Alice Rawsthorn: Pirates, nurses and other rebel designers
أليس راوسثورن: القراصنة والممرضات والمصممون المتمردون الآخرون
Columnist and author Alice Rawsthorn illuminates the mesh of design woven into every aspect of our everyday lives and communities. Full bio
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and elusive phenomenon,
things at different times.
have one thing in common:
بشيء واحد:
that will be required to achieve it.
designers are almost always
هم عادةَ تقريباَ
and rebels and renegades.
and very small Asian country.
riches and power
وخيراتها وطاقاتها
in enabling him to do so.
to different specifications.
وبمواصفات مختلفة.
of arrows during a battle,
خلال المعركة،
to fire another archer's arrows
من استخدام سهام رام آخر
be less effective in combat
في المعركة
were designed identically,
والسهام كافة بشكل متماثل،
axes, spears, shields
للخناجر والفؤوس والرماح والدروع
won batter after battle,
في المعركة تلو الأخرى،
succeeded in conquering
في الاستيلاء
more powerful neighbors,
والأغنى والأقوى،
Ying Zheng as a designer at the time --
يينغ تزينغ بالمصمم في زمانه--
unknowingly and instinctively
دون دراية وعفوياً
improbable, accidental designer,
غير محتمل وبالصدفة،
violence to get what he wanted.
لتحقيق مناله.
as the British pirate, Blackbeard.
البريطاني، بلاكبيرد.
were terrorizing the high seas.
أعالي البحار.
realized that to maximize their spoils,
لمضاعفة غنائمهم،
their enemies so brutally
without wasting ammunition,
himself as Blackbeard
ليصبح بلاك بيرد
to accentuate his height.
لإبراز طول قامته.
that obscured his face.
التي حجبت وجهه.
on either shoulder.
of his hat and set them alight,
whenever his ship was poised to attack.
وضعية الهجوم.
the macabre symbols
and a pair of crossed bones,
in so many cultures for centuries,
في العديد من الحضارات عبر القرون،
was instantly recognizable,
world of the high seas:
victims surrendered on sight.
المذعورون لدى رؤيته.
and his fellow pirates
ورفاقه القراصنة
of modern communications design,
of the skull and crossbones
والعظمتين المتقاطعتين
standing behind me,
improbable designer,
على التساوي،
Florence Nightingale.
فلورنس نايتنغيل.
decent healthcare for everyone.
اللائقة للجميع.
grand, very wealthy British family,
نبيلة ثرية جداَ،
to work in military hospitals
للعمل في المشافي العسكرية
of infections that they caught there,
التي تصيبهم هناك،
for cleaner, lighter, airier clinics
أنظف و أكثر إنارة و تهوية
principles were applied to them.
for decades to come,
لعشرات السنين التالية،
of the Industrial Age.
العصر الصناعي.
of commercial goals
أهدافاً تجارية
and Ying Zheng had done.
وبلاك بيرد، وينغ تزينغ.
or subversives.
أو المخربين.
of my great design heroes,
أبطال التصميم،
of technology on daily life
على الحياة اليومية
the design of the digital images
الصور الرقمية
School in 1920s Germany,
في عشرينيات القرن الماضي لمدرسة رادكالية،
colleagues shunned him
Bauhaus in Chicago years later.
في شيكاغو بعد سنوات.
and incisive as ever,
ثاقبة البصر أكثر من غيرها على الإطلاق،
was too experimental,
منهجاً تجريبياً للغاية،
on seeing it, as he put it,
to be in tune with the times.
متناغماَ مع باقي الأزمان.
Richard Buckminster Fuller.
ريتشارد بوكمنستر فيولر.
brilliant design visionary
to designing a sustainable society
المجتمع المستدام
the importance of environmentalism
حماية البيئة
by many in the design establishment,
that never got off the ground.
تغادر الأرض على الإطلاق.
an emergency shelter
plastic sheeting --
الأغطية البلاستيكية
that's available at the time --
of humanitarian design,
التصميم الإنساني،
in desperate circumstances
and verve of radical designers
المصممين المتمردين
and foreign correspondent.
and corporate affairs,
وشؤون الشركات،
to specialize in any of those fields.
أحد تلك الاختصاصات.
powerful tools at our disposal
الوسائل في حوزتنا
في TED
of professional designers,
بإنجازات المصممين المحترفين،
from the originality,
of its rebels and renegades.
moment in design,
في التصميم.
are coming closer together.
كلا المعسكران سويةً.
in digital technology
في التكنولوجيا الرقمية
increasingly independently,
and eclectic objectives.
cloud computing, social media
السحابية، وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
to professional designers
for the improvisational ones,
examples of this are in Africa,
في هذه المنطقة من إفريقيا،
Internet of Things technologies
في تقنيات إنترنت الأشياء
of improving healthcare
في تحسين الرعاية الصحية
now have access to cell phones
على الحصول على الهواتف المحمولة
و الجاري.
computer into the Cardiopad,
إلى جهاز الأمراض القلبية،
of patients in remote, rural areas.
في المناطق الريفية النائية.
on a cellular network
hundreds of miles away
على بعد مئات الأميال
by the specialists there,
المختص هناك،
is recommended.
and often pointless journeys
وغير الضرورية
will actually be checked.
on the Cardiopad eight years ago,
any conventional sources
المصادر التقليدية
the project off the ground.
government official saw it
الكاميرونين الحكوميين
a government grant for him.
not only the Cardiopad,
to treat different conditions.
لمعالجة الحالات المختلفة.
inspiring and enterprising designers
الملهمين والمغامرين
extraordinary projects of their own.
غير العادية.
by looking at just a few of them.
إلى البعض فقط منهم.
and designers in Kenya,
والمصممين في كينيا،
technology of their own,
الخاصة بهم،
of our changing gender identities,
هوياتنا الجنسية المتغيرة،
to traditional stereotypes.
are pursuing their dreams,
يسعون لتحقيق أحلامهم،
of their newfound freedom,
حرياتهم المكتشفة حديثاً،
of professional designers
of rebels and renegades.
Alice Rawsthorn - Design criticColumnist and author Alice Rawsthorn illuminates the mesh of design woven into every aspect of our everyday lives and communities.
Why you should listen
As a columnist for Frieze and a writer for the International New York Times, Alice Rawsthorn explores the world of design, seeking projects that fit their function "while also being responsible, ethically and environmentally, and desirable." In 2015, Rawsthorn launched a daily Instagram diary to demonstrate how social media could enrich the collective conversation on design.
In her acclaimed book Hello World: Where Design Meets Life, Rawsthorn demonstrates the influence and impact of design on our lives and culture. She is active with various arts organizations, including London's Chisenhale Gallery and Michael Clark's contemporary dance company (where she chairs the boards of trustees).
Alice Rawsthorn | Speaker |