Angélica Dass: The beauty of human skin in every color
Angélica Dass: La bellesa de la pell humana de tots colors
By cataloging every conceivable human skin tone, Angélica Dass illustrates that skin color and race are more complex than they might appear at first glance. Full bio
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in the world abolished slavery
his "I Have A Dream" speech.
el seu discurs "I have a dream".
not only gives a first impression,
no dóna tan sols una primera impressió,
an intense dark chocolate tone.
who I know as my grandparents.
els qui conec com a avis.
i uns cabells com el cotó.
a vanilla and strawberry yogurt tone,
el iogurt de vainilla i el de maduixa,
daughter of a native Brazilian,
amb pell de canyella
a mix of coffee with milk,
things were different soon.
la situació va canviar aviat.
drawing lessons in school
lliçons de dibuix a l'escola
de sentiments contradictoris.
the unique flesh-colored pencil.
un únic llapis per al color de la pell.
and people said I was black.
i la gent em deia que era negra.
with a mess of colors in my head.
amb un garbuix de colors al cap.
at a friend's party,
a la festa d'un amic,
on the beach with European friends.
amb uns amics europeus.
in upper class buildings,
als barris benestants,
the main elevator.
per l'ascensor de servei.
i, en part, ho vaig acceptar.
keeps revolving and struggling.
es removia i lluitava.
em vaig casar amb un espanyol.
of a lobster when sunburnt.
de llagosta escaldada.
started to chase me.
em va començar a voltar pel cap.
this is my last concern.
el que menys em preocupa.
my personal exercise as a photographer.
el meu projecte personal com a fotògrafa.
to highlight our true colors,
de mostrar els nostres veritables colors,
associated with race.
que associem amb la raça.
from a personal story to a global history.
d'una història personal a una de global.
in a white background.
sobre un fons blanc.
square from the nose,
un quadrat d'onze píxels del nas,
in the industrial palette, Pantone.
a la gamma de Pantone.
joined the adventure,
coming through the social media.
per les xarxes socials.
to show my work was the Internet
per a mostrar el meu treball era internet
that invites everybody
que convidi tothom
in both the computer and their brain.
tant de l'ordinador com del seu cervell.
the Mediterranean by boat.
el Mediterrani en barca.
Headquarters to a shelter.
fins a un refugi.
and favelas in Rio de Janeiro.
com de les faveles de Rio de Janeiro.
how we see each other.
com ens veiem els uns als altres.
is questioning the race concept,
el concepte de raça,
to be black, white, yellow, red?
ser negres, blancs, grocs o vermells?
the mouth, the hair?
turned out to be a discovery.
ha resultat ser una troballa.
was useful for many people.
era útil per a molta gent.
themselves reflected in any label.
amb cap etiqueta.
their thoughts about the work with me.
els seus pensaments sobre el projecte.
em va escriure:
to work on her confidence,
per a treballar la seva seguretat,
that she does not belong
que ella no pertanyia
to live in Norway.
viure a Noruega.
a very special place in my heart
un lloc molt especial en el meu cor
on Facebook and wrote,
a Facebook i va escriure:
had difficulties to place me in a group,
per a situar-me en un grup,
and touching reactions,
inesperades i emocionants,
in a different variety of fields.
en camps molt diversos.
for their sketches and their studies.
per als seus esbossos i estudis.
scientific approaches
amb diferents objectius
impacts of the project
més importants del projecte
to be the cover of Foreign Affairs,
per a la coberta de "Foreign affairs",
political publications.
de política internacional més importants.
ambassadors for my project ...
per al meu projecte:
as a tool for educational purposes.
com a eina didàctica.
to go back to drawing classes,
a tornar a fer classes de dibuix,
their own unique color.
el seu propi color únic.
for others to communicate.
per a que els altres es comuniquin.
in front of a therapist.
asseguda davant d'un terapeuta.
who abolished slavery
que va abolir l'esclavitud
to abolish discrimination.
per a abolir la discriminació,
Angélica Dass - Artist and photographerBy cataloging every conceivable human skin tone, Angélica Dass illustrates that skin color and race are more complex than they might appear at first glance.
Why you should listen
As a member of a multiracial family, Brazilian artist Angélica Dass is acutely aware of how small differences in skin tone can swell into large misconceptions and stereotypes about race.
In her ongoing project Humanæ, Dass pairs thousands of portraits of people from diverse parts of the world with their Pantone codes, revealing that our racially charged skin color labels -- red, white, brown -- as not only inaccurate but also absurd. Instead, she shows us that "these colors make us see each other as different, even though we are equal."
Angélica Dass | Speaker |