Alvin Irby: How to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader
Alvin Irby: Com animar els nens perquè siguin lectors tota la vida
Whether speaking to barbers about early literacy, entertaining strangers at comedy clubs, or reading to kindergarteners at a local school, TED Resident Alvin Irby endeavors to make learning relevant and engaging. Full bio
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d'escola primària
to ensure I had good reading skills.
jo tingués una bona comprensió lectora.
reading lessons at our kitchen table
lliçons de lectura a la taula de la cuina
didn't exactly inspire a love of reading.
no m'inspiraren gaire gust per llegir.
read short stories and did spelling tests.
relats curts i fèiem proves d'ortografia.
to be switched into another class.
el canvi a una altra classe.
I joined advanced English.
vaig entrar a la classe d'anglès avançat.
two book reports that semester.
i vam fer dos informes sobre llibres.
between these two English classes
entre aquestes dues classes d'anglès
em preguntés coses com ara:
white people come from?"
70 percent black and Latino,
de l'institut eren negres o llatins,
had white students everywhere.
era plena de blancs.
with institutionalized racism
amb el racisme institucional
with reading forever.
la meva relació amb la lectura.
on a school, a teacher or curriculum
d'una escola, mestre o pla d'estudis
el que calia saber.
than being intellectual,
que no pas per ser intel·lectual,
other people to dictate
que altres persones dictessin
I had stumbled upon a key
havia trobat la clau
from one reading level to another,
d'un nivell de lectura a un altre,
to memorize lists of unfamiliar words,
a memoritzar vocabulari que no coneixen
this question:
la següent pregunta:
to identify as readers?
perquè s'identifiquin com a lectors?
I taught in the Bronx,
brillant a qui vaig fer classes al Bronx,
how identity shapes learning.
la identitat dóna forma a l'aprenentatge.
I walk up to DeSean, and I say,
em vaig apropar a DeSean i li vaig dir:
I'm a math genius!"
sóc un geni de les matemàtiques!"
to read," he would say.
who remain trapped in illiteracy.
que segueixen atrapats en l'analfabetisme.
Department of Education,
dels Estats Units
of black male fourth graders
negres de quart grau
to reading children face,
té el jovent per a llegir,
educators need to be.
hem de ser els mestres.
for the past eight years,
també treballo com a comediant,
of cultural competency,
de la competència cultural,
l'habilitat de traduir
to know or be able to do
sàpiga o pugui fer
that they find relevant and engaging.
els semblin rellevants i atractives.
I assess an audience.
analitzo el públic.
professional, conservative?
professionals, conservadors?
els meus acudits
would generate the most laughter.
que pot causar més rialles.
I could tell bar jokes.
podria explicar acudits sobre bars,
reading experiences for children
experiències lectores per a la canalla
of telling bar jokes in a church.
un acudit de bar en una església.
why so many children don't read.
tanta canalla no llegeix.
Paulo Freire creia que
should be two-way.
haurien de ser bidireccionals.
as empty buckets to be filled with facts
cubells buits que cal omplir de dades,
and school policies
els plans d'estudis uniformes
s'estiguin quiets com a estàtues
the individual learning needs,
les necessitats individuals d'aprenentatge
dels alumnes,
promoted to black boys
als nois negres
civil rights and biographies.
els drets civils i les biografies.
in the United States are black males.
dels Estats Units són homes negres.
are raised by single mothers.
són criats per mares solteres.
who have never seen a black man reading.
mai no han vist un home negre llegint.
encourage him to read.
a llegir per un home negre.
what social cues are present
quines pautes socials presents
a young black boy to conclude
a la conclusió
something he should do?
que hauria de fer?
vaig crear Barbershop Books.
sense ànim de lucre
reading spaces in barber shops.
adequats per a nens a barberies.
identify as readers.
perquè s'identifiquin com a lectors.
once or twice a month.
un o dos cops al mes.
more than they see their fathers.
que als seus pares.
to a male-centered space
amb un espai masculí
and boys' early reading experiences.
primeres experiències lectores dels nois.
basat en la identitat
recommended by black boys.
de llibres recomenats per nois negres.
that they actually want to read.
que volen llegir de veritat.
sobre nens i famílies
children look for when choosing a book
la canalla a l'hora d'escollir un llibre
que els faci riure.
black boys and other children to read
i altres nens a llegir
relevant male reading models
de lectura rellevants
that adults love so much
infantils que tant agraden als adults
like "Gross Greg".
o inclús fastigosos, com ara "Gross Greg".
Greg calls them delicious little sugars."
En Greg, boletes de sucre ben bones."
and desperately need more of that.
i en necessiten més, desesperadament.
that plague American education
que envaeixen l'educació als Estats Units
experiències de lectura
to say three words:
a dir tres paraules:
Alvin Irby - Educator, comedian, social entrepreneur, authorWhether speaking to barbers about early literacy, entertaining strangers at comedy clubs, or reading to kindergarteners at a local school, TED Resident Alvin Irby endeavors to make learning relevant and engaging.
Why you should listen
Alvin Irby is a former kindergarten teacher turned social entrepreneur. He is founder and chief reading inspirer at Barbershop Books, a nonprofit organization that creates child-friendly reading spaces in barbershops and provides early literacy training to barbers. His work connecting reading to male-centered spaces and involving men in boys’ early reading experiences earned him the National Book Foundation's 2017 Innovations in Reading Prize.
As a cultural competency specialist, Irby trains educators and administrators to translate learning objectives for children or adults into relevant and engaging communication and experiences. Irby's nationally recognized keynotes and workshops excavate his eclectic professional and personal life to better understand and address one of American education’s greatest challenges - cultivating children’s intrinsic motivation to read.
Irby's debut children’s book, Gross Greg, combines his passion for early literacy and comedy; it is a laugh-out-loud story that captures the hilariously gross behavior of kids everywhere. His clever social commentary and astute observations shine through in his 2012 comedy album They Know Too Much. One of the highlights of Irby's comedy career was being selected as a 2015 StandUp NBC national finalist and performing at the legendary Hollywood Improv in Los Angeles, CA.
Irby holds a Masters in Childhood Education from the Bank Street Graduate School of Education, a Masters in Public Administration from the Wagner School of Public Service at New York University, and a Bachelors in Sociology from Grinnell College.
Alvin Irby | Speaker |