Jeremy Forbes: How to start a conversation about suicide
Jeremy Forbes: Cum să inițiem o discuție despre sinucidere
Through his charity HALT, Jeremy Forbes aims to break through the stigma attached to mental health, raise awareness through education and empower men to open up conversations around mental health and suicide prevention. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
care mi-a schimbat viaţa.
country town in central Victoria.
centrală a statului Victoria.
for his workmanship with steel.
pentru lucrările sale în oţel.
some steel edging for the garden.
nişte borduri de oţel pentru grădină.
which is a wonderful gift,
retrospecția este un dar minunat,
down the end of Pete's street
was a tradie, or a tradesman.
sau un meseriaș.
să scurtăm cuvintele în dialectul matern.
in the Australian vernacular.
din punct de vedere fizic
se sinucide.
Era iarnă.
a comunităţii.
and the community members,
și membrii comunității,
of another underlying tragic level.
lucruri destul de triste.
in that community hall
am auzit cum oamenii vorbeau
other people were going through.
cu care alţii se confruntau.
was contained in two words
rezuma în două cuvinte
where I was standing in a community hall
this Castlemaine community
comunitatea din Castelmaine
I'd played footy there,
acolo am jucat fotbal,
for what they'd given me.
that hall as well,
jocurile de noroc,
drugs, finance, gambling,
that we have in the tradie community,
pe care o avem în comunitatea noastră,
I lacked the experience.
îmi lipsea experienţa.
but I wanted to do something.
to them or what to tell them.
from Catherine Pilgrim, my cofounder,
co-fondatoarea mea, Catherine Pilgrim,
pentru familia ei.
for the tradie community.
pentru comunitatea noastră.
for the tradie community.
comunitatea noastră.
conştientizarea. Minunat.
of being a tradie.
în cultura meseriașilor.
we can get the tradies together
să îi aducem împreună,
and talk about mental health
şi pot vorbi despre sănătatea mintală
I thought it was very clever.
Am crezut că era potrivit.
cheresteaua în magazin.
of a hardware store.
dar meseriașii iubesc mâncarea.
and I'm a tradie myself,
the tradies with egg and bacon rolls,
cu ouă şi rulouri de șuncă,
had no money to begin,
„HALT" nu avea bani,
It starts in community.
Începe acolo.
we went around to the baker,
and there was some chocolate,
this awareness-raising event.
Because we haven't got any money."
Pentru că nu avem bani.”
we initiated the conversation with
fiecare persoană cu care vorbeam,
depression or thoughts of suicide
depresie sau gânduri suicidare
we've got some food.
and a lot of men in general,
și în general, mulți bărbaţi,
where to go and get help.
at the HALT events,
about my mental health
pentru probleme mele de sănătate mintală
potentially saved my life.
say to me in the first year,
still have those bags in their Ute
about a whole of community approach,
despre abordarea comunității,
in Castlemaine at Tonks Brothers,
Castelmaine, la Tonk Brothers,
de consiliere mintală.
gone through mental health.
it's not only tradies
or anxiety or depression or suicide.
anxietate, depresie sau suicid.
in the farming industry,
în industria fermieră,
pentru partenerii meşterilor
would not go home to their partners
acasă la partenerii lor
we talked about mental health,
de sănătatea mintală
this, this and this now."
pentru parteneri
to these young, vulnerable men and women.
să ajung la acești tineri vulnerabili.
pentru atelierele oamenilor
is really high for older men.
oamenii vârstnici este ridicată.
depot workers and tradies.
din depozite şi meșteri.
with very little funding,
în peste patru state.
HALT event at a hardware store,
făcut într-un magazin,
about his suicide attempt.
despre tentativa lui de suicid.
they've worked through it,
mereu, s-au luptat cu asta,
they could share their vulnerabilities.
vorbi despre vulnerabilitatea lor.
talk about their suicide attempt,
despre tentativa lor de suicid
for them to talk,
ca ei să vorbească
to start talking.
to me and tell me their story,
despre povestea lor,
to talk with other men."
să vorbim și cu alţi bărbaţi."
that I've had depression, but I have,
că am avut depresie, dar am,
wants to come and speak to me,
cu mine despre asta,
and cathartic to do that.
întregii comunităţi.
from local and national support services.
de asistență locală şi națională.
or someone at one of these events,
care participă la aceste evenimente,
of suicide prevention.
în niciun fel.
which most of our brekkies are,
de 9 am când sunt pauzele
It's a whole-of-community approach.
la nivel de comunitate.
sporting clubs, community clubs.
cluburi comunitare.
just to give you an idea.
ca să vă faceţi o idee.
la nivel de comunitate.
in opening up the conversations.
să vorbim despre asta.
to open up conversations.
discută despre asta destul de greu.
gen de conversații, le spun băieților,
conversations, I tell the guys,
to open up and have a conversation,
să faceți asta,
it's going for a walk,
to have the conversation.
să puteţi discuta.
to have that conversation
out there is a good listener.
to listen and not judge.
to talk to you about mental illness
despre probleme de sănătate mintală
and thoughts of suicide,
şi gânduri suicidare
that we're going to hold that in tight
că noi vom păstra asta pentru noi
We need to listen.
Trebuie să ascultăm.
associated with mental health.
asociată cu sănătatea mintală.
to have mental health days.
zile ale sănătăţii mintale.
it's mental health days.
sunt zilele sănătăţii mintale.
We can add to that change.
Şi noi putem să participăm la asta.
Jeremy Forbes - Life preserverThrough his charity HALT, Jeremy Forbes aims to break through the stigma attached to mental health, raise awareness through education and empower men to open up conversations around mental health and suicide prevention.
Why you should listen
Jeremy Forbes is the co-founder of HALT (Hope Assistance Local Tradies), which aims to build the bridge between the tradespeople or "tradie" community and both local and national support services. HALT facilitates this through "Save Your Bacon" meetings in hardware stores, where tradies feel socially included and comfortable.
Forbes and his co-founder Catherine Pilgrim founded HALT in 2013 after the suicide of a local tradesman in the Castlemaine, Australia area. HALT has now held over 200 events across Australia, reaching over 10,000 tradies, apprentices and community members. HALT has now expanded and is reaching out to sporting clubs, farming communities, building and construction apprentices, miners, corporate organizations and private businesses with a powerful message of suicide prevention.
Forbes travels across Australia and the world to tell his story and encourage and empower men to open up and have the tough conversations, as well as giving them the awareness of where to go to access help or help a mate if they need help. He was awarded a Westpac Social Change Fellowship through the Westpac Bicentennial foundation in 2016 and traveled to London and Oxford to talk about HALT and discover what the Uk were doing in the suicide prevention field. HALT was awarded a state award by Worksafe Victoria for its innovative approach to mental health and suicide prevention.
Jeremy Forbes | Speaker |