Zaria Forman: Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth
Zaria Forman: Kresby, ktoré ukazujú krásu a krehkosť zeme.
Zaria Forman uses visual art to connect people with the impact of climate change. Full bio
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považujem poukazovanie
of climate change through my work.
prostredníctvom mojich diel.
to the capture the unfolding story
aby som zachytila odvíjajúci sa príbeh
the subsequent rising seas.
postupný nárast hladiny oceánov.
the icy coast of Greenland
ľadové pobrežie Grónska
but equally endangered
nezlúčiteľné, ale obe rovnako ohrozené
of transition, turbulence
premeny, turbulencie
have the chance to visit.
nebudú mať šancu navštíviť.
as opposed to the devastation.
a nie spúšť.
of these landscapes,
vznešenosť týchto krajín,
to protect and preserve them.
viac ich ochraňovať a zachovávať.
that we take action
že konáme a rozhodujeme sa
on our emotions above all else.
that art impacts our emotions
na naše emócie vplyv viac
between two and ten feet
to illuminating these projections
poukazovaniu na tieto predikcie
that statistics may not.
hýbe viac ako štatistiky.
with traveling to the places
ovplyvnené klimatickými zmenami.
of the experience and the photographs
skúsenosti a fotografie,
viac ako 3 metre širokej, kompozície.
like charcoal, but colors.
ktoré sú suché ako uhlík, ale farebné.
but others call them painting.
ale iní ich považujú za maľby.
as a "finger painter."
že „maľuje prstami“.
my fingers and palms
farby a tvary.
the composition as a whole,
through glassy water,
takes me about,
o tejto veľkosti zaberie asi,
250 hours for something that size.
I could hold a crayon, really.
vedela chytiť farbičku.
a ako som vyrastala
all over the house.
umelecké potreby.
remote regions of the earth,
on these adventures.
near the North Pole.
blízko Severného pólu.
I led my first expedition,
svoju prvú expedíciu,
up the northwest coast of Greenland.
hore severozápadným pobrežím Grónska.
supposed to lead this trip.
viesť moja mama.
stages of planning,
her body and mind,
jej telo a myseľ
never wavered, and I made a promise
a ja som jej sľúbila,
with movement and sound
a ich pohyb a zvuky
that I experienced.
ten úžas, čo som zažila ja.
of the ice is evident,
under the unseasonably warm sun.
netypicky teplým slnkom topí.
many of the Inuit communities in Greenland
navštíviť mnohé komunity Inuitov,
of vast areas of sea ice
o obrovských oblastiach morského ľadu,
freezing over as they once did.
and harvesting grounds
a úrodná pôda
of life and survival.
spôsob života a prežitie.
contributing factors to rising sea levels,
k zvyšujúcim sa hladinám oceánov,
I visited the Maldives,
som navštívila Maledivy,
in the entire world.
najrovnatejšiu krajinu sveta.
images and inspiration
obrázky a inšpiráciu
on the coast of a nation
na pobrežie národa,
within this century.
môže byť úplne zaplavený.
amidst the melting ice.
na topiace sa ľadovce.
of the landscape she loved so much,
ktorú tak veľmi milovala,
and takes on new form.
ktoré mi moja mama dala,
viac na to pozitívne
of what we all stand to lose.
ktorú môžeme onedlho stratiť.
of sublime landscapes in flux,
vznešenej krajiny v pohybe,
and inspiring our global community
a do budúcnosti inšpirovať
Zaria Forman - ArtistZaria Forman uses visual art to connect people with the impact of climate change.
Why you should listen
The inspiration for Zaria Forman's drawings began in early childhood when she traveled with her family throughout several of the world's most remote landscapes, which were the subject of her mother's fine art photography. She was born in South Natick, Massachusetts and currently works and resides in Brooklyn, New York. She studied at the Student Art Centers International in Florence, Italy and received a BS in Studio Arts at Skidmore College in New York. Her works have been in publications such as Juxtapoz Magazine, National Geographic Magazine, Huffington Post, and the Smithsonian Magazine.
Recent achievements include participation in Banksy's Dismaland and a solo exhibition at Winston Wächter Fine Art in New York in September and October of 2015. Her drawings have been used in the set design for the Netflix TV series House of Cards.
In August 2012, Forman led Chasing the Light, an expedition sailing up the coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford and documenting the rapidly changing arctic landscape. Continuing to address climate change in her work, Forman traveled multiple times to the Maldives, the lowest-lying country in the world, and arguably the most vulnerable to rising sea levels.
Forman was invited aboard the National Geographic Explorer, traveling to Antarctica as an artist-in-residence in November and December 2015. Her next solo show will take place at Winston Wächter Fine Art’s Seattle location, in February and March of 2017.
Zaria Forman | Speaker |