást.
by the lifesaving work
életmentő munkája,
do each and every day.
nap mint nap végez.
about my work on carbon capture,
climate change by capturing carbon
az éghajlatváltozás ellen
as pretty as a real one,
olyan szép, mint az igazi,
to preserve not only the Amazon,
megmentését teszi lehetővé,
Jennifer Wilcox - Chemical engineerJennifer Wilcox works on ways to test and measure methods of trace metal and carbon capture, to mitigate the effects of fossil fuels on our planet.
Why you should listen
Jennifer Wilcox is the James H. Manning Chaired Professor of Chemical Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Having grown up in rural Maine, she has a profound respect and appreciation of nature, which permeates her work as she focuses on minimizing negative impacts of humankind on our natural environment.
Wilcox's research takes aim at the nexus of energy and the environment, developing both mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize negative climate impacts associated with society's dependence on fossil fuels. This work carefully examines the role of carbon management and opportunities therein that could assist in preventing 2° C warming by 2100. Carbon management includes a mix of technologies spanning from the direct removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to its capture from industrial, utility-scale and micro-emitter (motor vehicle) exhaust streams, followed by utilization or reliable storage of carbon dioxide on a timescale and magnitude that will have a positive impact on our current climate change crisis. Funding for her research is primarily sourced through the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and the private sector. She has served on a number of committees including the National Academy of Sciences and the American Physical Society to assess carbon capture methods and impacts on climate. She is the author of the first textbook on carbon capture, published in March 2012.
Jennifer Wilcox | Speaker |