Carrie Nugent: Adventures of an asteroid hunter
Carrie Nugent: Aventures d'una caçadora d'asteroides
Carrie Nugent is part of a team that uses NASA's NEOWISE telescope to search the skies for and catalog asteroids. Full bio
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considerablemente antiga.
and the oceans between them.
i els oceans que els separen.
over four billion years ago
de quatre mil milions d'anys
s'estaven formant.
may not appear special,
pot no semblar especial,
from earthly metals.
als metalls de la Terra.
that can only form out in space
que només poden formar-se a l'espai,
can cool extremely slowly,
de manera summament lenta;
of a much larger object,
de un objecte més gran,
quan es van formar els planetes.
after the planets formed.
and most numerous cosmic neighbors.
còsmics més antics i nombrosos.
a prop de la Terra en òrbita amb el Sol,
orbiting around the Sun,
de la òrbita terrestre,
i els asteroides es van augmentar
have been greatly exaggerated
are searching for these objects,
estàn buscant aquests objectes;
l'espai proper a la Terra.
es finançat per la NASA.
as a giant public works project,
d'obres públiques,
we're charting outer space,
tracem l'espai exterior
that will last for generations.
que durarà per generacions.
discovered just last year.
a la Terra descoberts l'any passat.
near-Earth asteroids,
propers a la Terra coneguts,
visualitzat, catalogat
al voltant del Sol.
around the Sun determined.
from asteroid to asteroid,
can be predicted for dozens of years.
amb dotzenes d'anys.
predicted with incredible precision.
predir amb una exactitud increïble.
del Jet Propulsion Laboratory
at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
was going to be four years in advance
l'asteroide Toutatis quatre anys abans,
8,5 mil milions de quilòmetres.
this beautiful asteroid fragment
aquest bonic fragment d'asteroide
cauen inesperadament.
over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia.
sobre la ciutat de Chelyabinsk, a Rússia.
uns 19 metres de diàmetre,
every 50 years or so.
la Terra cada 50 anys més o menys.
va xocar contra la Terra,
and animal species were lost,
de plantes i animals es van perdre,
about 10 kilometers across,
un diàmetre de 10 quilòmetres
the cruising altitude of a 747 jet.
l'altitud de creuer d'un Jet 747.
mirin cap a fora i imaginin una roca
and imagine a rock so enormous
l'extrem de l'ala.
one full minute to fly past it.
en passar volant sobre aquesta.
que va colpejar la Terra.
that hit the Earth.
una gran amenaça pel nostre planeta.
a credible threat to our planet.
a focused effort underway
aquests objectes.
to be part of this effort.
that use NASA's NEOWISE telescope.
designed to find asteroids.
per trobar asteroides.
and look far beyond our solar system
i veure més enllà del Sistema Solar,
i les galàxies més lluminoses.
and the most luminous galaxies.
for its designed lifetime of seven months.
durant els seus set mesos de vida útil.
it's still going.
per descobrir i estudiar asteroides.
to discover and study asteroids.
a wonderful little space robot,
espacial fantàstic,
els seus sensors fa temps que no funciona,
its sensors is long gone,
its air-conditioning is broken.
acondicionat no serveix.
on the odometer,
of the sky every 11 seconds.
del cel cada 11 segons.
des de que he començat a parlar.
since I began speaking to you.
NEOWISE és tan valuós
in the thermal infrared.
en infraroig tèrmic.
the sunlight that asteroids reflect,
que els asteroides reflexen,
since some asteroids are as dark as coal
són foscos com el carbó
trobar-los amb altres telescopis.
to spot with other telescopes.
o foscos, brillen per NEOWISE.
shine brightly for NEOWISE.
totes les tècniques a la seva disposició,
every technique at their disposal
una fita històrica.
over 90 percent of asteroids
al voltant del 90% d'asteroides,
of massive destruction to Earth.
una destrucció massiva a la Terra.
could decimate a medium-sized country.
podria destruir a un país de mida mitjana.
25 percent of those.
el 25 per cent d'aquests.
for near-Earth asteroids.
propers a la Terra en el cel.
able to understand calculus
capaç d'entendre càlculs,
with significant early warning,
amb un avís previ significatiu,
or volcanic eruptions,
huracans o erupcions volcàniques,
can be precisely predicted
predit amb precisió
is map near-Earth space.
l'espai proper a la Terra.
Carrie Nugent - Asteroid hunterCarrie Nugent is part of a team that uses NASA's NEOWISE telescope to search the skies for and catalog asteroids.
Why you should listen
Dr. Carrie Nugent is an asteroid hunter who works with a small team to discover and study asteroids at Caltech/IPAC. She earned her PhD in Geophysics and Space Physics from UCLA in 2013 and is a 2016 TED Fellow. Specializing in thermophysical modeling, Nugent uses observations from the space-based infrared telescope NEOWISE to better understand asteroid surfaces. Asteroid 8801 Nugent was named in her honor.
In her free time, Nugent hosts and produces Spacepod. On this weekly podcast, she invites astronomers, planetary scientists and engineers to sit, share a drink and tell the world about their corner of the cosmos.
Nugent is the author of the TED Book, Asteroid Hunters.
Carrie Nugent | Speaker |