Anjan Chatterjee: How your brain decides what is beautiful
Anjan Chatterjee: Como decide o teu cerebro o que é fermoso
Anjan Chatterjee seeks to answer a tantalizing question: Why is beauty so gripping? Full bio
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gives a remarkable talk.
dá unha charla excepcional.
institute of Great Britain and Ireland.
de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda.
in human intelligence,
sobre a intelixencia humana,
by which he can combine photographs
coa cal pode combinar fotografías
to characterize different types of people.
caracterizar distintos tipos de persoas.
photographs of violent criminals,
fotografías de criminais violentos,
raises deep questions:
formula grandes preguntas:
and color and form excite us so?
e cores e formas nos estimulan?
empregando lóxica e especulación.
using logic and speculation.
the question of beauty
a cuestión da beleza
and tools of neuroscience.
e ferramentas da neurociencia.
the why and the how of beauty,
o porqué e o como da beleza,
for the human face and form.
para a cara e forma humanas.
beauty in each other,
subjective for the individual,
é certamente subxectiva para o individuo,
to the survival of the group.
que contribúen á supervivencia do grupo.
to what makes a face attractive.
a facer unha cara atractiva.
and the effects of hormones.
a simetría e os efectos das hormonas.
are typically more attractive
son tipicamente máis atractivas
that contributes to the average
que contribúe á media
with many people's intuitions.
encaixa coa intuición de moita xente.
the central tendencies of a group.
as tendencias centrais dun grupo.
represent different populations,
representan diferentes poboacións,
greater genetic diversity
unha maior diversidade xenética
ao medio ambiente.
individuals attractive
os individuos multirraciais son atractivos
to beauty is symmetry.
que contribúe á beleza é a simetría.
son máis atractivas que as asimétricas.
more attractive than asymmetric ones.
are often associated with asymmetries.
asócianse coa asimetría.
from parasitic infections.
de infeccións de parasitos.
of symmetry for beauty
da simetría para a beleza
with products he sold from his company,
con produtos que vendía a súa empresa,
after himself, Max Factor,
co seu nome, Max Factor,
is one of the world's most famous brands
é unha das marcas máis coñecidas do mundo
to facial attractiveness
a sermos facialmente atractivos
for confining my comments
por limitar os meus comentarios
play important roles
xogan papeis importantes
that we find attractive.
que atopamos atractivos.
that signal fertility.
que indican fertilidade.
atractivas ás mulleres
of both youth and maturity.
e madurez.
mean that the girl is not yet fertile,
significar que a moza non é aínda fértil,
atractivas as mulleres
full lips and narrow chins
e queixo estreito
as an indicator of maturity.
that we regard as typically masculine.
como tipicamente masculinos.
features are a fitness indicator
influenciadas por ela indican boa saúde
un principio de desvantaxe.
example of a handicap
doesn't exactly help the peacock
non lle axuda realmente ao pavo real
appendage evolve?
tan extravagante evolucionar?
made him physically ill.
o poñía fisicamente enfermo.
with his theory of natural selection,
coa súa teoría da selección natural,
of sexual selection.
is about sexual enticement,
débese á atracción sexual,
it's more likely the peacock will mate
máis probable que o pavo real se aparee
on this display argument
sobre a exposición da cola
advertising its health to the peahen.
a súa a saúde á femia.
can afford to divert resources
poden desviar recursos
an extravagant appendage.
the price that testosterone levies
unha baixada de testosterona
to pay more than $10,000 for a watch
pagar máis de 10.000 dólares por un reloxo
este tipo de afirmacións evolutivas
of evolutionary claims
are unconsciously seeking mates
inconscientemente buscando parellas
is probably not right.
known for making decisions
non destacan por tomar decisións
kinds of preferences:
de preferencias diferentes:
nothing to do with health;
nada que ver coa saúde;
that these preferences are associated
de que estas preferencias se asociasen
of producing offspring --
to 2 oranges to 1 red,
has a green preference.
unha preferencia polo verde.
unha mostra desta poboación
and sampling this population
preferences are universal.
son universais.
abstract example
por trazos físicos específicos
for specific physical features
with a reproductive advantage,
when we see beautiful people?
persoas que son fermosas?
parts of our visual cortex
partes do noso córtex visual
to processing faces,
para procesar caras,
the lateral occipital complex,
chamada complexo lateral occipital,
to processing objects.
para procesar obxectos.
of our reward and pleasure centers
dos nosos centros de recompensa e pracer
that have complicated names,
que teñen nomes complicados,
to processing faces
para procesar caras
engage with beauty,
entramos en contacto coa beleza,
ás caras atractivas
non estamos pensando na beleza.
in which people saw a series of faces,
persoas observaban unha serie de caras,
were the same or a different person.
eran da mesma ou de diferente persoa.
robustly in their visual cortex,
actividade neuronal no seu córtex visual,
about a person's identity
na identidade da persoa
automatic responses to beauty
respostas automáticas á beleza
responds to beauty
responde automaticamente á beleza
we might be thinking.
que esteamos pensando.
stereotype embedded in the brain.
"a beleza é boa" incrustado no cerebro.
aren't explicitly thinking
non están pensando explicitamente
associate beauty and good.
instintivamente a beleza co ben.
may be the biologic trigger
o detonante biolóxico
all kinds of advantages in life.
todo tipo de vantaxes na vida.
and lesser punishments,
e menos sancións,
are not warranted.
non están xustificados.
reveal beauty's ugly side.
o lado escuro da beleza.
anomalies and disfigurements
e desfiguracións faciais
and less hardworking.
e menos traballadoras.
a "disfigured is bad" stereotype.
o estereotipo de "desfigurado é malo".
exploited and magnified
probablemente explotado e magnificado
is often used as a shorthand
as desfiguracións faciais como recurso
these kinds of implicit biases
este tipo de prexuízos implícitos
in which we treat people fairly,
na cal tratemos ás persoas xustamente,
on the happenstance of their looks.
na coincidencia da súa aparencia física.
unha reflexión final.
attributes of beauty
atributos universais de beleza
two million years of the Pleistocene.
dous millóns de anos do Plistoceno.
and a very long time ago.
moito que pasou.
for reproductive success from that time
para o éxito reprodutivo usados daquela
of the top ways that people die,
unha das principais causas de morte,
developed world.
tecnoloxicamente desenvolvido.
á fertilización en vitro,
are being relaxed.
are free to drift
de trazos teñen liberdade para desviarse
affecting our environment,
gravemente o noso medio natural,
and technological innovation
a innovación tecnolóxica
to look beautiful.
está mudando
cambiando o universo.
Anjan Chatterjee - Cognitive neuroscientistAnjan Chatterjee seeks to answer a tantalizing question: Why is beauty so gripping?
Why you should listen
In his recent book, The Aesthetic Brain: How We Evolved to Desire Beauty and Enjoy Art, cognitive neuroscientist Anjan Chatterjee investigates neural responses to beauty, explaining that the faces and places we find aesthetically pleasing may promote evolutionary success.
With numerous publications to his name in areas such as attention, spatial cognition and neuroethics, Chatterjee is the former president of the Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Society and the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, and he is also a founding member of the Board of Governors of the Neuroethics Society. In 2016, Chatterjee was awarded the Rudolph Arnheim Award for contributions to psychology and the arts. Currently at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, Chatterjee's cutting edge work in neuroaesthetics bridges art and neuroscience in complex and fascinating ways.
Anjan Chatterjee | Speaker |